USS Galileo :: Episode 20 - Reconstruction - She finally said 'yes'
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She finally said 'yes'

Posted on 04 Jan 2025 @ 7:29pm by Ensign Mimi & Petty Officer 3rd Class John Hollenday
Edited on on 21 Jan 2025 @ 1:39pm

977 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Episode 20 - Reconstruction
Location: USS Galileo-A - Engineering
Timeline: MD 06, 1000hrs


Having left the Captain's quarters the doors had barely closed before the excitement got the better of Mimi and she practically danced her way down the corridor towards a turbolift, Although the Captain's order for her to attend a Pt session in an hours time rankled her. "Computer locate Petty Officer Hollenday."

"Petty Officer Hollenday is in Engineering." The computer responded..

"Then take me to engineering." She told it as the turbolift doors opened and she stepped inside. With the Galileo being such a small ship it didn't take long for the lift to come to a halt close to her destination.

"Johnnnn." Mimi called out as she entered engineering. "I have very important news."

John stuck his head out from under a panel. "Yes, Ensign," he said formally not knowing if another person or officer was lurking about.

"I just came from a chat with the Captain," Mimi continued as she walked closer to where her fiancée was working. "She's going to marry us, sooner rather than later."

John looked around and not seeing anyone, picked Mimi up and swung her around. "Great!" He then put her back on her feet and frowned. "Define sooner rather than later. The old marine bitch could think sooner is the next six tours."

"I told her we could probably be ready in another few days." Mimi said giggling as John swung her around. "I have my dress, my bridesmaids have theirs, Allyndra is going to walk me down the aisle, you and Donald have your suits. Now we are back at Regula one I could ask Administrator Frost if we can use one of their big rooms."

John nodded. "So everything is set. Great!" He paused. "How about shore leave? I mean, it isn't going to be much of a party if we can't get shit-faced in the process."

"If administrator Frost lets us do it on the station we can drink as much alcohol as we want, after the ceremony." Mimi told him.

"Nice, but I don't want to get drunk. Male physiology doesn't respond well to too much alcohol and I want to respond a lot for my bride."

"My body does not respond well to too much alcohol either," Mimi replied. "But we know our limits. I think we need a conference room at least to get everyone I hope would show up in, maybe even the whole arboretum, would be nice to have all the greenery around us."

"What about the base itself? They've got a conference room and holodecks. What would you think about a setting from your homeworld? I think that would interest a lot of the people coming."

"I do not think I have enough information to make a good holo setting of it, even if I give the computer the data of the pictures I have," Mimi replied, 'I can try though but we might not have the time.'

"Just a thought. Got any other ideas? I ain't going to do it in Georgia. Too hot, too humid and plain as panel over a conduit, at least where I'm from."

"The computer could maybe make something broad and simple like a grassy hill side near the sea, I have a nice picture of that to base it off. Make a few covered areas for me to wait in till everyone arrives." Mimi smiled slightly, apparently human men weren't supposed to see their bride in their dress till she walked out onto the aisle. "I think that would be nice. Garai mjestim it's a mountain on the homeworld, you can see all of the cities from its peak."

"Works for me. So you got all your bridesmaids all set up, dresses set, now just to get everyone there." John leered. "Then after the reception they're not going to see you for days. I plan on keeping you very occupied."

"If Tarin gives us the chance, the moment the rings are on our fingers and the Tushar is wrapped around our arms I bet she says it is time to get back to work." Mimi said recalling their last attempt at shoreleave.

"Maybe I can bribe Frost to have something go wrong and the Gal has to stay in port for an hour or so longer."

"And get sent to the most boring duty station in the galaxy if she found you were involved." Mimi shook her head slightly then pointed at him. "And no breaking anything on purpose."

"Fine. I'd try to bribe the Administrator, but don't have that kind of credits. I guess all we can do is hope." John shrugged dejectedly.

"I have always been lucky," Mimi let out a small smile "I am sure we will find some time eventually." She glanced back towards the exit.

"There's always the little hide away, if it hasn't been found yet." He blew out his breath. "Well, at least we get the ceremony. Beggars can't be choosers, or is that low ranked officers?" He chuckled.

"Something like that." Mimi leaned in to kiss John. "I have to go, Tarin says we are going to discuss the plans while we do some Pt. I will see you later, if I survive the mountain she will probably be forcing me to climb again."

"I wouldn't be surprised at the ceremony she has everyone do push ups. Now wouldn't that be a sight." John chuckled.

Mimi chuckled too "I will see if I can get her to skip that part." Turning for the exit she looked back over her shoulder. "I will see you after I am done with her."

"Sounds good. Don't get too tuckered out. That's my job." John smiled broadly and winked.



Ensign Mimi
Deputy Operations Manager
USS Galileo-A

Petty Officer John Hollenday
Engineering Officer
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Warraquim]


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