Initiates (Part 2 of 3)
Posted on 07 Sep 2024 @ 7:26pm by Commander Morgan Tarin & Lieutenant JG Serran & Lieutenant JG Sofie Ullswater & Lieutenant JG Selon Illialhlae & Ensign Mimi & Ensign Tora Zalos & Lieutenant JG Hovar Kov & Chief Warrant Officer 2 Kalliste Bacri & Petty Officer 3rd Class Jeysa Zeror & Petty Officer 3rd Class Isla Sheridan & Yukime Frost & Master Chief Petty Officer Toren Vral & Petty Officer 2nd Class Sova Zh'zynon & Crewman Apprentice Zula Gharggow & Voms Bross
4,504 words; about a 23 minute read
Episode 20 - Reconstruction
Location: USS Galileo-A - Deck 2, Transporter Room 1
Timeline: MD 02, 1427 hrs
Previously, on Initiates (Part 1)...
Warren felt a little bit at ease, but then he brought up something that he wanted to say,
"Uh, I know you are a Catholic priest and all, but I am a Buddhist."
Hovar nodded as he maintained eye contact.
"I am not in the converting business. My job is to make sure that your practices will be respected."
It was then that Warren sighed in relief, but then Hovar got the call saying that he was going to the Transporter Room. After bidding his farewells, he walked away as he headed over to the Transporter room to go towards his new home.
And Now, the Continuation...
In contrast to the growing congestion and administrative overload within Regula I, the bridge of the Nova-class was calm and serene. Soft running LCARS chirps occasionally sounded from various console at steady intervals while the captain sat in her chair with her long legs casually crossed and a large PADD in her lap. Tarin scrolled through various system and department ports while she had a few hours of downtime during her watch, and the lack of any conversation within the command center created a quiet and pleasant study environment.
Out of habit, Serran ran a hand through his hair, sweeping it out of his face. Then looking up from his console, he reported, "All of our transfers from the Yuron are on board Regula I now. The personnel transfer is complete."
The mission ops console bleeped an alert that took Mimi's attention away from a few minor tasks. "Captain, Administrator Frost is hailing us." She quickly opened the channel and activated the viewscreen.
"Captain Tarin of the USS Galileo, if you are ready we have several transfers that have come in on the transport. We can have them beamed over to you or meet when you dock."
Tarin's hazel eyes glanced up from her PADD and took notice of a familiar civilian woman's face and an unorthodox head of platinum blond hair. "Administrator Frost. Hope you're not busting your bulkhead seams over there," she lightly teased. Regula I was barely larger than Galileo-A when accounting for internal habitation volume, and even temporarily housing such a robust non-station complement could be...stressful. "What's the final personnel count to send over?"
"Not as much as you will be, captain. According to what I have here, you have a total of twenty-eight transfers. It may not be the largest, but that is going to task the medical and counseling to get everyone passed. Let me know when you are ready."
28. Not great, not terrible. Tarin had been expecting closer to 32 but orders inevitably changed at the last minute. Still, it would be a welcome relief to the crew for all departments to finally be fully staffed and at maximum operational capacity. "Understood. Give us several minutes to prepare for reception. We'll contact you again shortly. Galileo out."
The main viewscreen blinked and the holographic viewer shimmered back to its default bulkhead appearance. "Mimi, COB, Zeror and Ullswater - get down to Transporter Room 1 and organize our processing reception. There'll be a lot of new crew coming aboard, especially science personnel. Let's make sure they're squared away as quickly as possible."
"Aye Sir." Mimi secured the mission ops station and headed for the turbolift but not before grabbing a large format Padd and a few smaller ones. Twenty eight new members of the crew meant a lot of previously empty or single occupied quarters were about to get filled.
Ullswater followed close behind Mimi "Let's give them a warm welcome." A whole bunch of new people were about to flood into her labs. Sofie had memorised the names and faces of all the scientists on the transfer list, trying to make some kind of good first impression.
