USS Galileo :: Episode 19 - Tomorrow's Galileo - The Battle of Sector 189 (Part 2 of 5)
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The Battle of Sector 189 (Part 2 of 5)

Posted on 02 Apr 2024 @ 1:14pm by Rear Admiral Lirha Saalm & Commander Morgan Tarin & Commander Scarlet Blake & Commander Marisa Wyatt & Lieutenant JG Serran & Lieutenant JG Delainey Carlisle & Lieutenant JG Montgomery Vala & Ensign Mimi & Ensign S'Ers-a M'Lyr'Zor & Ensign Jonathon DeLaney & Commander Luke Wyatt & Lieutenant JG Vren Vral & Ensign Amanda Turell & Ensign Asha & Chief Petty Officer Katja Becker & Petty Officer 1st Class T'Lin & Petty Officer 2nd Class Liam O'Connor & Petty Officer 3rd Class John Hollenday & Master Chief Petty Officer Toren Vral
Edited on on 02 Apr 2024 @ 1:15pm

2,812 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Episode 19 - Tomorrow's Galileo
Location: Pleiades Cluster, Sector 189, Grid 02
Timeline: MD 03, 2219 hrs

Previously, on The Battle of Sector 189 (Part 1)...

"Holding at stationkeeping," was the conn officer's reply to junior lieutenant. Lamar performed a final sweep of his console then swung the chair to the side to vacate the position for Caradec. "I'll head down to the main shuttlebay and prep
Virginia and Livia for launch if we need them."

"Good thinking.", Rafe responded. Rafe looked at the NAV LCARS panel and everything was as green across the board, as reported. He took a look at the situation regarding nearby asteroids, gas nebulas, etc., to know what he needed to be aware of. His hands came to an idle. Rafe was ready.

And Now, the Continuation...


USS Galileo-B

Within the Mark III Nova-class' bridge, Rear Admiral Saalm was situated in her captain's chair while her light green eyes scanned the external sensors to ensure those members of the legacy Galileo were finally back inside the airlocks. Her pupils snapped back up to the viewscreen which for now contained a serene view of the distant stars, but she knew it would quickly change. One of her emerald green hands reached up to tap the commbadge atop her breast. "All hands, Red Alert. All Galileo-A personnel report to your traditional duty stations to assist my crew. Commanders Wyatt to the bridge, immediately. Prepare for enemy contact in three minutes. Saalm out."

Down in the Galileo-B's engineering, Asha scurried from place to place as the lights changed and a klaxon sounded the red alert. "Bring the core to full power. Matt keep an eye on injector number 2, if it jams again we're in trouble."

Sera made her way quite expeditiously to Main Engineering aboard the 'B.' The walk gave her a moment to collect her thoughts. Having only served aboard a prototypical vessel going through its paces for formal certification and production, Sera had never experienced the specter of a looming battle. It was a...fascinating sensation, and the color shift to red alert only seemed to heighten it.

The large double doors whooshed opened and the rising hum of the warp core settled into her ears--and into her bones. It was powering up; logical.

An ensign with the ears of a large predatory cat rushed by and Sera changed her course to start walking with her. "I am Ensign...Sera - engineer aboard the 'A.' How may I assist?"

"Hey, that's my kid. Hello, Asha; guess you've got dear old dad to help out in engineering," Hollenday called out as he saw a familiar silhouette.

Both of Sera's brows rose at Hollenday's admission. "Indeed?" Her curious mind generated a number of questions which were instantly quashed. Times and places.

"Lumela aita" Asha said as her father entered the room. She looked at him and the Vulcan woman. "Impulse engine station is over there, main warp panel is over here, you can get to the shield generators from the upper level, almost everything is the same as on your ship." She added waving her hands about the room.

Amidst the activity in Main Engineering aboard the 'B', Johnathon DeLaney, a seasoned engineer with a preference for machinery than people, observed the scene with a weathered gaze. As Asha guided the newcomer, around the room, he couldn't help but interject with a gruff tone, "Though on the surface it may appear the same, under the hood, it's vastly different and vastly superior, so don't break anything you can't fix." His words carried the weight of experience, a warning born from years spent tinkering with starship systems, often with spare parts. Despite his rugged exterior, there was wisdom in his caution, honed through countless hours spent elbow-deep in circuitry and machinery.

Sera looked at the unsolicited advisor and raised a brow in an imperious manner. "Although your advice was not asked has been noted."

"Don't mind Johno here," Liam said with a chuckle, his Australian accent lending a casual air to his words. "He's a bit rough around the edges, but who can blame him, with everything, you know? Besides, he gets on better with machines than he does people, which is why we keep him around, ain't that right, mate?"

John grunted, "Which is why I wonder why they keep you around, all I seem to be doing lately is babysit you."

"Ah come on Johno, were best pals!" He chuckled, "I'm Petty Officer O'Connor resident of New Australian engineer, and the ying to this man right here's yang, Ensign Delaney," he said in a way of introducing himself and John.

Sera glanced between the two engineers as their social interaction played out. She had endured similar inexplicable exchanges with her own staff after only recently coming aboard the 'A,' herself.

