USS Galileo :: [[BACKPOST]]: The End II
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[[BACKPOST]]: The End II

Posted on 23 Oct 2012 @ 4:12am by
Edited on 24 Dec 2012 @ 5:12pm

1,123 words; about a 6 minute read

Mature themes, as usual MOUSE OVER Vulcan text for translations!




Liyar gasped, eyes opening. The short breath was subdued and he looked around him. Slowly, he brought himself to his feet, gathering his robes about himself uneasily. The person at his office door knocked loudly once more. "Uh - Sarlah!" he called out as he slid into his desk, attempting to straighten his posture but ended up hunched and disconcerted.

His aide walked in. Kaurak was young and guileless, for the most part, and his eyes widened fractionally at the slumped over form of his boss. He held out a bunch of PADDs. "Tanilau-lar zek-lar, osu."

"Ah. Hal-tor." Liyar bit out the words more harshly than he intended as he snatched the PADDs. Kaurak watched as his boss seemed to withdraw, leaning back into his chair with glassy eyes.

"Osu. Du bolau hakausu?" Kaurak felt it necessary to ask, uneasy at his superior's opaque lack of control.

"Hal-tor, Gol'nevsu Kaurak," Liyar repeated it more forcefully.

Kaurak paused as he saw Liyar's hands grip his desk unceremoniously. His eyes shut, and he seemed to sway. "Fosh-lan," Kaurak asked, concern now evident in his own features.

Liyar! Lykan pehkau, nash-veh tor'fam fai-tor po. Tor'fam khalak, ashayam.

The words cut through the haze in Liyar's mind, sharp and clear as if to get his attention. The only thing his roiling emotions could comprehend was that the Lykan had stopped. His mate was not coming closer to him.

Ra qual pavesh, T'Yron? Liyar desperately sent back, eyes unseeing in the real world. He stood, swayed again on his feet, as if he could feel some force pulling at T'Yron through their bond.

T'Yron clasped her child to her chest, as the young boy buried his head in her shoulder and grappled to find something to hang onto as the ship lurched yet again. She could feel her husband's fear, electric and terrifying through her skin, inside her muscles and bones. Hayal. Hayal, Liyar. Nash-veh tor'fam fai-tor. Lykan pehkau. Se qual hutau. Padvun-tor. Oh--

"T'Yron, stariben nash-veh ra pavesh!" Liyar said, without and within. He was completely oblivious to the outside world.

On the Lykan, various equipment was falling off of the walls as it was fired upon, yellow and blue streaks of phaser fire battering its hull mercilessly. The young scientist fought to find some shelter from the madness.

"Hizhuk. Se muhl. Se muhl. Nash-veh sarlah, Liyar. Nash-veh dungi fun-tor tu. " Her words were calm, like water, trickling through their bond. She didn't know when she had resorted to speaking, but it made her voice sound more assured. Focused. Through space and time. But inside, she felt cold dread as screaming could be heard in the halls, from their Terran counterparts.

Liyar could hear it too. He growled, low in his chest, sucking in air like he was dying. He felt the switch, from barely composed into complete madness. Felt it and could do nothing to stop it. "T'Yron, sanu, sarlah'po nash-veh, sanu."

He felt her dread, panic, as a high pitched scream could be heard outside her quarters. He let out a cry of rage, as the full intensity of pon farr slammed into him at that unfortunate moment. Someone was hurting her. Hurting someone. Someone was hurting his mate. His wife. He felt the unleashed, normally contained fury that was usually left to simmer turn into an abrupt, searing flame, engulfing him entirely. He wanted to kill. To rip whoever dared slow his wife from meeting him, who dared make her feel fear.

Reality was a dream, slipping further away as delusions and psychic threads overtook him.

"Nash-veh 'la. Nash-veh 'la, Liyar. Raek 'la, ka. Nash-veh tu-lar. Nash-veh 'la." She didn't let any of the alarm and apprehension she felt through her words as heavy footsteps fell outside her door. She could hear other doors being knocked in, shot through.

He could feel. Everything was heightened, including his abilities. He could feel her anxiety through all of space and time. He couldn't think. Images of his mind's betrayal kept him unbalanced, as he thought about killing every person on that ship in the same sequence as pushing her against the wall, feeling her skin, taking her. The arousal he felt was a combination of possession, rage and fear.

He needed her, needed her real. Wanted to keep her, protect her. His eyes widened as he heard the sounds through their bond, saw three men enter her quarters, and he was lost. The office outside was trashed, desk overthrown. Kaurak and four other security officers were yelling at him as he raged and screamed, unable to do anything to keep T'Yron safe and lost in the throes of the blood fever.

Through space and time, Liyar watched as a pale blue-skinned man stepped in front of his visual field. Withdrew a knife, tipped it with a rather slimy smile. "Come on." The voice was a roughly accented Standard, and Liyar couldn't understand him well. "Kill them already. We need to get off the ship." When the first man merely shook his head, taunting his victim instead, the man at the door withdrew a phaser, pointing it at T'Yron and Raek. "Let's get this over with. Honor will be satisfied. Miri'kahr will fall."

A blinding flash of light engulfed them both.

"Taluhk nash-veh k'dular. Nash-veh dungi kwon-sum paluntunau tu, Liyar."

His mind went blank.




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