Jeysa looked up as her name was called then quickly headed to join the others in the turbolift.
"Aye, sah." Toren said snappily as he left his console and joined those in the lift. All accounted for he gave the Commander a nod and called, "Deck two". The doors slid shut.
Deck 2, Transporter Room 1
The interior of the Nova-class' twin transporter rooms were unremarkable and utilitarian in color, form and function. Gray and sand-colored tritanium bulkheads lined the outer edges of the rectangular chamber, and at the center was a round cylindrical chamber with a raised lower platform. Six individual personnel pads were illuminated with white light and above them shone their corresponding phase transition coil housings. An operations console nearby was currently dark and dormant while in standby mode, as was a wall-mounted LCARS console in the attached maintenance alcove.
First to come through the door Mimi put her stack of PADDs on the edge of the operators console and began to power up the transporter system.
Toren followed behind, stationing himself near the transporter pad. He had a lot of crew and non commissioned sorts to welcome aboard and settle. It was always chaos but with the beating heart of the ship at stake it was key to get it right.
A few steps behind Toren came Jeysa, she was looking forward to meeting all this new crew but 28 of them all coming onboard at the same was going to be interesting.
Ullswater wouldn't be getting it wrong. Or at least that's what she told herself. "Are we good?" she asked glancing around at the other three in the room. "When you're ready Mimi send a signal to the station and let's start bringing them in."
"One moment." Mimi said, the transporter was not her best subject, far too many complex words for parts and procedures. "OK, ready." She tapped combadge. =/\= Galileo transporter room to Regula one transporter room. We are standing by for transport.=/\=
"Galileo, Regula I acknowledges. Commencing transport in two-minute intervals," replied the science station's transporter operator from within the facility.
Within the Nova-class' beaming chamber, the transporter pad's molecular imaging scanner captured the incoming matter streams then transferred them into the pattern buffer located below the platform. After passing through the biofilter, the primary energizing coils in the overhead assembly activated followed by the phase transition coils which began to glow bright white. A bright simultaneous flare of six distinct shimmers manifested atop each vacant pad as the molecular steams were reformed in their entirety.
A half-dozen new crew members now stood on the transporter pad and the 120-second clock until the next batch began to count down. Now on board Galileo were a red-collared conn officer, an Andorian security officer, a Tellarite nurse, a Vulcan science officer, and a Bolian Astrophysicist.
Mimi's nose immediately began to twitch, the identifying scents of the new crew beginning to fill her senses, one stood out more than any though. A Tellarite woman, she'd never met one of those before.
Said short and stocky blue-collared Tellarite woman was first off the pad and quickly walked up to who she assumed was in charge here: the junior lieutenant. "Crewman Apprentice Zula Gharggow, reporting as ordered," she gruffly spoke while taking notice of the other three Galileo personnel of the 'welcoming' committee. Then she sneezed. Then sneezed again, covering her upturned nose with her forearm. Her beady brown eyes focused on Mimi's strange physical form while the realization hit her. "I am allergic to--" she complained before sneezing again, "...felinoids!"
Kalliste hefted her seabag over her shoulder and stepped off the transporter pad. The Tellarite in front of her began sneezing as she introduced herself, and she quickly course corrected to steer clear. Although the future held a delight of medical advancements...there were still a number of viruses that could bring a person down that had no cure. However, her inner musings were derailed as the woman announced her allergies. Oh, well. That was different.
"What a thing. To be allergic to a crew member." Kalliste offered, and then turned her attention momentarily to said felanoid in question. "Chief Warrant Officer Kalliste Bacri. Permission to come aboard, please and thank you." She offered amiably.
"Permission granted chief warrant officer, welcome onboard." Mimi replied quite surprised the woman had addressed her and not the higher ranking Sofie. She glanced over at the Tellarite who was still sneezing away, of all the species she'd encountered so far she'd not found anyone who had reacted like that.
