USS Galileo :: Episode 20 - Reconstruction - The Highest Standards (Part 2 of 2)
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The Highest Standards (Part 2 of 2)

Posted on 09 Oct 2024 @ 11:02pm by Commander Morgan Tarin & Chief Warrant Officer 3 Lamar Darius & Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim & Lieutenant JG Rafe Caradec & Lieutenant JG Sofie Ullswater & Lieutenant JG Montgomery Vala & Lieutenant JG Nusien & Ensign S'Ers-a M'Lyr'Zor & Ensign Tora Zalos & Chief Warrant Officer 2 Kalliste Bacri & Master Chief Petty Officer Toren Vral

3,622 words; about a 18 minute read

Mission: Episode 20 - Reconstruction
Location: USS Galileo-A - Deck 4, Main Shuttlebay
Timeline: MD 03, 0642 hrs

Previously, on The Highest Standards (Part 1)...

A momentary pause followed while Tarin allowed the combined words from the master chief and petty officer to permeate the room then take hold. "Courage," she repeated Vral's pointed distinction. Its weight carried far more than just verbiage and her eyes locked on to those of the tall winged Akkadian officer standing at the head of the medical department's column. "Commander Warraquim, step forward and define courage."

Allyndra did as she was asked. "Courage, ma'am, is the ability to both be mentally and physically prepared to face situations in which danger and harm are present. Further, the ability to control yourself and maintain focus in difficult or dangerous situations. Utilizing what you can, with what information you have and do so with the idea that failure is not an option."

And Now, the Conclusion...


A curt nod of approval to the doctor relayed Tarin's endorsement of the quality of spirit and conduct. "Courage - it's not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. Nelson Mandela, 1995," she added before her gaze returned to the tops of the crew's heads. "We will all be challenged in the coming weeks and months. We'll face danger and have to deal with fear...and not all of you will still be with us when we eventually return to Earth. How each of you handles duty, challenges, and loss will define us in the years to come. This ship - Galileo - is only as strong as each of you are. And so, we're assembled here to ensure our strength. Which begins with leadership."

"Commander Blake's reassignment left a critical void in our command structure. Her experience and familiarity with this crew and the starship is hard to replace...hard, but not impossible." Tarin looked back to the tall and lithe doctor while stepping forward to stand directly in front of her. "Commander Warraquim: do you affirm you will conduct yourself in accordance with the highest standards of conduct and represent yourself and this starship as a member of Starfleet?"

Allyndra drew herself up even more so. "Yes, captain."

"Do you affirm you will perform above and beyond the call of duty and take stewardship of this crew and its mission at all times?" continued Tarin.

"As I have cared for this crew for their medical needs, I shall do so for the crew and the mission. Yes, captain."

"And do you, commander, pledge to uphold the values of the United Federation of Planets at all costs, even if such an action will sacrifice your own life or the lives of those under your command?"

"Yes, captain. I do."

Tarin stoically raised her chin while she kept her hazel eyes trained on her fellow commander's striking compound sapphire orbs. She gave a subtle hand gesture to Zeror who stood to her flank next to the COB. "Then so it is. Let it be known in the ship's log that on this date - stardate 69380.5 - Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim is hereby promoted to the position of first officer aboard USS Galileo-A with all the privileges and duties therein. Congratulations, Number One. Do us proud."

Tarin momentarily shifted her feet to stand at attention in front of the former CMO with her hands professionally clasped behind her waist, then extended her right hand for the woman to shake. "Welcome to the big leagues. The floor's yours."

Allyndra did the same and then nodded. She turned and moved to the side. "As most of the crew that has been here with us for a length of time know, I have been your medical officer and secondarily the second officer of this fine ship. We have been through adventures, lost people, but we have also managed to save a lot of people and there are plenty of notes in Fleet record of our deeds and success. This new position might be more of command, but it changes nothing as far as I am concerned. My duty and our duty remain the same, to explore, protect and save. I now will be looking at that from a shipwide persepctive rather than a medical one, but that duty is still my top priorty. I realize I have a very big shoes to fill with Commader Blake's departure. Challenges lie ahead for me, and for all of us, but I know that we can together meet those challenges." Allyndra turned toward Captain Tarin. "Captain, what are your orders?"

Challenges indeed, Tarin silently agreed. The Pleiades Cluster certainly didn't disappoint on that front. "Assume your new duties at once and administer this starship to the full extent of your position." Another curt nod was given to the new executive officer followed by a motion for Warraquim to assume her new physical position to the right of her along the front-facing line of Command personnel at the head of the convocation.

