Changing of the Guard
Posted on 15 Sep 2023 @ 4:27pm by Commander Morgan Tarin & Chief Warrant Officer 3 Lamar Darius & Commander Scarlet Blake & Commander Allyndra illm Warraquim & Lieutenant JG Rafe Caradec & Lieutenant JG Fynn Taymor & Ensign Mimi & Lieutenant JG Sofie Ullswater & Ensign Tora Zalos & Lieutenant JG Karras & Ensign Amanda Turell & Chief Warrant Officer 2 Oliver Sylver & Chief Petty Officer Afthinam Naime & Petty Officer 1st Class Gabriel Stark & Petty Officer 1st Class T'Lin & Petty Officer 1st Class Ember Locksley & Petty Officer 2nd Class Donald Andrews & Petty Officer 2nd Class Leon Inaros & Petty Officer 3rd Class Jeysa Zeror & Petty Officer 3rd Class John Hollenday & Petty Officer 3rd Class Constantin Vansen & Petty Officer 3rd Class Helliun 'Hel' Inant & Petty Officer 3rd Class Raine Ni-ya
4,191 words; about a 21 minute read
Episode 18 - Cold Station 31
Location: USS Galileo-A - Deck 3, Main Cargo Bay
Timeline: MD 18, 1200 hrs
It was an exciting day for the Galileo crew, one filled with optimism, joy and unbridled hope for their new future as Starfleet's premier science starship. As the vessel's small compliment of personnel began to file into the cargo bay and line up according to their respective departments, smiles and jubilation could be seen across all of their faces and was present within their body language. Some brought gifts of gold-pressed latinum and decorative floral blossoms to commemorate the occasion while many others exchanged celebratory hugs. It truly was a glorious day for the Nova-class.
Of course, this alternate reality timeline was not the one in which they existed. Several of the junior enlisted and NCOs walking into the cargo bay appeared somewhat sleep-deprived, especially those within the engineering and operations department. The two senior red-collared commanders stood atop a small podium at the front of the cargo bay (which was actually an empty food container) while Tarin tapped at the PADD in her hand, reviewing the latest engineering reports as she waited for the official change of command ceremony to commence. Such formalities were Starfleet tradition but there was still pending work to get Galileo back to full operational status, and that was her current priority.
Already in the cargo bay Jeysa stood near the two command officers, close enough she could be there in a moment if she were needed, far enough away to not be in the way if not needed. She like most of the rest of the crew she assumed had mixed feelings about Tarin taking over command of the ship.
Fynn and Karras entered together, laughing so hard they were almost in tears. The two had found themselves as unexpected roommates for the time being, and the counselor had been sharing stories of his multiple social faux pas when he attended the Academy. They quickly gathered themselves moved towards their respective lines; Karras towards the medical line and the spot behind where Allyndra would stand, Fynn to the head of the Engineering department. The Bajoran looked forward towards Tarin, and offered her a friendly smile. The Ba'ku looked at something interesting on the deck plate beneath him.
Freshly uniformed Amanda headed into the cargo bay, with Aria off the ship it fell to her to represent the security department.... all two of them.
Gabriel Stark moved up stealthily to join Amanda, pinching her elbow playfully with a small smile. "See, I *told* you the Chief Security Officer's chair is cursed," he whispered with a small smile, trying to lighten the atmosphere with a touch of dark humour.
"Remind me never to let myself get promoted." Amanda remarked. "Lt Rice will be back eventually."
"Fingers crossed she hasn't gone full warrior princess on us," Gabriel chuckled, shaking his head at the image that flashed through his mind.
In contrast Donald somewhat sleepily walked into the cargo bay, his uniform a little scruffy and the evidence of a day and a half's hard work evident on his face and hands, there was still so much to get done and he didn't want to have to be here watching a ceremony for something that could easily be done in the Captain's ready room between the two command officers.
Hel, in a uniform that wasn't that clean upon close inspection and with her hair still tied roughly up, almost scowled at her crew members as she walked in. She felt too busy, a thousand smaller things to look at now that the major repairs were done. And what was the point of this? A ceremony for something as unimpressive as some officer deciding which seat to sit in? She'd rather have had a ceremony for new department heads, that made sense. Or best kept warp core in the fleet. Okay, they'd never win, but not from a lack of trying.