A short arm holding a PADD sprouted up from behind the taller red-haired woman and waved in the air. "Crewman Apprentice Zula Gharggow!" the Tellarite gruffly barked to the Nekomi Ensign to interrupt the conn officer's processing. "The sooner I can get to sickbay, the faster I can inoculate myself against y-" She violently sneezed again.
Mimi glanced across to Sofie for a few moments before addressing the Tellarite woman. "You will wait your turn crewman, remember you are in the presence of an officer, two of them in fact." She said though she kept her voice slightly below the 'telling someone off' level.
The arm with the raised PADD slowly lowered while the woman privately grumbled to herself. "I apologize, sirs, but one of you possesses unsuitable allergens which I'm allergic to!" Gharggow growled.
Ignoring the woman's grumbling Mimi checked the large PADD she'd bought with her and turned to Kalliste. "Here is your quarters assignment Miss Bactri." she said with a small smile.
"Chief is fine. Thank you, Ensign." Kalliste gestured to the padd she took from the felanoid woman. Her eyes darted over to a blue collared officer, who as she turned saw the two pips...Oh ripe tides...
"Lieutenant!" She might have squeaked in an octave higher than usual. "In my defense, sir...I didn't see the two pips...until I saw them, and. Well. My apologies. A distinct oversight on my part." Maybe I should go get my eyes checked.
"No worries! The second one has only been there for less than a week. Trust me I'm just as surprised every time I see it." Ullswater let a little smile creep on to her face. She was patiently waiting for a member of her herd to wander of that transporter pad but in the meantime she made mental notes of each of the oncoming crew. "Crewman Gharggow, sickbay is on deck two, just one down from here."
Mimi took the PADD from Gharggow and in almost complete silence checked the woman in and updated the PADD with her quarters assignment. "Welcome onboard crewman, dismissed."
Dismissed. Finally. Zula quickly turned away from the furry alien and stopped in front of the Andorian wearing senior NCO pips on his collar. A master chief petty officer. A chief of the boat? "Crewman Apprentice Zula Gharggow, reporting for duty, master chief." She straightened her body and spread her leg posture to stand at attention, her large duffel bag hanging from her shoulder. "Permission to come aboard."
Toren appraised the Tellarite in front of him. "Aye Crewman Apprentice. Permission is so granted." He raised palm to belay any and all movement however. "I think you and I need t' have a little chat about proper... decorum with our fine Officers here." He nodded his head towards Mimi, antennas bouncing, "Report to me after you've been properly... orient-ed aboard."
She could recognize a chewing when it was coming. Wouldn't be Zula's first time, nor the last, for other members of the Federation seemed to not be capable of properly reciprocating a Tellarite greeting. "Yes, master chief," she said, before complaining aloud again. "And it's too cold in here...I didn't spend six months traveling to this duty station to be forced to live in Andorian-optimized temperature preferences."
Toren's eyes narrowed, "Oh a little cold are we, crewman? Well I'll get onto Ops to make sure yer quarters are toasty as an Andorian summer." A few minutes of -28C would probably do this one some good. "I'm sure your bunkmates will be thanking you for that." He pointed to the door. "Now. Be on y'way."
An approving grunt emanated from Zula who replied, "Yes, master chief," then quickly scurried out of the transporter room and far away from the operations officer.
Behind the short nurse, a larger and much more robust bald and blue-skinned man dressed in civilian garments approached the operations officer. "And what species might you be?" he jovially asked the ensign with traditional Bolian inquisitiveness while looking her up and down and peering his head closer to her furry and protruding ears to inspect them.
Mimi looked to the older Bolian man, she'd noticed there were a couple of civilians coming onboard with the new crew, most of them scientists. "I am a Nekomi, Mr..." pausing she quickly glanced down at the names on the manifest "Bross, somewhere between a Human and a Caitian." She replied using the simplest explanation that often worked.
