USS Galileo :: Episode 20 - Reconstruction - Garments and Gowns
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Garments and Gowns

Posted on 17 Jan 2025 @ 11:26pm by Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim & Ensign Mimi & Petty Officer 3rd Class Jeysa Zeror & Nesh Saalm
Edited on on 21 Jan 2025 @ 1:41pm

4,224 words; about a 21 minute read

Mission: Episode 20 - Reconstruction
Location: USS Galileo-A - Holodeck 2
Timeline: MD 04, 1500hrs


Slowly Mimi walked up and down the corridor outside holodeck 2, she'd sent out the invitation the day before for Allyndra, Nesh and Jeysa to join for an hour or two to discuss things about her eventual wedding.

First to come down the corridor to meet her was Jeysa, the Trill woman was casually dressed, even her usually long plaited ponytailed hair was worn down and loose covering most of the spots of her face and neck. "Hey Mimi." She called out to her.

"Jeysa." Mimi said back with a smile. "You look great with your hair down."

Jeysa smiled back. "Thanks, I'd do it more often but it's hilariously impractical for work life to have it nearly touching my ass."

The lithe form of Nesh Saalm came round the bend of the corridor. She saw Jeysa and Mimi had already arrived. Hey, at least she wasn't the last person today. That was an improvement, right?

"Why hello ladies! This sure beats talking to you behind the kitchen line. I swear, I'll never get the smell of plo'meek out of my hair."

"Why would you wash your hair with that?" Allyndra inquired.

"Oh, no...not washing. More...wafting? I am trying out some new recipes. Plo'meek is a rather aromatic plant. I've learned that it likes to linger if not prepared appropriately. It's a work in progress." Nesh smiled warmly to the winged officer.

"That must be the unusual scent I have been smelling around the ship today." It had certainly caught the attention of her highly sensitive nose. "Baik sa veure anda Allyndra." she then greeted her friend "and you Nesh."

"Always good to see you - it's been...hours." She couldn't help but chuckle at her own joke. New roommates, new was the one constants of the universe...always something new.

"Oh you're going to make me remember my lessons? Very well "Arik sa veure anda Mimi a Nesh.". Allyndra hoped she got that right. "So Mimi and the rest, do you mind going with open back dresses or just for me?" She opened her wings slightly. "These don't fit well except under a cloak or similar."

"Of course Allyndra." Mimi replied. "Your wings are beautiful and we are not going to make you force them into a tight dress."

"Wait. Dresses? I thought we were here to protect you. Dresses aren't the most movement friendly choice." Nesh frowned and furrowed her brows.

Jeysa chuckled. "You look great in a dress Nesh. We can always find you one that you can move nicely in for any 'protecting' you need to do."

"Might I suggest watching some Terran fencing videos," Allyndra suggested. "I have seen some where the ladies in their dresses used the folds almost like capes, to hide movement and to bind and trap blades. I thought like you that it would be a disadvantage but it turned out differently."

Nesh tapped a finger on her lip in contemplation. "I mean, I won't completely dismiss your idea out of hand here. There are benefits with such concealment, certainly...I'm sure I'll figure something out." She smiled and looked over to Mimi. "Now what strategies have you decided upon for this ceremony, Mimi?"

"Strategies?" Mimi asked, not quite sure what Nesh meant.

"Strategies. What is a wedding if not a gloriously posh mercenary campaign to join two families? Or...shoot. I'm doing it again, aren't I? I'm sorry, Mimi. I didn't get around to doing research on wedding traditions." She bit her lip and furrowed her brow in concentration.

"I am not not the best person to ask about wedding traditions either Nesh. Come on, lets go in." Mimi said and turned to the holodeck control panel to fire up the scene she'd programmed in earlier.

The door opened to a small boutique filled with dresses of all shapes colours and sizes hanging from the walls, outfitting mannequins and busts, with mirrors both small and large providing views from many many angles.

Allyndra looked around. "Your choice Mimi, but I suppose somehow that we should at least attempt some coordination, even if it nothing but colour."

"I have already thought a little about that." Mimi said.