"Hey Hel," John called out, "You look about the same as I feel, tired, and being pulled away for something useless as tits on a bull."
"I just want to get back into my overalls and get some real work done," Hel said before she smiled. Truth was, she longed for her work overalls already.
"Tell me about it." Donald added. "Sooner we get the ship fixed sooner we can take a proper break and find a pint or five."
Allyndra almost wanted to just fly into place but figured it was too over the top, and frankly, she had plenty on her plate to deal with. So quietly, she slipped to the front of the medical department, people gathering, nodding, and whispering her thanks to each of them for the work they had done.
Rafe stood where the flight officers group was, slightly off center and near the front, observing the commander move through the ranks. He thought, that kind of leadership and noticing the crew for their hard work goes a long way. It was important for them to know their efforts mattered. He was glad to be part of a great crew, a dedicated crew, this crew. They pulled together in the most trying of times and made things happen. He was glad to be here even though he initially was freaked out beyond belief, then almost smashed the ship into an asteroid. But hey, nobody's perfect.
T'Lin stood well back in the science contingent. She observed, but in her mind, this whole ceremony was to her way of thinking illogical.
Beside T'Lin stood Raine, who had donned the uniform to a level of immaculate ease that showed she had just replicated it. Usually, her uniforms showed some sort of wear or stain from what she had been working on in the science lab, but not today. Not for this. Her eyes took in the people around her, a small and somewhat dry smile coming to her.
Alongside Petty officers Amul and Ubax, Mimi led the majority of the ships Operations department into the cargo bay. Her telling them they had to drop all the so much more important things they had been doing to attend this ceremony had elicited several groans of discontent.
Constantin's hair was right now long enough for him to have tied back and he walked behind Mimi, his eyes scanning the gathering crowd. As an enlisted, he was never fond of these things. Seemed like an excuse for Officers just all officer-y. But there were traditions behind it that he never really understood, so he just complied.
"Constantin." Mimi greeted the man, it was only the second time she'd seen him since they arrived, and the first was seconding him to engineering to help out there.
"Good to see you Mimi," Constantin said with a quick smile nodding as he met her eyes. He felt good in the knowledge he had helped Stark clear her name of the murder of the Klingon.
"You too." Mimi replied. "How did your EVA with Donald go?"
"She's as good as new," Constantin said with a small nod, watching her for a long moment. "And we're still breathing, which is a plus."
Leon Inaros tugged his uniform jacket down as he walked in, getting to the side where Medical stood. He found a spare spot and stood there, his body relaxed in that way that former Marines ease, hands behind the back. Parade rest, that sort. It was just habit even if he knew it looked really stupid.
"You look as excited as I feel," Alexion Wylde said softly behind Leon's ear, a small smile coming to him as he settled with arms folded across his chest.
Leon chuckled as he turned his head a little to look at Alexion. "I've never been much for these things," he confessed, a quiet whisper. "I think it comes from many years of standing around saluting."
A lot of people had already arrived when Sofie and Lamar entered the hall together, they'd been nearly inseparable these past few days. Sofie tried her best to keep her eyes away from looking at the faces of any of the gathered crowd. All the stares and judgement were bad enough in her imagination, best not to look just in case they were similar in the real world. "Well we know this has to be real." Sofie made a quick quiet, irony infused remark to her friend with a nod in the direction of their new captain standing on a food crate. Her sense of humour had been particularly milky these last few days, it was her way of coping with what happened and yet another thing she could only really share with Lamar. "Not even a monster would come up with something this absurd."
The veteran conn officer followed closely behind the science officer, scanning with protective eyes around her and putting a soft hand against the small of her back. He'd grown quite fond of her throughout the course of their mutual incident and recovery period. And now, Lamar looked up at Commanders Tarin and Blake atop their makeshift podium. "I think it's real too," he privately grinned in reply. "But let's wait for it. This captain is pretty easy to read."
Sofie raised her eyes to where the rest of her department were standing. T'Lin, and Tora, and all the others that Tarin had made her responsible for. "Surprised they even let us come to this. Its the perfect oppor-" She stopped herself mid sentence, this was not the time for a remark about attempted assassinations of the captain, not the time at all. She gave a nod in the direction of the other scientists "My people cry out for me, I'll see you." She gave last glance of gratitude to Lamar before heading off to fall in to her own place.