"I am Ensign S'Ers-a M'Lyr'Zor, Petty Officer O'Connor...and apparently I am 'acting' as the Chief Engineering officer aboard the 'A.'" There were parts of Federation Standard vernacular that still were confusing to her. "I shall do my...upmost, however, to not...damage the equipment." Her delivery was quintessentially Vulcan, but the contents? Well, that was quite acerbic.

Marisa was spending a few minutes with Luke before the impending battle. When the command came, both of them hurried to the bridge, entering together to take their respective seats.

Luke moved silently onto the bridge, the familiar hum of activity signaling another impending skirmish. He had witnessed the tension etched on the faces of his fellow officers countless times before, each one silently grappling with the possibility that this battle could be their last. Yet, against the odds, they had managed to persevere, albeit by the skin of their teeth. Taking his position, Luke awaited further orders, his gaze naturally drawn to Marissa, the steadying presence amidst the chaos of uncertainty.

Vala strode onto the bridge, giving the barest glance towards the Admiral. Reviewing the timeline simulations had potentially dug up some common ground, but he was not a trusting type. Even with twenty-five years of change, he could tell a science station with a glance. He began walking over to it as the others arrived.

T'Lin followed onto the bridge. "Admiral, perhaps I can assist at the science console."

Stepping off the turbolift Mimi emerged onto the bridge, it was definitely more roomy than the A. Seeing her old boss Commander Alexander already manning the Ops station she headed to one of the auxiliary stations that was free and configured it for damage control to take some workload off of him.

Vren was not far behind, looking as impassive as ever. He robotically took the station next to Mimi. After glancing at her console a few times to check she was sufficiently well acquainted with the ship's configuration, he began methodically working through standard procedures for a red alert.

The influx of new arrivals within the Mark III Nova-class bridge prompted its captain to turn in her seat and crane her neck over her shoulder to account for all present and past-timeline personnel. "Vala and T'Lin, take Science II and III and support Wyatt - Marisa. I want targeting tracks on the enemy as soon as they decloak. Activate our ECM jammer. Ensign Mimi, you're with Commander Alexander. Monitor and ensure our primary systems and secondary stay online. Mister Wyatt, she then spoke to her red-collared first officer, "assume the tactical station. Load quantum torpedoes and prepare for contact..."

"Already on it Admiral," Mimi said without turning away from the station she was busy configuring.

"Yes, Admiral," T'lin replied coolly while moving to take the secondary science station.

Vala sat down and gave the Admiral a moment of eye contact, then a short nod. His long fingers immediately began tapping across the console, preparing various sensor sweeps.

"Aye, Admiral," Luke responded promptly, swiftly maneuvering to the tactical station and relieving the ensign stationed there. Despite feeling a pang of guilt for displacing the ensign, he knew that now was not the time to prioritize ambition over experience. Loading his preferred tactical layout onto the console, he arranged the weapon systems on the left quadrant of the screen, communications in the center, and sensors on the right, all colour-coded for ease of understanding.

He initiated the command sequence for loading and arming the quantum torpedoes, ensuring readiness for combat. With the phasers on standby, Luke refrained from arming them just yet, as they were not the weapons ordered for this engagement.

"Torpedoes are in their tubes, targeting sensors are scanning, may I suggest requesting tactical coordination with the Galileo-A Admiral" he reported, Luke's tone confident and focused as he awaited further instructions from the Admiral.

Quickly tapping away at her chair's armrest console, Saalm delayed a short moment before responding to her old friend-turned-first officer. "We cannot retreat from this we must fight. Prepare to initiate attack pattern Beta-Three on my mark. Target the lead warbird when it enters weapons' range. Establish a tactical datalink with our old ship and inform them of our intentions."

Luke swiftly initiated a tactical data link with the other Galileo, configuring it for offensive manoeuvres based on the provided parameters. With the scenario indicating a more than 3 vessel value, uneven engagement, and low to mid sublight speeds, Luke knew strategic manoeuvring would be crucial. He quickly input the details into the tactical console, analysing the data with precision.

"Data link established with the other Galileo, Admiral," Luke reported, his voice calm and determined. "Tactical parameters set for offensive maneuvers: merge, isolate. Sequential, broad spectrum firing pattern primed."

With the tactical link now established and the parameters configured, Luke stood ready, his gaze steady as he awaited further orders, prepared to execute the plan and contribute to the success of the upcoming engagement.

Meanwhile, Delainey hurried to report to Sickbay. Unfortunately, prepping for possible casualties wasn't an unfamiliar task for her no matter what the environment. She offered a nod to Becker, glad to have a familiar face by her side.

Becker tagged along, and nodded back to Delainey, her expression now grim. She hadn't faced battle since the end of the war, and part of her wondered if the time spent between the last engagement had softened her, somehow. But it was like slipping into a pair of well-worn shoes. Her mind already focused ahead. What needed to be made ready, the most common casualties that would be experienced...the teeth bit, and the gears began to turn.

"You ever done this before, Delainey?" If the answer was yes, there was nothing more that needed to be said...but if not? Well, this was something Katja was good at.