Nesh walked into the boutique simulation and looked around. There was so much...ah...light color, fluffly looked like a confectionery shop she had once visited on Starbase 001. No leather, no chains...well, it wasn't her wedding, that's for sure. "Just remember I'm green."

"Green is a very popular colour with the Nekomi Nesh," Mimi told her. "It is considered lucky and I remember a lot of us wearing green somewhere on them, so I had this made last time we went onto Regula one. Computer load Mimi dress zero one." She called out to the computer.

A few moments later a mannequin perfectly proportional to Mimi appeared wearing a relatively simple knee length jade green dress.

Allyndra waited. She nodded. "Green works for me. The blue streaks should be an analogous colour so blend well enough. Doesn't look tight at the neck so also works."

Nesh looked at the dress Mimi showed them. It was rather...demure, but otherwise, well, that's why there were different styles. Taste was a subjective thing, was it not? "Is this dress what you are considering wearing for your nuptials?"

"I am thinking about this one yeah." Mimi said, she gently circled the mannequin as she spoke. "Simple but pretty and plenty of room for my tail."

"You hopefully only get married once Mimi." Jeysa remarked. "This is your opportunity to dress up to the nines, go all out on dressing up."

"It's ruffly...but I do like the color for you. Is this a typical wedding dress?" Nesh reached out and touched the simulated fabric. It had an interesting, subtle texture to it and it did shimmer slightly in the light.

"I am not sure, do not remember seeing many wedding back on Kemi but most of us wore dresses in everyday life." Mimi replied. "I really like it."

"Remember it's her wedding. We are along for support. I don't think we are going to have to fight like some Orion weddings," Allyndra added.

"Orion weddings can definitely be a lot of fun." Jeysa remarked. "Attended a couple back in the diplomatic corps days." She didn't add that she nearly ended up in bed with one of the orion equivalent of a bridesmaid that night.

"Well technically if someone objects to the wedding and wants to marry me instead, John has to fight that man to the death." Mimi said. "But I think we might skip that bit of the Nekomi section of the wedding."

"Oh." Nesh replied. It obviously wasn't like an Orion wedding at all. She inwardly told herself that she really needed to do some research on all of this to not keep getting things wrong - but Nesh also knew that she was never going to get around to it.

"So what exactly do we do then?"

"From what I read about human weddings, it seems quite boring. Help me get ready, help around the venue and be around if I need help with anything, other than that it seems to be stand around and look pretty." Mimi said, when you looked at it it didn't sound all that exciting. "but you get to stand nearby during the ceremony with the best man and you get to plan the 'Hen do'.

"Well let's hope for something not so traditional in Nekomi weddings nor Orion ones. After everything we have been through, boring would be nice," Allyndra added.

"It's a novel approach, I suppose." Nesh allowed. "Wait, what's a hen-do? Is that a type of gathering or, dare I" Nesh couldn't help but smile. "Because I can do parties! I mean...well...I could try. My idea of a party doesn't appear to line up to everyone else's."

"It's another term for a bachelorette party." Jeysa replied before Mimi could. "It could be anything from a quiet luncheon or dinner to a raucous party full of alcohol, strippers and things like that, enjoying your last few days of being single."

"If the latter, I think I will have to decline. As newly minted Executive Officer getting involved with such things even if technically off duty is something I should avoid for awhile," Alllyndra hastily added.

Nesh snorted. "Well since there is no alcohol, and we're so far outside of the shipping lanes that getting some exciting strippers on short notice is nigh on impossible, I think your virtue is 'safe,' Commander." She sighed and turned to Mimi, "I might not be the ideal candidate to plan this 'Hen-do.' I'm Orion. We don't do demure when it comes to party planning."

"It took a lot of work to get Tarin to even let us get married." Mimi remarked "I doubt we could get her to let us have any alcohol, at least not if we are doing it in the ship." She smiled at Nesh's offer to plan the hen do. "Nothing too over the top Nesh, maybe a spa afternoon on the holodeck?"

"I have a really good haboosian baths holoprogram we can use?" Jeysa offered. The holo representatiob of the world renowned Trill bathhouse was a favourite of hers.

"I could always set up a visit to an Irsemia house." Allyndra paused knowing that maybe only Mimi knew what those were. "They're all over my world. They're places where the ladies can go to enjoy a good massage or shall I say other pleasures as they are populated and run by the infertile males."

