USS Galileo :: Personal Log 6
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Personal Log 6

Posted on 01 Jul 2017 @ 4:25pm by Commander Aren Ban

253 words; about a 1 minute read

Aren lay on his bed, legs dangling off the end, and stared at the ceiling. He replayed the events of the last few months in his mind before calling out to the computer. "Computer, start personal log, audio only."

"I know the crew is struggling over these last few weeks. Since the inquiry has begun I haven't seen any of the crew, much less talk to any of them. I just hope that they all get treated fairly, and that no harm comes to them or there careers. Most of the events that happened were because of mine and Admiral Salaam's orders."

He continued to lay on the bed and star at the ceiling, not really wanting to move, letting the pause in the recording last a few moments longer. "My turn for the inquiry should be coming up soon. I will admit that I have been rather bored. Besides the gym and the galley, there hasn't been much else for me to do, other than catch up on training materials, or read the latest and greatest journals. I will be happy when all this is over, and hopefully will be back aboard a starship soon enough. It seems that my position on the Tian An Men has been fulled, as it should, I mean it has been a few months since I went missing. The captain does have a ship to run after all." He said with an audible sigh.

"That should sum everything up for now, computer, end log."


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