He slowly maneuvered to the side of her while inspecting her body in full, including the tail which protruded from the back of the Starfleet uniform. "Yes, I see. Fascinating! May I?" he reached out with a blue hand to inspect the ensign's unorthodox appendage. "...Is it used for balance similar to other quadrupedal felines? Perhaps a left over evolutionary trait?" he mused to himself.
Her tail moving unconsciously away from the blue hand probing towards it, Mimi took the slightest step away from Bross. "It does affect my balance." She said answering his question but then quickly added. "This is not the appropriate time for an anatomy lesson Mr Bross, there is a lot of work to be done here."
The Bolian abandoned his casual pursuit of the swishing tail once the Nekomi woman turned her body and chided him. Straightening back up to his full height, he subtle bowed. "Of course. Another time, perhaps," he smiled with blue-tinted teeth before fumbling for his PADD then handing it over. "I suppose you need this before you send me on my way." Bross' blue eyes then observed the science officer nearby, this one another officer but more senior. Short. Human. Female. Brown hair and gray eyes which combined to form a cheerful yet unremarkable face. "Sofie Ullswater!" he called out, waving a hand to her upon recognizing his new boss from her picture on his PADD's Galileo crew dossier.
"Another time." Mimi said and took the P from Bross and quickly processed him onto the ships database and updated it with the mans quarters assignment.
"Welcome aboard Dr Bross. And please, end your pursuit of Mimi's tail." Sofie greeted the astrophysicist with her most Sofie Ullswater smile. Though good first impressions needed to be made she was honestly slightly irked by his invasion of Mimi's personal space, hopefully this would not be indicative of future actions. She didn't let that show though and instead extended a hand in greeting. "It is good to have you on board. I hope the journey was not too fraught."
He slightly bowed again, this time to his new department head. "I didn't mean to upset your colleague," he spoke in a regretful tone. "She is quite intriguing, however. Another time, indeed. And it is good to be on board! Such a long and monotonous star trek. I don't know how you Starfleet officers do it day in and out for an entire career." It was slowly becoming clear the man enjoyed the sound of his own voice. "And please, call me Voms. No need for such formalities." He then leaned in closer to Ullswater before lowering his voice. "Do you know where I can find the mess hall? They only fed us three meals per day aboard the Yuron...can you believe that? I was starving the entire journey!"
The lieutenant sighed and shook her head. "I will add that to the long list of complaints I have for Captain T'Lar. Don't worry, we have plenty of food here, mess hall is this deck, just round the corner." An airy gesture pointed the Bolian in the right way. "And good that you have an appetite, I'm planning a little gathering of our civilian science staff at 2030 in the Calisto lounge. Also this deck."
She gave him a pat on the shoulder as he headed off in search of grub and once he was out of earshot Sofie gave a sympathetic glance at her co-worker "Sorry about that Mimi."
"It is ok Sofie," Mimi replied. "I am the only Nekomi around, it attracts attention."
The final two members of the first arrival group checked in: a dark-skinned Vulcan petty officer named V'Lek whose stoicism matched his comparative age, and Sova, a tall blue-skinned Andorian petty officer whose roundish facial shape was contrasted by a lean and muscular physique. Both spoke little when prompted and volunteered no additional information beyond the required to the assembled Galileo crew members. Except Sova. When she finished receiving her quarters assignments from Ensign Mimi and introduced herself to the fellow Andorian within the room, she briefly switched to their native tongue. "It's good to see more of us in command within the ranks. How many pink-skins are aboard this particular vessel?" she casually queried.
Toren inspected the young Andorian, his eyes giving nothing away.
"Petty Officer Zh'zynon," he responded, his highland accent contrasting with her more southerly lilt." Aboard the Galileo, it's not about how many pink-skins, blue-skins, or even green-skins we've got," he said, his tone carrying a certain sterness to it. "It's about how we all bleed the same when the phasers start firing."