Nesh beamed at Allyndra. "Now we're talking! I have a contact that I might be able to get a good holodeck program from...I'll ask them to modify it so it's not know...'sauce,' but...what's your favorite place in the galaxy, Mimi? Something space cruise?"

Mimi almost flinched at Allyndra's mention of Irsemia houses, She'd considered ending her own visit there when her attendant told her Akkadian's came there for sex but she had eventually allowed him to perform a normal massage. She had never told Allyndra about her afternoon there and still wasn't sure she wanted her to know. "Something tropical, near the sea. Reminds me of home, in a good way."

Nesh smiled. "I think I'll be able to come up with something that will satisfy everyone." Then she realized what she said and facepalmed. "I'm sorry!"

"Oh I'm sure you will." Jeysa said with a hearty chuckle.

Nesh felt this was getting off course, and although enjoyable, they were here for Mimi and...her dress. "Mimi. It is a lovely dress, but it is not a bridal dress. You should be regal and this gives...sweet. Who wants to be sweet on their wedding?"

"I agree with Nesh," Jeysa said and picked up a catalogue from a stand against the wall. "That dress is great don't get me wrong, maybe it'd work better as our dresses but it's not dressy enough for your bridal gown, you want all the eyes in the room to be on you for this day."

"I am definitely open to suggestions Jeysa." Mimi said. "Why I called you all here."

"hhmmm," She perused the catalogue for a few moments. "Computer display item number 471 but in green on the Mimi mannequin." The computer bleeped and the mannequin disappeared and reappeared a moment later in the new outfit. A full length strapless dress that hugged the waist tightly and only went high enough to barely cover the top of her breasts with a deep v shape to the center showing off a decent amount of cleavage.

"I do not have the tits to pull of a dress like that." Was Mimi's first remark even though she could see the dress on an recreation of herself.

"Tits, no...but leg...Oh Mimi. This is hot. This is majestic. A liquid gemstone! This dress will incite envy in the females and lust in the males...Ha! Now this a wedding dress!" Leaning her head over to Mimi, Nesh added, "Regarding the top, that's what tailoring is for; You have to try it on!"

"And it will constantly be catching on my tail." Mimi added, the dress did look great but it felt there were more points against it than for it right now.

"Personally, it shows too much leg. Sure it might appeal to the male crowd, but sometimes the hint of sexiness rather than overt is actually more thrilling," Allyndra added her observation.

"It definitely shows less leg than the first one," Jeysa remarked. She moved over to the mannequin and gave the dress a fluff, "there, no leg showing at all, unless you stand deliberately and pull the dress open a little, maybe little hint of leg as you walk but that'd be all."

"All this talk! When are we going to see you in these options? That's where the magic happens, when you put the clothes on!"

"I have tried the first dress on already but I do like this one too, computer replicate item number 471 in my size." Mimi turned to Allyndra, "Will you help me?"

"Of course. Let's take a look," Allyndra replied.

Mimi and Allyndra disappeared into a small room off to one side of the room and soon sounds of clothes being removed and several remarks both good and bad being exchanged could barely be heard through the door..

"So," Jeysa said turning to Nesh. "A few drinks, some food and a specially chosen masseuse for each of us? could be fun."

Nesh lightly clapped her hands in excitement. "Oh, that could work! Perhaps we should see what's available on Regula 1? Get away from the ship for a little bit, if we can...but otherwise it'll have to be a holodeck adventure." She leaned in conspiratorily and said in a softer tone, "Don't worry though, I have a really good masseuse algorithm that can be subbed in...sweet for Mimi; treats for us!" She couldn't contain her amusement. This part of the wedding preparation was a delight so far.

"I doubt we could find 4 talented masseuses on a base full of scientists," Jeysa remarked. "the holodeck is probably the better option, be it on the ship or one of Regula one's"

"I can definitely look into it. See which one has more bells and whistles, and knowing the Gal no doubt Regula will win. Why exactly do they build such a small ship to go to such faraway places and then skimp on the entertainment." Nesh shook her head, causing loose waves of black hair--with peeks of purple--to move about her face. "Starfleet. AmIright?"

