USS Galileo :: Coleman Personal Log: As It Seems
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Coleman Personal Log: As It Seems

Posted on 01 Oct 2012 @ 2:28pm by Lieutenant Commander Evelyn Coleman
Edited on 02 Oct 2012 @ 11:11am

255 words; about a 1 minute read

I'm back from the Klingon vessel, and as torture goes...I wouldn't call what I've been through that. It was rather lacklustre when compared to what Lirha recieved.

Things are quiet now, and I'm back here in my quarters, albeit not in the best conditions. The Galileo sure was in for a hell of a ride when the Klngons took me.

Holliday had stopped by the other night, which really is peculiar considering how we were at each other's throats when I first joined. Dare I say it, perhaps we're becoming friends.

Soft Chuckling

I reviewed the report he written up for me, to get caught up with everything, Sighing I wish I had been here.

I can't deny this anymore. Something is happening to me, something and I don't know what. These visions I'm having are much more intense, and are unlike anything I ever witnessed before. And I'm frightened as to what will become of me.

I am not scared of death, in fact I would embrace it if I could. But I'm afraid I'm going to lose what I am. Perhaps what has affected my people is finally affecting me. I don't want to lose my culture, I am proud of my heritage, I don't want to end up losing everything I know.

Maybe that is why I'm being more careless with my secrets.

This will end, I just don't know how I'll be on the other side.

I miss my family. I miss Richard.

Computer, end log.


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