USS Galileo :: Biography - Elijah Williams


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17 Jan 2015 @ 2:53pm

Lieutenant Elijah Williams

Name Elijah Christopher Williams IV, M.Sc.

Position Geologist

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 25
Date of Birth June 1st 2364
Place of Birth Athens, Georgia

Character Type

Starfleet ID

Serial Number IO-992-4891
Security Clearance Level 6
Duty Watch Alpha

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8
Weight 145
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Gray
Physical Description Elijah Williams is not an imposing individual by any stretch. He only stands at five foot eight inches tall with a trim but toned frame of 145 pounds. He has some light muscle definition in his arms, chest and stomach but that is from a regimented workout routine that was imposed by Starfleet and something he kept up throughout his graduate school years. His hair is a jet black, on the longer side but still kept within in regulation. His eyes are a bright gray which is something that sets him apart from the rest of his family.
Body Art Elijah has two tattoos, neither can be seen unless he is shirtless/sleeveless or completely nude. He has the words 'Rocks Rule' on his left bicep and a likeness of Kermit the Frog on his right hip. He does not regret either, though his parents have no idea he has them.


Father Elijah Williams, III
Mother Clara Blake-Williams
Brother(s) Bryson and Hudson Williams (twins - 5 years younger)
Sister(s) Melissa Willams (10 years younger)
Other Family Maternal and paternal grandparents. Aunts, uncles and cousins on both sides.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Overall, Elijah Williams is a man who does not stand out in the crowd, nor does he make waves, or is the life of the party and in general is a stand up, boy next door type. He attributes this to his strict upbringing by parents who were not afraid to use the belt to keep their children in line. Elijah learned to just do what he was told and speak when spoken too. This carried over into adulthood and that was one of the reasons he chose the career he did. Rocks, afterall, never talked back.

He also is an old soul who believes in having good manners, writing hand written thank you notes and being a good person in general. He also has a romantic side, though hasn't really had the chance to express that side of himself.
Strengths Elijah's strengths come in his work. He is a hard worker and gets his work done in a timely, efficient manner (he is a supervisors dream). He is also reliable and dedicated and though he doesn't have a lot of friends, they know he can be counted on when needed.
Weaknesses Elijah deals with self-esteem issues, though this doesn't affect his work, it does affect his social life. Another weakness is that he does not talk much about himself or his past, which can be tough for others who are trying to get to know him. He is inept in the social arena and though he identifies himself as gay, he has never acted on it and in fact has never been on a date. This comes from another weakness in the form of shyness.
Ambitions Elijah does not care about rank or position, all he cared about was getting out from under his parents roof. After leaving home and joining Starfleet and getting his Masters, he feels he is in a good place and that rank and position will come when they come. He has one ambition, that he would consider more of a goal and that would be to eventually get his doctorate in his field and move into teaching at the Academy.
Hobbies & Interests Beyond the Earth sciences, Elijahs hobbies are fairly mundane and simplistic. He is quite fond of the outdoors and one of his favorite things to do is hike and go camping. He loves nature, but more importantly some of his fondest childhood memories was of his family camping in the Appalachians of North Carolina. Some more mundane hobbies and interests deal with the written word, he prefers books over holodecks and hand written letters over subspace messaging. He loves art and had considered a career in art history at one point but decided against it due to the fact he wanted to travel amongst the stars. Nevertheless, he still keeps an active interest in it and visits art museums when time allows.
Vernacular Elijah tends to be soft spoken, but his voice is quite deep with a slight southern accent.
Orientation Homosexual
Language(s) Spoken Federation Standard

Personal History Elijah Christopher Williams, IV was born in Athens, Georgia on June 1st, 2364.

Being the oldest, he was subjected to being the model child especially when his siblings came along. He grew up in a strict household where his parents were not opposed to using physical means to punish their children. His parents were conservative and instilled traditional values on their children. They did not believe in Starfleet ideals and felt that humans should have kept their feet firmly planted on Terra Firma.

Growing up, Elijah was a boy who kept to himself, did what he was supposed to do and never ever talked back. He grew up shy and introverted and didn't have many friends while growing up. One of the more common compliments his parents received was how a good, well mannered boy he was. Some of that still carries over into his adulthood.

If asked, he tells people that his growing up was uneventful and pretty mundane. His parents were hard workers and provided well for their family, but they were not loving parents even though he is pretty confident his mother and father loved all four of their children.

His interests in geology had went back as far as he could remember. It started with a rock collection and slowly morphed into reading books and articles on the subject. He did this all behind his parents back since they had a different ideas on what their children should study and what career path they should take. As he went through the grades and took more of an interest his science teachers gave him suggestions to direct him on the career path that he decided.

He had decided on Starfleet.

It was the first time he had openly defied his parents. He took the entrance exams and he had easily gained entrance. His grades were good and though he lacked some extra circulars, his hard work and determination more than made up for the lacking in some areas of a well rounded life. After he gained entrance, he told his parents he was leaving for the Academy. Of course he was told no, but he didn't listen. He left and though his mother cried, his father didn't even say good bye. He has not spoken to them since he left Athens.

The Academy was a different environment for the young, isolated Elijah. He wasn't used to so many different species all in one place. The classes were difficult but he didn't mind the challenge, in fact he welcomed it. Because of his interest in geology, he was placed in a science track, which he would remain in for his four years of study.

Another big adjustment was having to share a dorm suite with so many people. They were co-ed and human didn't necessarily get matched with human. He had made a few friends, but didn't socialize too much beyond study groups and the occasional going out but typically kept his nose in a book. After the Academy he decided to further his studies and pursued graduate studies in the form of a masters program.

It was a difference, but it was a welcome difference.
Starfleet History Still being young, Elijahs Starfleet history is still quite limited. He spent four years going through the science track at the Academy. Instead of taking a ship board assignment, he decided to further his education and get his masters degree to be more specialized. He is a geologist with a focus on geomorphology which is the study of landforms and the processes that shape them.

After completing his graduate studies, he spent a little over a year in a research lab at the Academy. There he spent his days just looking at the geologic structures of the core worlds as well as many outlying worlds of the Federation. Another one of his functions was to locate and research purities of dylithium sources.

Wanting to stretch his legs, he was anxious to get into space to explore other worlds. He easily accepted a posting for a geologist on the Nova class vessel, the Galileo.
Medical History Elijah Williams medical history is pretty simple. He has had no major issues except for a broken collar bone when he was nine years old. He is a man who keeps to a strict health regime and does keep to his mandatory physicals both medically and psychological assessments.
Service Record Starfleet Academy
Starfleet Academy - Masters in Geomorphology
Starfleet Academy - Geological Research
USS Galileo - Geologist with the Planetary Science Department

Character Progression System


Skills and Perks

Skill Training