"And whatever happens on a holodeck stays there. We can program them just the way we want them." Jeysa chuckled slightly. She'd taken advantage of that several times on the long voyage here.

"Absolutely! And I know this trader who specializes in holodeck programs and mods...he owes me a small favor..."

"I am ready." Mimi's voice came through the door and a few seconds later she emerged fully outfitted in the long green dress.

Nesh's attention was wrested from the conversation with Jeysa to Mimi announcing herself and stepping out of the changing room dressed in the dramatic, jewel-green gown that floated about her legs in a dreamy manner. "Oh Mimi..."

She wanted to gush over just how fantastic the dress hugged her shapely form, how the color complimented her, how fantastically elegant and sexy she looked...but it was more important to see Mimi's own reaction to the dress. "What do you think, Mimi?"

"I think it needs a little adjusting for my tail but I think it is great." Having not bought the shoes she'd found last time on Regula one with her Mimi walked barefoot over to a more open section of the room and looked at herself in the mirror. It definitely showed more intimate skin than her first option and had to be fastened just right or said intimate skin would be even more on show.

While the dress on the holo representation of Mimi looked great it looked even better on the flesh and blood one and Jeysa was stunned to silence for several long seconds. "Go on, give us a twirl."

With a big grin on her face Mimi did as Jeysa asked and gave a quick twirl, as the dress spun it exposed a bare leg for a few moments before it disappeared back into the green folds. "I really like it."

Nesh nodded vigorously. "It is gorgeous on you; but what you think is the most important here." She was quite proud of herself, not railroading anything but letting Mimi take the lead here. How responsible!

"I agree. Your choice, you look good and something similar works for me with these things." Allyndra partially opened her wings.

Mimi began all but dancing her way around the room feeling how the dress moved around her, with the tushar cloth binding her to John dancing wouldnt be very easy but still possible. "OK I have changed my mind, this is definitely the one."

Nesh beamed at Mimi. It was such a stunning dress, and Mimi looked really radiant in it. John wouldn't know what hit him! "Oh look stunning, really stunning!"

"Definitely the one Mimi," jeysa said in agreement. "It looks amazing on you."

"I am not going to argue. Your wedding, you like it, and I agree it looks fantastic on you. Problem solved," Allyndra added.

"Now then what about dresses for the rest of us?" Jeysa asked. "I think the first dress looked more suitable as a bridesmaid dress than a full wedding dress. Maybe that's an option?"

"It could work. I suggest perhaps we take a look at a few more," Allyndra added.

"I'm with Allyndra. The short green dress is a good option, but it couldn't hurt to look at more dresses, right?" Nesh replied.

"Short is nice, but we don't want to be taking away from the bride. It is her day and her focus after all." Allyndra laughed. "Not that showing some shapely legs is bad, but it is not a runway show, at least as I understand the Nekomi-human customs."

"I agree. I'm willing to wear whatever will best support Mimi. We are here to protect her so she can bind herself to John, right? Do you have any thoughts on what you'd like to see us in, Mimi?"

"I do not know," Mimi replied. "something fancy but functional and from what I read they are supposed to be very similar to each other, maybe backless because of you Allyndra?"

"Like the uniform requirements, we can make an exemption, but if I know these ladies, backless is a near must do. So, let's concentrate on that and go from there," Allyndra replied.

"And I think we should all have the same colour green. Other than that I am not really sure." Mimi added.

"You want us to...match you? Is that a Nekomi custom?" Nesh inquired curiously. The green dress that Mimi had selected was beautiful, and would compliment her well...but Nesh? She'd look jaundiced in that particular shade of green, as delightful as it was. But if that was was Mimi wanted...she'd do it. The curse of friendship.

"I read it is more a human thing, traditionally they would match but some times they do not." Mimi replied. "Maybe Allyndra in the same colour as she will walk me down the aisle and you two not?"

"Whatever works. Tell you what. Let's see some various colours on each of us and see what works and what doesn't. For Nesh's tone, I can't help but think a gold or silver would be nice," Allyndra suggested.