After the last straggling Galileo crew members finally arrived in the cargo bay and Tarin finished her visual head count, she turned to her Trill yeoman with a prompt instruction to begin the brief yet official ceremony. "Petty officer, call attention to orders."
Jeysa looked up when Tarin's voice turned her way. "Aye Sir." She cleared her throat, took a deep breath and loudly called out. "All hands. Attention to orders."
Tarin herself straightened her posture then formally turned to face her yeoman. She took a step forward then offered her large PADD to the young Trill. "Petty Officer Zeror. Read our orders," she instructed before turning back to face the crew with her hands clasped professionally behind her waist. Her hazel eyes stared stoically just above the tops of their collective heads rather than at their faces, as was tradition.
Jeysa took several steps forward and took the PADD. After a moment to read the PADD's content she turned towards the assembled crew, her own feelings about what she'd read carefully masked. "To Commander Morgan Tarin, strategic operations officer, Regula I. Stardate 69367.1. You are hereby assigned command of USS Galileo NCC-80010-A in replacement of Captain Lirha Saalm, effective immediately. Signed, Admiral Sirala, 1st Fleet."
Glancing up ever-so-slightly with her sharp hazel eyes, Tarin spoke to the ship's invisible computer core matrix. "Computer, transfer all command codes to Commander Morgan Tarin. Voice authorization: Tarin-Alpha-Uniform-Seven-Zero-Zero-Delta."
The computer's primary subprocessors analyzed the request with a faint yet audible series of distinctive query sounds. After two seconds, a final confirmation chirp sounded throughout the cargo bay. "Transfer complete. USS Galileo is now under the command of Commander Morgan Tarin."
"Captain Saalm, I relieve you," Tarin ceremoniously added, giving the prestigious starship's former commanding officer her due respect even in her absence.
"Captain Saalm stands relieved." Jeysa spoke the final words of the change of command process, it felt so wrong to be doing this without Lirha being there.
This is it, Tarin reconciled with herself behind projected stoicism. It was the moment every Starfleet command department officer dreamed of when they first applied for this specific specialty track at the Academy; the chance to one day have a command of their own and to lead others in pursuit of the Federation's long-standing goals. It had been a long road for Tarin since the Breen attack on Starfleet HQ during her freshman year of studies, and an even harder road graduating and being deployed at the terminal phase of the terrible Dominion War. Six years she'd then spent as a conn officer honing her craft not only performing her duties as a starship pilot, but also as a member of the Command department with all the included responsibility. Her career shifted in '83 when she ascended to the position of first officer aboard USS Lexington where she remained for another six years before being transferred to Regula I. It seemed like a lifetime ago yet it now felt so very if her entire Starfleet history had just been condensed into last week. Her eyes blinked for the first time in almost a minute while she absorbed the gravity of her new position. The responsibility and decision-making, the personnel management, the freedom to execute her assignments according to her own purview... It should have felt better than it did in this moment, but what she was really experiencing was a healthy dose of trepidation. A fear of uncertainty and the future unknown.
"Well, that was no surprise. I wonder what is going on with Saalm since she is not here. I definitely am going to miss her." Allyndra let the thoughts run through her mind.
"I guess beer is still off the menu." Donald made a quiet remark to John.
"Who says? As long as we don't get caught. Hell, even if we do, what are they goin' to do? Toss in the brig? Then they'll lose half their engineering department. I'll just keep it discreet."
'De jebatai boga, not more of her' Mimi thought, Tarin was far from the person she wanted to be taking over the ship.
Ullswater could feel that a good number of the crew around her were bristling at what had just been announced but with fond eyes she gazed at Tarin accepting the command. I can work with this. she thought to herself as a smile began to creep across her face.
Several department columns away from the Science department, Darius stood professionally behind Lieutenant Caradec with his hands and forearms pulled behind his back. His wrinkle-free uniform bulged at the chest while he listened to the change of command ceremony in its brief entirety. He'd miss Captain Saalm. She'd been the first Orion he'd ever served under and though he was still relatively new to fleet life compared to others, he'd found her to be a great starship captain. A little unorthodox in her methods and interactions, but that was part of her charm. Commander Tarin, on the other hand, was a lot closer in personality to his former Marine Corps COs. And he found comfort in that.
