Hands Full with a Handfull (Part 4 of 6)
Posted on 17 Oct 2023 @ 9:55am by Commander Morgan Tarin & Ensign Tora Zalos & Commander (La) Kuran & Commander Scarlet Blake & Lieutenant Aria Rice
Edited on on 17 Oct 2023 @ 9:56am
1,814 words; about a 9 minute read
Episode 18 - Cold Station 31
Location: Regula I - Level 16, Mess Hall 2
Timeline: MD 18, 1913 hrs
Previously, on Hands Full with a Handfull (Part 3)...
"What is a chastity belt?" Mimi asked though by Donald and John's reaction it was probably something rude.
"A metal device that human male would put on females such that no one else could have sex with them because there were metal tines that...well would do a number on said male appendage. Tarin probably has them turned inward and relishes the pain."
The look on Mimi's face changed from one of curiosity to one of disgust. "That is...tmerrura, people really did that to their women?"
"Oh yeah, people were weird back in the olden days," Donald said chuckling at Mimi's expression. "Men would do anything to make sure their wives and sweethearts weren't having sex with anyone but them."
And Now, the Continuation...
Mess Hall 2, Klingon Banquet
Having sampled quite enough of the Starfleet side of things (the people and the food, anyway) Tora had found herself wandering over to the Klingon side of the hall. Predictably the partygoers were rowdier and much more excitable; she could see a pair of Klingon men butting heads in the corner. She stayed at the fringe of the crowd for now, assessing them for a start...
Etisa visibly bristled and stiffened as she caught sight of the Cardassian. She elbowed Aria to get her attention, leaning in close to keep her words between them. "Is she one of yours too?" the suspicion was clear even in her lowered tones.
Aria looked over at the Cardassian as well, a frown coming to her. "Not as far as I know," she admitted, before she gave a shrug. "I mean, is there a banner over the door outside saying come in, party time? Every one and their mother seems to be coming..." she looked at Etisa and shook her head. "Could be Station staff? Or another wayward trader looking to sell." Either way, a Cardassian would stand out amongst Klingons, who weren't exactly known for being a forgiving people when it came to slights, battles, war or general other things. But after a few glasses of drink, Aria's idea of protecting her former crewmates from Klingon injuries had been worn down into a sense of not caring as much. She was not their babysitter.
"Hm..." a rough, heavy chuckle rolled in Etisa's throat as she shook her head, drinking down the remnants of her cup in one mouthful. "8 broken bones, a bloody nose and a stained dress..."
Tora could hear some Klingons whispering. She was absolutely aware of the fact that her people and the Klingons were still on sour terms - put lightly - of course, but she was determined to start making a change. Sure, she might not be able to do much alone, but someone had to take the first step. She decided to take her chances with the sole Klingon woman she spotted alone in the corner of the hall, cup in hand but obviously not drinking or enjoying herself. Now that was odd. "Is everything alright?" She asked, stepping up to her cautiously. "I just see that you're not joining the rest, and all."
The tall and muscular Klingon woman narrowed her dark brown eyes at the intruder when she approached. And then when she spoke to her, she gripped her goblet of bloodwine tightly in her hand. "What do you want, Cardassian?" she hissed at the young Starfleet science officer. "My business is none of yours."
Tora had expected that much of a reaction from her. She was acutely aware that people - especially the Klingons - might treat her with hostility even now; the Dominion War was raw in the minds of many after all. "I'm just saying hello." She replied evenly, maintaining respectful distance between herself and the woman. "You don't seem to be partying with the rest, that's all, so I thought I'd simply ask." Tora smiled sweetly. "I'll leave you alone if you'd prefer. I just don't think that anyone should be spending a party alone in a corner."
With a scowl, the Klingon turned her body away from the Cardassian but still regarded Tora from the corner of her eye. "...What do you care about my feelings or how I conduct myself?" She angrily huffed. "What could you possibly offer me?"
As much as her tone of voice and words suggested otherwise, Tora could see that she did want someone to talk to, even if it was just a little bit and buried beneath her ego. And possibly a reasonable dollop of post-war distrust. "Company. If you want it." She replied evenly. "Why do I care? Well, let's just say that I have quite some experience discerning when someone is down or not entirely themselves - I don't mean to say that you definitely are either of those things; I just find it unusual that you choose to drink alone in a crowded gathering like this one."
