USS Galileo :: Episode 20 - Reconstruction - Of Physicians and of Chaplains
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Of Physicians and of Chaplains

Posted on 24 Nov 2024 @ 3:55am by Lieutenant JG Nusien & Lieutenant JG Hovar Kov

2,259 words; about a 11 minute read

Mission: Episode 20 - Reconstruction
Location: USS Galileo-A - Deck 3, CMO's Office
Timeline: MD04 - 0900

A physician and a minister both have the same outcomes, albeit with different approaches. Hovar remembered what he was taught during his Counselor studies at the Academy. Both wish for the safety and well-being of the sick and the wounded. Both apply their respective knowledge to tend to their patients ailments, be it physical or spiritual respectfully. Hovar thought about this as he was waiting for his turn to go through his final check in with the CMO, one Lieutenant Nusien. Hovar had learned about him, but never formally met each other in an official capacity. All of that being said, he waited to meet his boss' boss.

There had been a whirlwind of work since he was given the post of Chief Medical Officer. Nusien knew that came with the territory of running a department. Thankfully he approached the end of those duties. In fact there was only one more new crew physical to due. He looked at the service record of this last officer. One Lieutenant Junior Grade Hovar Kov, a person who seemed to be a dichotomy. A Klingon priest was not something anyone had ever heard of, and yet here they were. Nusien decided that he had enough speculation about the person.

Nusien stepped out of his office and found the aforementioned Klingon seated on a biobed. "Good Morning Lieutenant. I am Lieutenant Nusien and I am just going to give you a standard physical. If that is okay?" He reached for a medical tricorder with one hand, tapped some commands into the console with one hand while the third hand rested in front of him.

Hovar smiled in return and nodded in appreciation.

"Of course."

Getting a physical was something that he had become more than familiar with. Of course, the scanner would most likely pick up the evidence of broken bones long since healed, the scar tissue, and other wounds that comes from a Klingon upbringing. Even though Klingons are built with strong anatomy that's built for combat, and Hovar himself still practices the Klingon arts of combat, they still hurt when they are fresh.

It caused the Klingon to smirk a little. Maybe he should trade notes with the Chief Engineer about being able to ignore pain.

Maybe another day.

However, Hovar was not quite as interested in mental gymnastics as he was interested in the being in front of him. An Edosian was a being that Hovar had only heard of thanks to his family of diplomats. However, seeing one up close intrigued him. It was a somewhat welcome feeling that Hovar would be required to look up at someone instead of looking down at someone. Hovar hated looking down on people, even though his Klingon nature stated otherwise.

"I look forward to working under your command, Sir. I have already met with Counselor Carlisle and I hope to be an asset to the crew."

Nusien looked at the readouts and thus far all seemed to be in order. "I am looking forward to seeing the effect that you may have on the crew. There are not many Chaplains assigned to starships to the best of my knowledge. So, having one aboard the ship is of special interest." Nusien was not religious in any way. The scientist in him refused to allow him to be. He did not believe in a higher power, and spirituality only appealed to him in so much for its intellectual study.

Hovar smiled at his boss' boss.

"If I may be honest, I find myself being more of a counselor than a chaplain. There are a few religious aboard, which I am sure I will be glad to see them on Sundays. That being said, I will be assisting Counselor Carlisle in her counseling duties. Our approaches will be slightly different of course, but our goals are in-line with each other."

Hovar then remembered that he is a Klingon.

"I have been ordered that during Red Alert situations, the Captain has dictated that I am to assist the security department as I am, well, what I am."

Nusien nodded in agreement with what Hovar had said. "Yes I can see how a Chaplain would be a Counselor at times. After all what is religion if not a guide of values and teachings that guide you along the way. Perhaps they even give you the answers that you seek." He tilted his head as one does when they hear something out of the ordinary and is curious about it. "Yes you are Klingons, but you are a Chaplain and trained in counseling methods. Your Red Alert station should be Sick Bay. If you wish I can speak with the Captain."

Hovar smiled warmly as he understood where Nusien was coming from.

"That is not needed, Sir. This Sickbay..."

He paused as he looked around, seeing all of the beds and the nurses and the equipment to save lives.

"Is a sanctuary of healing, of comfort. Our shipmates look to this place when they are having the worst days of their lives. To have Sickbay fall to enemy would strip them of their sanctuary, the last glint of hope to hang on before they are either saved or they are lost."

There was a very determined look in Hovar's eyes as he looked at the Lieutenant.

"I am a warrior before all else, and it is my duty to protect this place. 'Ut alii vivant.' So that others may live."

If Edosians had eyebrows Nusien's would have been raised in the Vulcan fashion. His almost robotic voice did little to show the curiosity or feeling behind his words. "What you say here is in a word fascinating. You speak of Sick Bay as being a place where people wind up coming during the worst days of their lives. That is something I would agree with, however, it is my understanding of faith that people turn to a deity and the divine during that same worst day. So, is it not a safe postulation to say that when one is here in Sick Bay one would also need a Chaplain." Nusien paused to allow those words to sink in as it were. "Further it is a belief of Starfleet and by extension all Starfleet Officers, that a person can rise above their most basic functions. That a Klingon can rise above battle, that and Edosian can be much more than an Engineer. If we hold true to that belief then there is no need for you to fight." After he finished speaking the look on the Doctor's face was one that showed what he said to be only his opinion.