Allyndra came to attention and saluted before breaking and taking a spot on the captain's right-hand side. She then turned and faced the rest of the crew.

Silence propagated again throughout the main shuttlebay before the captain's next command was issued. "Lieutenant Ullswater, step forward. The cornerstones of duty, responsibility and courage are essential to our function...but why are we here?" she gesticulated to the greater cosmos beyond the bulkheads of the support craft bay. "What are Galileo's mission objectives?"

"Galileo is a Starfleet ship, an instrument of the Federation." Ullswater spoke with the lyricism of someone used to the stage. Consonants fell into their place with percussive rhythm punctuating the underlying message. Something about the word instrument reminded her of a conversation with Marin Vasile, the day before he died: Federation instruments, an ultimate expression of duty. It was that thought that had her phrase her next statement not in terms of the ship's mission but of a collective one: our mission.

"Our mission is that we will explore, be an independent and autonomous science platform. We will survey worlds and systems all the time serving as extension of Federation ideals and policy far from the light of the core. Out in the deep space and the border territories we are to be those instruments of the Federation, upholding it's values in the execution of it's defensive, cultural, scientific, and explorative policy. Light amidst darkness sir, that is why we are here." It was a loaded answer. The dry words of their official mission objectives reworded by Sofie to remind both the commanders of the stakes that had been revealed over their last missions.

A barely-perceptible tilt of the captain's head betrayed her approval of the nuanced interpretation she'd received the chief science officer. "Well spoken." She'd hoped for nothing less from the person overseeing the ship's entire science department. "And how do we accomplish our mission? How do we fulfill the associated objectives and promote the ongoing pursuit of knowledge?"

"Galileo the object has it's laboratories, sensors and probes. They were engineered to the highest specifications of Federation. For Galileo, the crew, to accomplish our mission we will need to aspire to the same standards." Ullswater didn't know what answer the captain might want, but she didn't much care either. She'd already made her staff aware of the expectations she had of them, but it never hurt to tell them again. "Knowledge is gained in the synthesis of theory and practice, with diligence, discipline, reflection and the proper rigour. My opinion, as your science officer, is that to do good science we must as individuals set the same expectations of ourselves as we do our ship and embody those principles of diligence, discipline, reflection and rigour."

Expectations of discipline. Rigor. Practice. "I concur," echoed Tarin in reply. Nothing less was acceptable aboard her command and despite the recent...'incident' involving the science chief in the brig not long ago, the young blue-collared officer showed promise. A healthy dose of new responsibilities and purpose might permanently cure her current afflictions. Or so Tarin hoped. "Your command of the science department comes with great responsibility that, as you've stated, extends to the entire crew. Are you willing and able to carry out these expectations you correctly defined, at all times? Will you lead by example?"

This was meant to be Warraquim's day in the sun. Ullswater couldn't help but find the questioning frustrating and maybe a little threatening too. Like she was being lured into a trap. That all too familiar prickling sensation in her hands began to creep back in. "Do you doubt it, sir? If you do then I'm not sure my words can change your mind. Instead look to the work of my department, to my own work, over the coming weeks. Let that speak for itself." She turned slightly to look at the assembly of scientists at her back, the people she would come to rely on over the coming months "We're more than ready."

A pause for reflection ensued before Tarin spoke again to Ullswater. The captain observed her shorter stature, brown bun-tied hair and stormy gray eyes. The junior lieutenant might have meant her words to be articulated defiantly but they instead portrayed a supreme quality privately sought among many senior commanders. A sin, perhaps. Pride.

"Good. Make sure you remember this moment and your convictions...and congratulations." The tall red-collared captain reinforced her formal posture in front of her fellow officer. "I'm promoting you to the ancillary position of second officer, effective immediately as of stardate 69380.5. In conjunction with Commander Warraquim, you're now responsible for the administration and oversight of this crew and its mission - alongside your other departmental positions. Are you capable of and willing to execute these new duties now bestowed upon you?"

She was right to have felt trapped. Cornered between Tarin and the watchful eyes of the rest of the crew Sofie knew she wasn't being given a choice here. Not that she'd have felt any more able to refuse in private. "Of course I am, sir. I'll be happy to serve this ship and it's crew in this new capacity." She answered with a smile, a deferential little bob of the head and in the same tone as her previous answer. Only in a small glance to the captain, as their eyes met, did a stormy expression communicate her true feeling that the surprise was very much not appreciated.