Delainey turned and nodded. "More times than I can count. Still, it's always nice to have a teammate." A small part of Carlisle was still thinking of how she had put her foot in it with Becker earlier, but she knew now was not the time to draw on it. Still, however, she made a mental note to follow up. She was not accustomed to causing pain so carelessly.

The Pleiades Cluster

Stellar nurseries in the far distance of the cosmos cast their far-reaching nebulonic hues across the hulls of Galileo-A and Galileo-B. The two Nova-class starships - the antiquated Mark II and the modern Mark III - slowly began to initiate a defensive formation for mutual combat support. It was one of many series of tragedies in this new timeline, that even such a beautiful and expansive exploration cluster could instantly turn into a graveyard full of starship wreckage and frozen, lifeless humanoid bodies in the aftermath of pure violence.

Yet this was 2417 - the near-end of the Federation as all those before had known it. No peace, quarter terms, or surrender existed anymore. Every confrontation with the Klingon/Romulan Alliance was ultimately a definitive one that had produced the most brutal land and space-based combat in modern galactic history, surpassing even that of the Dominion War. In the near distance, two warp trails rapidly flared and snapped down to impulse speed. A pair of small, shamrock-colored hulls decloaked and materialized on a direct intercept course to the Starfleet vessels. At present velocity, they would soon intercept the Galileos and possibly destroy the last chance the Federation possessed to prevent this geopolitical catastrophe.

USS Galileo-A

Within the Mark-II's bridge, tactical LCARS alerts began to sound from the auxiliary console where the security officer, Turell, was stationed.

"Two targets on an intercept course Captain," Amanda called out before reading the sensor report more in-depth. "Unknown classification, sensor signature suggests frigate-sized vessels."

Tarin adjusted her posture to sit upright in her chair, her sharp hazel eyes becoming severe. "On screen. Magnify."

Amanda tapped the console and the viewscreen came to life.

The Mark II Nova class' large main viewscreen quickly shifted its focus to a distant pair of Romulan warbirds, then focused on their distinctive hull shapes. Each of them appeared to be of the same shape and configuration at first glance; their distinctive green hulls and glowing neon-green warp nacelles were a tell-tale sign of their empire's heritage, yet they appeared unlike any Romulan vessel Tarin had ever seen. Their hulls and wing roots appeared slimmer in profile...more lean and most certainly sophisticated. "Tactical analysis, now!"

The tactical console beeped angrily back at Amanda as she scanned the vessel. "Sensors are having difficulty penetrating the target," She bought up the physical images on her console, "I can pick up at least 4 disruptor arrays across the prow, maybe a torpedo launcher but it's not clear. Not detecting any hull armour but their shields are up and weapons charged. I'd estimate crew compliment around a hundred each." Amanda finished her analysis, it wasn't a very good one but it was as much as the sensors and her own judgment could give.

Serran looked up from the console, one brow raised. "Captain, we have an incoming from the Galileo-B. Should I route it here or to your ready room? It is audio only?"

"Put it up on the main speakers, here," quickly answered Tarin. She was anxious to hear from their small task group's commanding officer and they all needed to know the most pertinent information regarding these new adversaries along with any plans the rear admiral possessed to defeat them.

"Commander Tarin...," sounded Saalm's distinctive light yet fatigued voice over the bridge comm channel, "we detect two Romulan scout warbirds on intercept to our position...they'll enter weapons range within 30 seconds. We're establishing a tactical datalink. These vessels are faster than both of ours yet do not match our combined firepower. We can't retreat or else they will run us down, so I intend to stand our ground and engage them here. Fight them now. Let's force them into our fight, on our terms. Stay on our wing and focus your fire on our priority target. Good luck. Saalm out."

"Establishing data link." Amanda tapped at the console linking their tactical information with that of the Galileo-B, the words 'attack pattern beta three' flashed up on her screen. "Beta 3..... beta 3....." she said under her breath trying to remember the specifics of that pattern; shooting phaser rifles more her thing than the phaser strips of a starship.

Toren worked with his usual slightly frenetic efficiency, establishing the link between the targetting computers in no time at all. Thankfully twenty five years of technological development maintained a good bit of backwards compatibility. The Galileo's were speaking to each other.

He turned to Turell, his gravelly tone taking on a little softness, "It's the one with the big roll, ensign."

Tapping swiftly on the small screen at her right arm, Blake sent a message through to Sickbay that combat was imminent. Engineering and tactical were already braced. She pushed herself briskly from her chair, moving around to Turell's position so she could get a clear view of the data from her screen, preferring it to seeing it play out on the viewing screen alone.

Through the main viewscreen, the Romulan warbirds accelerated and approached, they themselves spreading into an unknown attack formation. Tarin tracked their positioning both visually and on her console, then gave the order to the conn to commit. "Helm, increase to 1/8th impulse and keep us in formation with the admiral's vessel." She then tapped the intra-ship comm channel button on her armrest to address the -A crew. "All hands, this is the captain. Prepare for contact with hostile forces."

To Be Continued...



Primary and Secondary Characters
Various Positions
USS Galileo-A

Primary and Secondary Characters
Various Positions
USS Galileo-B


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