Hovar listened to Nusien with intrigue, contemplating every word that was spoken. It was true, when one was wounded, the only thing a priest could do is pray, and that was not a wounded person wanted. No, they wanted a physician, someone who spent years practicing their craft to heal any would they encountered. Of course, there were wounds that were caused by no phaser, blade, or punch. There were injuries that, medically speaking, could only be treated by pharmaceutical methods. Those methods would leave someone in a near comatose state. The nightmares, the flashbacks, the screams, the tears, none of them could be treated. Those wounds needed a chaplain to be their guide to help get them out of it.

"That is one of the reasons why I became a priest, and why I was excommunicated from my house. True honor does not come from the ability of wielding a blade or a phaser. Rather, it comes from the ability to carry someone to safety even at their absolute weakness."

There was a slight shrug,

"You do speak truly that people of faith do turn to their deities. Some expect a direct divine intervention, to have something lay their hands on them and heal them like a spell, or a miracle. I would argue that physicians themselves are that miracle. Consider us for a brief moment. This entire conversation, the letters in front of both of our names, is the logical conclusion of both of our actions from the day we were born. Our decisions, regardless of our opinions of them at the time, led to the facts that an Edosian doctor and a Klingon priest would be sitting down face to face with each other."

Pondering for another moment, Hovar stated,

"Although you might not believe the same way I do, I would be hoping that if I was a patient and I was wounded, you would be the one to heal me. Granted, there are certain characteristics about every Klingon that is a natural stubbornness that can only be rivaled by the Ferangi. A Klingon would rather seek for a weapon than a physician, or letting someone else take my place so I did not leave the fight. Counselor Carlisle and I have understood this stubbornness, as well as this conflict that resides within my fundamental nature. Hopefully, I will understand to look at myself more than a warrior or even a priest for that matter, but my place within Star Fleet."

There was another pause before Hovar asked.

"It would seem that you and I are very similar in certain respects. If you do not mind me asking, how do you reconcile with defying your "base functions" as you call it and being a Star Fleet officer?"

The Klingon had a look of genuine curiosity since Hovar had to do the same thing.

Nusien knew the answer to that question was short and sweet as it was said. "There is nothing to reconcile. I am a doctor, I perform that duty for anyone that is on this vessel or within the perview of my care. Starfleet has granted me this position based on my training and skills etc... So, there is nothing to reconcile." He paused for a moment as he thought that perhaps there was a deeper meaning to the question. "If you are asking how I became a doctor instead of an engineer? Well, simply put I wanted to. I am a trained engineer and served in that capacity before joining Starfleet. However, it was not what I wanted to do with my life. So, here we are."

Nusien did not fully understand the Klingon before him. But then again perhaps it was not for him to understand. Religion and faith were foreign concepts to an Edosian. In fact all he knew about the subject he learned from humans.

The more Nusien spoke, the more Hovar saw a bit of himself in the Chief Medical Officer.

"Just as I am a warrior. I still act in that capacity, although my enemy is an unseen one. I suppose in a more clinical tongue, my enemy is the psychosis which plagues us all regardless of what we are on the outside. To me, that battle is much more fulfilling to me."

The Klingon shrugged as he thought about the martial arts training that he still performs both in his quarters and in the holodeck when he can. Can a killer, a warrior, save lives with his faith instead of his blade? That remained to be seen.

"I will admit, I just got out of the Academy and Chaplain school six months ago, so being a Star Fleet officer and everything else is brand new to me. If you don't mind, I'd like to know how you managed to do it. I know you said that you just do it, and perhaps it is my upbringing that refuses to accept simple conclusions except for hand to hand combat. Is it really that simple?"

"It is quite that simple. You are who you are, not who Klingons are, or who they may want you to be. Just as I am not who my people want me to be. You are whoever you want to be. So... be who you want." Nusien thought that the words sounded perplexing, but it was all he had.

Hovar grinned, feeling a gentle sense of appreciation, and respect, for the CMO. Of course, Hovar will still have to fight his urges, but he appreciated the support.

"I appreciate the vote of confidence, Sir. Is there anything else you need for me for the physical?"

Nusien checked the readouts and saw that the Klingon was in good health. "No. Everything is in order here. You are in good health and fit for duty. With any luck I will not see you hear as a patient until next year."

Hovar removed himself from the bed and pondered about Nusien's words, mainly his parting words. Hovar was a priest, yes, but he was also a warrior. Just because he was excommunicated from the Empire, the blood of a Klingon Warrior still flowed through his veins. He also thought about the Red Alert drills he would be doing. Surely, he would try to behave.

"Likewise Sir. Take care."

Hovar, being now fully fit for duty as commanded by his First Officer, decided to take a quick wanted breakfast first. He remembered that the ship had a cook, of which Hovar had not met yet. With luck, he might catch her on a time when she was busy. He grinned as he dismissed the thought. Only medical, security, culinary personnel, and priests are never allowed to have a day off.

Chap [LTJG] Hovar Kor
USS Galileo-A

Lieutenant Junior Grade Nusien
Chief Medical Officer
USS Galileo-A


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