USS Galileo :: Tour - Auxiliary Cargo Bay

Tour - Auxiliary Cargo Bay

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auxcargobay.jpgDeck 5 | Storage, Multi-role
The Mark II Nova-class has one secondary cargo bay located towards the aft end of Deck 5, behind and below the main cargo bay. It serves as the backup storage facility for the starship and also as a secondary medical triage center during emergencies.

Additional Information

Location Deck 5
Function Storage, Multi-role
Description Cargo Bay 2 gives Galileo additional storage and resupply capability. The room is large despite the small size of the ship, and it can be adapted to serve a variety of purposes. Examples include space for personnel during evacuations, extra labs for various scientific experiments and/or research, and a hydroponics bay. Inanimate materials as well as supplies are transported into the auxiliary cargo bay via the ship's cargo bay transporter located in the main cargo bay.