"Then take your place alongside Commander Warraquim," Tarin ordered. The science officer's discreet expression had been observed and noted. The first of future parlays, perhaps.

Ullswater did as she was told stepping up to stand next to Warraquim and the two NCOs. She felt dwarfed both physically and metaphorically next to the three of them. She didn't let the feeling show.

Tarin returned her focus to the collective crew then gave a final address. "The officers and NCOs who stand before you," she extended her arms to Vral and Zeror as well as Warraquim and Ullswater, "represent this starship's senior authority. Orders from each of them are expected to be abided by without hesitation. Respect for their duties and positions is non-negotiable. We're here to execute our duties to the highest standard and nothing less is acceptable. When we inevitably face new adversity in the future, look to those around you for strength - each of you are part of us, and part of Galileo. Do your jobs and do them well, and we'll make a name for ourselves in Starfleet's historical records." She turned her head to the blue-skinned Andorian to her flank. "Master chief, dismiss the crew."

Toren remained at attention, inwardly enjoying making a show of his parade ground persona.

"Crew of the Galileo," his gravelly tone echoing around the shuttlebay, "Deeeeeee-smissed!"

As soon as the dismissal order was given, Allyndra approached Sofie and put a hand out. "Congratulations Lieutenant. You have a very important job as second in command to be the anchor to the captain and I."

Ullswater took the hand with all appearance of happiness "I had no idea I was even being considered for the role." She wasn't entirely sure what to say, still not quite recovered from the surprise of the whole thing she was just talking on autopilot. "I'll do my very best, sir."

"I know you will," Allyndra replied.

Sera did not know Lieutenant Commander Warraquim or Lieutenant Ullswater at any considerable depth, and yet she wasted no time in striding forward to offer another word for congratulations on the two officers' promotions. Halting before the two officer's more than a body length away, the Vulcan engineer was signalling intention to speak, but remained silent in consideration of their conversation.

Waiting patiently, Sera waited for the natural lull before stepping forward to speak. “You have my felicitations, Commander...Lieutenant. Although I am a relatively new addition aboard this ship, I have found the captain to be a rather uncompromising figure, with exceptionally high expectations for those who serve under her. That she would select you both demonstrates that you must exceed these standards, for I cannot see Tarin suffering inadequacy."

Sera blinked. She was babbling. Time to tie it back in. "Your ascensions are most assuredly well deserved. May you serve well.”

Ullswater stood for a moment looking a little unsure of what to say. Was everyone going to start coming up and congratulating her? She hadn't had a single moment to think about what any of this meant. She didn't even know what exactly her duties were yet. "Thanks, I hope I won't be inadequate." She should bedidn't at all sound certain. Her eyes darted to the crowd behind the Vulcan engineer. How quickly could she make an escape from this room?

Allyndra kept her reserve while watching Sofie trying to handle her new promotion. "Thank you. I know Lieutenant Ullswater will be the anchor to keep the captain and I informed and in check."

Sera dipped her head in a nod towards the new XO. "Indeed. It will be fascinating to see how the two of you perform in your new roles."

"We shall try to do our best," Allyndra replied.

Standing in the small three-person column of conn officers alongside Caradec and Bacri, Darius turned to his fellow pilots and emoted a light and casual shrug. "Guess the ship's under new management now. Let's go pay our respects and get on their good sides. Who knows, maybe they'll give us some leeway on the shuttle maintenance schedule." The chief warrant officer had served aboard Galileo for a long time - since even before the -A was commissioned. He'd seen many officers come and go and several changes of command yet the formalities of it all still carried a significant weight. Every iteration of the vessel's command staff had come with its own unique quirks - some for the better and some for the worse - and he couldn't help but try to catch a glimpse of what ship life would turn into under this new structure. He motioned for them to follow him as he waded through the remains of the assembly to stand in front of Warraquim and Ullswater.

"I will accompany. It will be good to meet more of the crew." Bacri replied, happy to tag along.

"Let me go ahead of you. I've got to head up to the bridge. I've got some tests to run.", Rafe said as he walked to congratulate them quickly. If anything was a sure thing, it was that newly promoted officers, especially XOs, felt the need to go above and beyond on diligence. And that meant, he was going to be grilled on anything and everything within his scope of Senior Conn Officer. He approached the newly promoted officers, looked them both dead in the eye, shook their hands firmly, yet without breaking them, and offered his sincere praise for their accomplishments. He then turned on a dime and walked out as his mind started making the proverbial list of tolerances he would need to tighten up on the navigational arrays, as well as the need to refresh his memory on thruster variances and specifications. Man! His workload just tripled!!!