His antennae twitched slightly, "An' it's Master Chief Vral from now on."
Her blue eyes instinctively narrowed at the older man's petulant admonishment. It was a borderline betrayal of their species to speak to her with such pompous authority, yet deep down inside she knew he was simply keeping appearances to placate the others and maintain the 'Federation Standard'. That's why he'd verbally replied to her not in the Human's tongue, but their own language. "Yes, of course, Master Chief Vral. It will not happen again, Master Chief Vral," she straightened up while privately smirking at the pretense of this posturing. She would go along with it as long as was necessary, until she could prove herself as a capable warrior able to overcome any opponent within this small ship of scientists.
Toren gave her a nod, his electric blue eyes scrutinising the young officer. "On board with y' then, Petty Officer," he said, reverting back to Standard, "Familiarise y'self with the ship then report t'station."
Jeysa chuckled at Toren and Sova's interaction, while her Andorian wasn't the best she understood a good chunk of what they were saying.
13 Minutes Later...
The transporter room door hissed shut behind the 25th new arrival. A ship-to-station communique then sounded through the overhead speakers while the next personnel batch prepared to arrive. "Galileo, Regula I. Energizing next group. Standby." The phase transition coils began to glow again while simultaneous flares of new particle shimmers materialized five new bodies and their personal belongings.
One of the bodies that transferred to on one of the transporter pads was a truly unusual slight in three distinctive ways. First, the materialized body demonstrated that he was slightly taller and bulkier than the others. Second, when the uniform materialized enough, it demonstrated that the uniform around his neck was that of a member of the Star Fleet Chaplain Corps: black with a white tab directly in front with a black and gold pip on the right side of the white tab and a gold cross standing on the left side of the tab.
The third, and perhaps most important factor, was that when his body fully materialized and the transporting process was complete, a Klingon stood before everyone. Personally, while he had done this many times, this was the first time that he would be by himself with no oversight. As he was in the rear of the group, he settled to let the others check in first.
A few moments before his form had materialised fully the scent of the Klingon male filled the room and quickly lodged itself deep in the millions of scent receptors in Mimi's nose. Her large ears slicked back, nose began twitching, her pupils dilating slightly and her claws slowly extending slightly scoring the panels of the transporter operators console.
Behind the other arrivals Jeysa saw the unmistakable forehead ridges of a Klingon beaming in, already stood nearby Mimi she moved as close as she could wanting to physically block the Nekomi if she reacted how she thought she might, though given her maneuverability even the almost chest height console in front of her wouldn't stop Mimi.
How good it felt to be back home - so to speak. Tora resisted the urge to smile to herself as she materialized on the transporter pad to the sight of Jeysa (whom she hadn't caught up with in forever, oops) and the feline - Mimi, right? - standing behind her.
Selon sighed and shivered as he shook himself out, trying to make the goosebumps that ran along his body go down. How he hated transporters. Realizing his position at the head of the group on the Regula One transporter had been replicated on the Galileo's he realized he might be expected to speak first for the group. He tried to refortify himself and brush past what was sure to have been a very public display of discomfort.
"Good Afternoon, Selon Illialhlae, Hovar Kov, Tora Zalos and Isla Sheridan requesting permission to come aboard." He said, gesturing to each of the officers behind him in turn.
Though she didn't stop paying attention to how tense Mimi was Jeysa smiled when she saw the Cardassian woman Tora, her previous encounter with the woman had been decidedly interesting and she was looking forward to the next one.
"Let's not stand on ceremony, we have a lot of people to bring on board." Ullswater's clear voice chimed in from behind Mimi and Jeysa. She'd seen Mimi tense up and Jeysa repositioning. Probably best to jump in and try to get things moving along before anything happens. "Lieutenant, you're one of mine. I've scheduled a meeting for the science officers at 1920, the geology lab on deck 4. You too Tora." There was a little smile and genuine warmth in her voice as her eyes laid upon her old friend from the academy. "In the mean time everyone get checked in and let's get you all some quarters."
