USS Galileo :: harder, better, faster, stronger
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harder, better, faster, stronger

Posted on 29 May 2018 @ 10:59pm by Lieutenant JG Rizil Chaya
Edited on 29 May 2018 @ 11:01pm

772 words; about a 4 minute read


"Well, I'm due to start aboard the Galileo-A relatively shortly."

[slow exhale]

"It's bigger than the Seine, that's for sure. The Defiant-class can take a pounding, but you're stuffed in there like little lenenre'endala. You know those little fish that come in the can?"

[fingers snapping]

"Y'know. You know. You get me. You feel me. The Seine was the first place where I felt like I really belonged. Tiny little ship, just us versus the big black."


"Anyway. I had the absolute misfortune of going to Screwdriver last night. Bajor's putting pressure on the Federation regarding civilian aid. It's not like I even fundamentally disagree. We're better than the Cardassians were. We should strive to be better. But don't you dare use it as garbage pulpit fuel for your disgusting worldviews. It's not like I'm a particularly violent person, but some things just make my blood boil. I exercised restraint. I didn't stoop to their level. Suffice it to say my knuckles are ripped to shreds after that punching bag session. Computer: note to self. Don't combine alcohol and kickboxing."

"A reminder has been set, Lieutenant Rizil. Please state the interval parameters."


"OK, cancel whatever the hell I just did. Cancel cancel cancel. I'm going to miss Avondale, believe it or not. Those alien fuzzies were kind of adorable. You forget how much you miss planetside until your feet are on the ground and you can smell that fresh soil. Reminds me of Sizy. Soil always reminds me of home."

[contemplative silence]

"Anyway, I also met a kick-ass boss babe in the offices yesterday. Same rank as me, so it's not weird. I want to say her name is..... Aaaa....aaaaaria. Yeah, Aria. We did paperwork and talked about our career aspirations. And verily, ho, a friendship was born. Is that the right use of verily?"

"Ver·i·ly. /Verəlē/ . Adverb. Archaic. Truly; certainly. I verily believed myself to be a free woman."

"So, basically, I'm a genius. I'd like the record to reflect that. My boss, Lieutenant Franklin, seems pretty reasonable as well. It's my hope that I'll be able to integrate into the department smoothly. Which... might be a little... ahhh. I guess I should also note that I bombed both my departmental and on-boarding interviews by showing up five minutes late... to both of them. Fuck me with a spoon I've really got to work on my sense of timing."

[amused huff]

"It's just, I get so engrossed with things, it's hard to keep track sometimes. Yes, I'm aboard, it's great. Can I work now? Y'know? Some people would say it's a strength, not a weakness. OK, but those people are not my superior officers, soooo. Figure your shit out, brain. I also had to have my freaking psychiatric evaluation. It went all right. Most people don't probe a lot, and don't really give a shit. It's easy to sail under the radar. In therapy, the spotlight's on you. Which might be all right, if I could speak candidly with a therapist without them running for the hills. It's just..."


"It's just my sword to bear. Cross to bear? Silence is my burden. Can you infer, hint, nudge, of course. Can you generalize? Absolutely. You have to, we all have to. We're obligated to, but how can you look someone in the eye, someone who wasn't there, and talk about The Shit? You can't. Half the time you're in therapy, you're going to end up making your therapist feel better. It's been twenty years, I don't boo-hoo about it. I don't need to boo-hoo about it anymore. Man, therapy appointments really do a number on my head, huh?"

[awkward shuffling]

"Did my physical, too. Did you know the CMO is an Akkadian? There are like, almost none of them in the 'Fleet. She told me a lot about her culture and family. She seems pretty personable. A lot of the crew I've encountered so far do. Even the science officer, who's half-Vulcan. She endured my pelting her with questions very patiently."


"All-in-all, I'm looking forward to my time aboard. It'll definitely be a new experience, that's for sure. Ah, anyway. Rizil outie. Peace."

[smooching sound]


Lieutenant JG Rizil Chaya
Security/Tactical Officer
USS Galileo


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