"Doc. L-T," Darius greeted the two women of much different physical stature and biologicality following the lieutenant's respects. "Congratulations. Does this mean the bar's back open?" he lightly teased with a grin.

"I don't see why not, but then again I seldom drink," Allyndra replied.

"I'll be sure to bring it up when I get a chance." Sofie added with a smile and a nod of acknowledgment to the congratulations. Her eyes were locked on the door at the other side of the room though. With a slight tilt to her head and a finger pointed in the direction of no one in particular she apologised "If you'll excuse me for a moment." Then she was off, escape was in sight so long as nobody else tried to congratulate her she'd be out of this room in less than a minute.

Vala swept to her side without any ceremony as she walked towards the door. "My congratulations, Sofie," he spoke softly, sensing some of her agitation, "It will be most... gratifying having a voice of reason and science so close to Command."

This was good, this was exactly what she needed. She nodded as a quick response to the congratulations and then moved to secure her escape "Let's get back to work. We still need to go over some of the chroniton data this morning. If you help me out in the arboretum we can get to the important matters faster." With her tone and body language Sofie projected an aura of needing to be elsewhere to any potential other well wishers as she and Vala headed for the door.

Nusien strode up to Sofie with a broad smile. He knew that he stopped her egress but he had to make sure he expressed his well wishes. "Congratulations to you Lieutenant. Well earned, well earned indeed." The idea of having a scientist in the command structure of the science vessel was not lost on Nusien.

One year out of the academy she actually had no idea what she had done to earn this. No idea at all what had been crossing the captain's mind. "Thank you doctor." She responded with a warm face and emphatic nod but in her peripheral vision she could see the walls closing in. The escape plan had not at all functioned as intended.

"Well done!" Tora strode up to Sofie and held out her arms for a hug, smiling broadly at her friend from the Academy. "You'll do a wonderful job. I'm sure of it." She said.

Sofie had known Tora long enough to know that you can't say no to a hug. Not only would it make Tora unhappy it would have projected a coldness to the other members of the assembled crew that would for sure be a bad first impression. She warmly accepted the embrace. As they hugged Sofie peeked out over the taller woman's shoulder and spotted another figure quietly moving past.

While Sofie had planned an escape only to be waylaid, she had provided the cover for Allyndra to silently move away from the rest of the people. "Good luck. Thank you, for the distraction," she said slipping away.

Sofie gave a little nod of acknowledgment from behind Tora's shoulder before focusing back on the hug. She held on tight. For all Sofie's scheming and bravado she was genuinely glad to have a friend next to her "Thanks Tora," her voice was barely not a whisper, the words meant just for Tora "I'm really glad to have you here."

"You're welcome. Don't worry, I'm gonna be sticking around for a long while. Trust me." Tora assured her as she gently patted her back before letting her friend go at last.

Vala stood by as the hug came to its natural conclusion. Other creatures were strange indeed - a Rihannsu would at least seek to conceal such intimate acts in a professional setting. To embrace in front of more senior officers... well... Starfleet continued to reveal its strange customs and tolerances.

"Sofie," he said as soon as he felt it was appropriate to do so, "The data, the arboretum?" He glanced to the door, providing another opportunity for her to move towards the exit.

"Right, yes." She nodded, followed his glance to the door and without a single further acknowledgement of the others made the final leg of her escape as fast as her little legs could carry her.

As soon as she was out in the corridor she let all the smiles fall to the floor. With a much more annoyed expression on her face Sofie began the walk with Vala back to the safety of science.



CMDR Morgan Tarin
Commanding Officer
USS Galileo-A

CMDR Allyndra illm Warraquim
First Officer
USS Galileo-A

LTJG Sofie Ullswater
Chief Science Officer/2XO
USS Galileo-A

MCPO Toren Vral
Chief of the Boat
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Vala]

ENS S'Ers-a M'Lyr'Zor
Chief Engineer
USS Galileo-A

CWO3 Lamar Darius
Conn Officer
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Tarin]

CWO2 Kalliste Bacri
Conn Officer
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC M'Lyr'Zor]

LTJG Rafe Caradec
Senior Conn Officer
USS Galileo-A

LTJG Montgomery Vala
Deputy Science Officer
USS Galileo-A

LTJG Nusien
Chief Medical Officer
USS Galileo-A

ENS Tora Zalos
Science Officer
USS Galileo-A


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