At the head of Engineering, Fynn offered a beaming smile to his new commanding officer. He'd never had the privilege of serving under Captain Saalm and therefore did not feel the loss he was certain most of the crew were experiencing. But new assignments and promotions were exciting, joyful times. He'd had two brief interactions with Tarin, but he was happy for her and silently recited a blessing for good fortune.
Close beside her department head Naime felt slightly less thrilled. Not just for the lack of drink, they'd found ways around that, moreso the concern in her mind was related to a different member of the crew. She glanced around the assembled group but she couldn't see Nesh anywhere in the crowd. Wherever she was Naime didn't imagine she'd be taking this news well.
Some of the subtle murmurings among the crew didn't exactly project a pleasant emotional atmosphere, and Tarin wasn't ignorant to the stern reputation she'd built for herself over the past weeks. Nevertheless, this was a chance to begin her tenure on a new, possibly more amicable footing. "Crew of the Galileo," she started her address with a projecting voice. "It's a privilege to serve as your new commanding officer. This starship - and all of you by extension - are well-known throughout Starfleet. Your accomplishments, discoveries and research over the last three years have been studied by our most prominent scientists and politicians, and your work has become invaluable to the Federation. Your former commander, Captain Saalm, is also a prominent figure. She's not only proven herself as the first Orion captain in the fleet but also one of the most capable." She briefly paused before continuing, carefully choosing her words.
"I can never replace her presence or emulate her command style...and that's not my duty. My duty is to each of you," her sharp hazel eyes looked across all the faces before her, "to guide Galileo through its future expeditions; to bring out the finest in all of you so that when we face adversity - and we will, again - we're all prepared. This crew is only as strong as its weakest link. The forty other people standing next to you here are your brothers and sisters in Starfleet. Show them your best and take care of them, and they'll take care of you. Earth might be a hundred lightyears from Regula I but we're never truly alone out here."
"It's no secret by now that I'll ask a lot from each of you. I expect you to keep your bodies in strong physical condition and your minds sharp. I expect everyone to extol the core principles of the Federation," her eyes shifted to Mimi, "personal fortitude," they swept to Darius then Ullswater, "and selfless service," she finished with a glance to Karras. "Our days will be long and we'll work hard, but this is what we all volunteered for. This is why Starfleet deployed Galileo down to this frontier, because they have confidence in us. And I have confidence in all of you."
Tarin looked back down at her PADD to check the latest scheduling changes. "You all performed very well getting Galileo through our recent cold station investigation while dealing with the Ferengi and now maintaining our recent repair schedule. Tonight, we're taking a break," she revealed. "With Commander Blake's and Administrator Frost's approval, we've prepared a dinner event for the entire crew in Mess Hall One this evening at 1700, Level 16. There will be fresh cuisine prepared by Nesh Saalm. And real alcohol." She swiped her finger across the PADD to view the next page of important times. "Tomorrow at 1000, I've scheduled a systems test. I want all crew on board the ship to take it through its paces around the solar system and ensure we're back to full efficiency. We'll also be escorting the Klingon warship, Praxis, out of the system as they continue on their way back to Klingon territory."
Lowering the PADD to her thigh, Morgan again looked up and across the faces of her new crew, this time to the Operations and Engineering department lines. "Finish any pending work orders on your lists in the next few hours then join us in the mess hall this evening." She then addressed the crew in its entirety. "That's everything for now. I'll see all of you in a few hours. Dismissed."
"And that is that." Allyndra muttered before turning to the rest of the department. "We need to get the sickbay prepared." In her mind she added, "I think we are going to need it once more."
Karras grinned at the comment, hoping it wouldn't be necessary, but willing to help where he could. He was surprised they'd been given a night off, to relax if not outright celebrate. There had been some pointed statements in the new captain's speech, but overall he'd been impressed with the positive tone. Time would tell if it was too little, too late - or, hopefully, a move in a more productive attitude between Tarin and the crew.