Hovar, having realized that he would be separated from the crew, made his way off of the Transporter pad and did his best to work his way around everyone. Since he was in a whole department of his own, he nodded with a small smile as he placed himself, at a respectful distance, away from everyone as he started to make his way on board. From what is orders said, the Chief Counselor would be waiting for him.
Isla jumped down from the pad with eagerness and a smile on her face. It always paid to put on a good show of enthusiasm for officers - first impressions were everything if you wanted an easy life. She immediately approached the older Andorian and gave a respectful nod.
"Officer Sheridan reporting for duty, sir."
This was Toren Vral, whose reputation genuinely proceeded him. She'd met a couple of crewmen aboard the Archer who had served with him and they'd given her the run down. He wasn't an easy one to cross.
Toren gave a stoic look then leaned back a little, "Aye, enthusiastic are we, Officer?" His mouth spread into a slightly sinister smile, "Your file arrived with me an' it was... let's say... suspiciously light." His eyes glinted, "All bread an' no sandwich I think humans say."
He fished a PADD out of his pocket, "Thankfully I've got some contacts down at Starfleet records and I got the full file..." He hefted it, "Very interestin' reading. I can't think how it might have been so... chopped up the firs' time it was sent."
Isla knew. She had managed to do some selective editing of the subspace packet, while it was in transport, just using a personal terminal. People won prizes for that sort of thing! He wasn't meant to notice. Damn.
"No idea, sir," she responded without missing a beat, "File corruption on the long journey perhaps?"
"Hm," Toren grunted, filing away the interaction for later consideration. "Let's dispense with the 'sir' too, Officer Sheridan. Master Chief or Master Chief Vral if you please."
"Yes, Master Chief." She replied. It was difficult not to roll her eyes.
"Welcome aboard," Toren continued in his signature gravelly tone, "Report t' your quarters then to the Chief Engineer. She'll be happy of another hand."
Isla bobbed a nod once more then broke eye contact and strode confidently through the doors.
Tora was next in line. "Ensign Tora Zalos, reporting, Master Chief." She said. She'd have added a little 'it's good to be back' too - but something about the way he acted told her that he might not appreciate that. Some of these older noncommissioned officers were sort of like that.
Toren gave the Cardassian a respectful nod, his antennae bouncing a little.
"Welcome aboard, sah," his gravelly tone betrayed nothing in particular, "I'm sure you'll find things much as they were when you were last aboard."
"Good to see you again Ensign Zalos." Jeysa said after the Cardassian woman introduced herself to Toren.
"Good to see you too. It's been a while, hasn't it." She'd need to catch up with Jeysa later - right now, though, she'd need to get these formalities out of the way. "I'm glad to be back."
To Be Continued...
CMDR Morgan Tarin
Commanding Officer
USS Galileo-A
Yukime Frost
Station Administrator
Regula I
[PNPC Warraquim]
MCPO Toren Vral
Chief of the Boat
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Vala]
ENS Mimi
Deputy Operations Manager
USS Galileo-A
PO3 Jeysa Zeror
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Mimi]
LTJG Sofie Ullswater
Chief Science Officer
USS Galileo-A
LTJG Serran
Operations Manager
USS Galileo-A
LTJG Selon Illialhlae
USS Galileo-A
LTJG Hovar Kov
USS Galileo-A
ENS Tora Zalos
Science Officer
USS Galileo-A
CWO2 Kalliste Bacri
Conn Officer
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC M'Lyr'Zor]
PO3 Isla Sheridan
Engineering Officer
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Vala]
PO2 Sova Zh'zynon
Security Officer
USS Galileo-A
[NPC Tarin]
CA Zula Gharggow
USS Galileo-A
[NPC Tarin]
Voms Bross
USS Galileo-A
[NPC Tarin]