The Klingon brought her goblet to her mouth and in an impressive display of drinking prowess, chugged the rest of her bloodwine from the mostly-full receptacle. She tossed it aside across the carpet, a soft clattering sounding which was drowned out by the boisterous nature of the room. "My father killed thousands of your kind during the war," she retorted. "He often spoke of the infamous Cardassian dishonor - that your commanders and soldiers would flee behind the Jem'Hadar like cowardly petaQ when our battlecruisers decloaked."
"Not all Cardassians are the same." Tora didn't flinch at the sharp clang of metal against metal. Perhaps this woman had meant that gesture to intimidate her, to test her strength of character - Klingons were that way, she'd learned. Which meant that in order to make headway with this woman she would need to stand her ground, and do so steadfastly. "My people have done plenty of wrong. I won't deny it. But we're capable of changing, you'll see. We're capable of becoming better. It's fine if you don't believe me yet - I intend to start making that change." She met the woman's eyes firmly with hers. "How do you want me to prove that I can be different?"
Dark eyes brightened beneath the woman's cranial ridges. For the first time, she smiled, but it was not one of pleasantry. The corners of her lips curled with an amalgamation of anger and satisfaction at the Cardassian's offer. "You wish to prove you and the rest of your species are not cowards?" she clarified.
"I wish to prove that me and my people can be better than you know us to be." Tora retorted with an eyebrow raised. Proving that her people weren't cowards alone would not satisfy this woman, she could sense it even without telepathy. Proving that her people could be better as a whole would satisfy that and more - and be a far better test of her character.
The Klingon warrior spit on the carpet in front of the Cardassian to make her opinion crystal clear. "I know your people as cowards who will flee from a fight without your overlords to protect you. So...since you are here to prove yourself, then I challenge you to personal combat! This is what you can offer me!" Her voice rang loud throughout the mess hall which suddenly captured the attention of the other Klingon officers in attendance. A hearty cry of encouragement erupted from one, then another, and within seconds, several tables'-worth of Klingons rose from their seats to encircle the two with rowdy bellows in anticipation of the evening's 'entertainment' event. A bat'leth was thrown to the ground next to ensign's leg while another one sailed through the air which the Klingon woman expertly caught by its grip.
Aria Rice watched, her eyes narrowed. She pushed herself up, walking over and putting herself in between them. "No," she said, firmly. "I forbid it. We are not here to kill our allies. Anyone who has a problem with that come over here and whisper in my ear." Her eyes went to the Cardassian woman, cold and firm. "Get out. Now," she ordered and watched her go before she picked up the bat'leth, holding it in a lax hand. "Drink and celebrate. I am sure we will see proper battle at some point. For now, the bloodwine flows...and there are songs to sing!"
The obstreperous warriors in attendance for the challenge groaned and some jeered the first officer's intervention. But they quickly returned their attentions to their bloodwine goblets and dispersed from the combat circle. The Klingon woman who'd challenged the Cardassian folded her arms across her large chest with annoyance. "You should have let me kill her," was all she said to Rice before wandering off to procure more food and drink.
Next to Rice, a tall and lean Klingon moseyed next to the Lunan warrior. With a large bowl of gagh in one hand, he casually spoke to his XO in between chews. "Once more, Starfleet seems unable to mind their own business," Kuran grunted with amusement before grabbing a finger-full of wiggling worms then stuffing them into his mouth. "Are they not satisfied with their own food and drink?"
Aria glanced at him, giving a small shrug. "They're curious," she said and looked over at the Klingons. "Because they haven't realised that the moment anyone of the crew touches them, we're all going back to the Praxis, and the ones that got into the fight will have to deal with me."
He chewed then licked his half-gloved fingertips clean of worm juice. "You continue to surprise me," he grinned with sharp white teeth. "Some of my officers have much to learn from you." He then handed the half-consumed bowl of gagh to her. "Eat. You are still too slender and require more protein."
She took the bowl, not looking at it before she took some, eating it without dwelling on what it was. Because if she did, that gagh would become gag which would be her spewing her guts at the party. Not a good look. She swallowed and looked at him. "Eating more protein won't change it. High metabolism and adolescence spent training hard."
Frowning in a judgemental manner, Kuran simply replied, "Humans are a strange species," before wandering off to banter with the tactical weapons master, Torn.
To Be Continued...
ENS Tora Zalos
Science Officer
USS Galileo-A
LT Aria Rice
First Officer
IKS Praxis
CMDR Kuran
Commanding Officer
IKS Praxis
[PNPC Tarin]
Klingon Woman
Klingon Officer
IKS Praxis
[NPC Tarin]
Klingon Officer
IKS Praxis
[NPC Blake]