"Aww...I'm a sucker for precious metal, that's for sure." Nesh replied with a chuckle. "It would have to be muted though. Nothing should outshine you in that dress, Mimi. It's why we're all here."

"I agree, but that green against something muted, say silver would still be the focus. I might be walking with her, but you will be in the front. I think that might catch the eyes of the attendees and when that green comes in. The contrast will refocus on Mimi." Allyndra tossed her head slightly. "I used to be a counselor at a colony and got a good idea of what most species tend to focus on."

"Sounds alright by me." Nesh conceded readily. "So...muted silver perhaps, backless...long to keep with Mimi's dress?" It would be an unusual gown for her, but Nesh remained focused on what was important here, and that wasn't whether she would usually wear whatever was going to be selected for this wedding ceremony.

"Well, let's get a test try and see how it all looks," Allyndra suggested.

"I agree, it's all well and good talking about a dress but seeing it is all the better." Jeysa said, the dress sounded like it look great and she was already imagining what Nesh would look like in it.

Nesh considered for a moment before speaking. "Computer create a evening gown, floor length...mermaid silhouette, backless, with a halter top that ties at the neck, in a brushed silver satin."

The computer chirped and then a dress slowly materialized into view on a formless mannequin to give it shape. The Orion woman looked about the room, awaiting the responses from Mimi and the other girls in attendance.

"Looks very nice Nesh." Mimi remarked.

Jeysa did a quick circle around the mannequin, "I like it," She said, the mental imagine she'd made wasn't as good as what the real one looked like. "Might have to go for this one too, after we see what it looks like on you."

"Well, what are we still debating about?" Allyndra said. "Computer, replace my current wear with indicated dress." There was a swirl of light and Allyndra stood there in the dress. She turned around. "Well?"

"Ooooh. Allyndra. It frames your wings so nicely! Is it comfortable for you? Because it lays very nicely against your shape." Nesh supplied.

"Thank you. I think this is going to work. Let's see it on the rest of you," Allyndra said.

"Computer, replace my current outfit with this dress too." Jeysa called out, there was another brief flash of light and Jeysa was coated in the new silver dress, the dark spots of her neck and collar bone contrasted against the bright colours. "Oooh this feels great."

"Perfect, now just one more and if Nesh likes it, I think we have our colour and selection," Allyndra remarked.

Nesh smiled warmly at the two women who were modelling her dress choice. It really did flatter them both, and it wasn't all that revealing either! She was rather proud of herself.

"It looks great with long, lean lines, and also showcases feminine curves without advertising them too overtly. You both look delicious!"

"Computer. Replace my current outfit with the selected dress." The air shimmered around her as the form of the dress took shape around her figure. It hugged her body like a second skin, but did so in a way that wasn't over the top sensual. It wasn't something she would choose for herself, but the point was to accompany, not outshine. Mimi was going to have the shining part covered in spades.

'Damm' Jeysa thought, if the outfit looked good on her it looked even better on Nesh, 'delicious' was certainly the right word.

The Orion woman looked over her shoulder to the bride-to-be with a question in her eyes, "What do you think, Mimi?"

"I think all three of you look great in that dress." Mimi replied with a wide smile on her face. "It is perfect."

"Then I think we have what we need here. So what's next, taking our girl out to party time,"Allyndra suggested with a sly grin.

"The party is not supposed to be until the day before the wedding." Mimi told her, "We do not know when that is yet, and I do not think the shoes I have will work with this new outfit. Maybe one of those weird hat things too."

"I'm not sure about the rest, but a definite no on hats. Aren't you going to be doing a veil?" Allyndra couldn't even imagine anything on her head.

"I do not think it would look right with my ears," Mimi replied. "With my tail already restricted under the dress if i covered my ears too I would be wobbling down the aisle."

"Good enough," Allyndra replied. "Well think we are done here then, unless anyone else has suggestions."

"Just to see how quickly I can get out of this dress." Mimi said with a slight flush to her cheeks. "For after I am married."



Ensign Mimi
Deputy Operations Manager
USS Galileo-A

Cmdr Allyndra illm Warraquim
First Officer
USS Galileo-A

PO3 Jeysa Zeror
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Mimi]

Nesh Saalm
Sous Chef
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Sera]


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