Mimi turned to the assembled ops crew, "Dismissed, back to work everyone. Vansen I want you back with us, Amul, Ubax finish checking the cargo bay inventory."
The order of dismissal caused Darius to relax his posture and prepare to unwind with a few hours of downtime before this new surprise event. He stepped up next to Caradec and casually said, "Fresh food and booze tonight? I think I'm already liking her."
Caradec grinned. "Are you kidding me? You love her!", Rafe laughed. "How are you Darius? Are you fully mended yet?" Rafe looked at him seriously, concerned.
"Good as new, L-T," answered Lamar with a small and hopefully-reassuring grin. It wasn't quite the honest truth but he'd get over the lingering sensations of anxiety he'd been feeling throughout the past week. Nothing for anyone to be concerned about, he'd reassured himself. He was anxious to get back to his duty post with a more regimented structure. Being productive helped him focus and clear his mind of any latent 'contaminations'.
"I know what we went through was pretty tough. But you made it. You kept pushing forward! You ever need anything, you look me up 'cause I've got your back! Now I'd like to join you but I've got to reach out to my family. I've been needing to get some face time with them. I'll look for you later." Rafe walked off and was headed for the doorway and saw Commander Blake standing by herself, apparently deep in thought. He considered approaching her, but a lot had happened in the change of command, the Cold Station 18 situation, he figured she needed time to internalize all that had happened. He would help when and if he could. But for now, he continued walking and exited the cargo bay. His family took priority.
Lieutenant Fynn turned towards his team, face flush with optimism. "All right, team! Let's see what we can get done before 1600 hours. Then I want you to stop and get ready to enjoy yourself at tonight's dinner. You've been working very hard, and you deserve some relaxation."
Tora mingled with the crowd, mostly getting to know people for the time being - she would be serving with them for the next few years after all and right now was the perfect time to get to know them.
"Ensign...Zalos, right? Looking forward to a soiree?" Dr Ember Locksley sidled up to Tora, her arms folding characteristically across her body as she fell into step next to her. She hadn't had a chance to talk to her yet, but her personnel file had been amongst the new crew files to process in Sickbay and she knew that she was a student of anthropology, a study that was also close to her own heart.
Blake hadn't moved from her spot, but she let out a long, soft breath, just watching the crew breaking into small groups, chattering as they drifted apart and away. Her gaze fell onto the small security team as she watched on with her hands clasped behind her back. Aria was absent and in very real danger. Lirha was gone. She hadn't heard from John Holliday or Jeroen Adlar and Luke Wyatt in quite some time. It felt...cold in the Cargo Bay for a moment, and the hackles went up on the back of her neck with a primal chill. At least, if Nesh had been successful in her mission, they would finally have some real alcohol. She needed a very large and very strong drink.
CMDR Morgan Tarin
Commanding Officer
USS Galileo-A
CWO3 Lamar Darius
Conn Officer
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Tarin]
Ensign Mimi
Deputy Operations Manager
USS Galileo-A
PO3 Jeysa Zeror
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Mimi]
PO2 Donald Andrews
Engineering Officer
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Mimi]
LTJG Fynn Taymor
Chief Engineer
USS Galileo-A
LTJG Karras
Deputy Counselor
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Fynn]
PO3 Helliun 'Hel' Inant
Engineering Officer
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Rice]
PO3 Raine Ni-ya
Science Officer
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Rice]
PO3 Constantin Vansen
Operations Officer
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Rice]
PO2 Leon Inaros
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Rice]
LTJG Sofie Ullswater
Chief Science Officer
USS Galileo-A
CPO Afthinam Naime
Engineering Officer
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Ullswater]
ENS Tora Zalos
Science Officer
USS Galileo-A
CMDR Allyndra illm Warraquim
Chief Medical Officer
USS Galileo-A
PO1 T'Lin
Science Officer
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Warraquim]
PO3 John Hollenday
Engineering Officer
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Warraquim]
LTJG Rafe Caradec
Senior Conn Officer
USS Galileo-A
CMDR Scarlet Blake
First Officer
USS Galileo-A
PO1 Gabriel Stark
Security Officer
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Blake]
PO1 Ember Locksley
Medical Officer
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Blake]