USS Galileo :: Episode 18 - Cold Station 31 - Breaking Expectations
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Breaking Expectations

Posted on 28 Aug 2023 @ 9:40am by Commander Scarlet Blake & Ensign Tora Zalos

1,292 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Episode 18 - Cold Station 31
Location: Regula I - Level 16, Blake's Temporary Office
Timeline: MD 17, 1300hrs


Blake sat back in the, admittedly, pretty comfortable chair that was provided with her temporary desk in her temporary office. It was better than her chair on the ship in actual fact. She wondered if there was a way to commandeer it before leaving. The First Officer shook her head with a chuckle, checking the time. Only about five minutes before her meeting with a new crew member was due. She brought her file up and held her breath.


The daughter of Maquis parents, Scarlet sat back in her chair, just taking a moment to process it. Perhaps it was inevitable it would happen sooner or later. It didn't make it any less uncomfortable.

Tora was visibly nervous as she stood outside Blake's office and chimed the doorbell. She'd taken extra time to manage her appearance, leaving no hair out of place or crease on her uniform for the meeting. First encounters were the most important aspect to the starting of any relationship, after all, and she wanted to look her best for this one.

"Come in," Blake called out, leaving her file open in case she wanted it for reference later. She took the woman in as she entered. She looked neat and tidy, which always scored a bonus point with the ex-marine. "Ensign Zalos, I'm Commander Blake. Come and take a seat."

Sit the young Cardassian did, across from Blake. She had to admit, she and Tarin were markedly different women - funny how she could've confused the two, but then again she hadn't had a face to put to the name back then. "It's nice to meet you, Commander. How may I be of assistance?" Tora asked with a smile. So far, so good. At least Blake wasn't perusing her file as if to decide if she was to stay or not.

"I'd like to find out a little more about you," Blake gave a slight nod as she crossed her legs, settling back. Indeed, whenever she asked new crew to talk about themselves, she learnt far more than a record could tell her, even if it was between the lines. "So why don't you start by telling me a bit about yourself?"

Tora knew from experience that tell me about yourself didn't just mean telling the Commander things she could read off her file herself. It meant being a little more off the books, more personal, in a sense. "Well. I was raised on Risa for a great portion of my life. Before that I worked as a dabo girl on Deep Space Seven." She said. "Um. I consider myself to be a good team player. I love working with people and finding out more about them. I know it's a little unusual for a Cardassian, but I do consider myself quite a lot more Risian than Cardassian." Tora let out a nervous laugh. "I hope that isn't too weird."

"You were a dabo croupier?" Blake asked softly as she watched her with mild surprise. That wasn't a career path you saw in a Starfleet officer everyday. "How did that jump from croupier to Starfleet happen?" she asked with genuine interest.

"I wanted to do something better with myself, that's all. And to explore the universe. And to learn about people. So I got my degree in anthropology. I'd like to make it into the Diplomatic Corps one day." Tora said with a bright smile. "I know it's quite strange. But I'm gonna make it happen. I'm determined, and I'm no stranger to hard work,"

"Well that's what it will take," Blake replied honestly, not wanting to sugar coat the truth for her. She appreciated anyone who wanted to improve and learn, indeed mentoring and helping officers on their career path was one of her favourite parts of being the First Officer. "Being further out on a ship is a great first step for that. You'll learn how to navigate the unknown better than any training manual could teach you."

"I know. I'm grateful for the opportunity." Tora smiled. At least this interaction wasn't going as badly as she thought it would. "And I hope to take the experience I get here to my next assignment. I doubt most ships even come out this far. I'm sure people would love to hear what I've learned here."

"In that case, make use of your personal logs. It's easy for things out here to become a blur otherwise," Scarlet advised, taking the other woman in. It wasn't as awkward as she had foreseen, but she knew that her discomfort around cardassians was on herself, and no one else. "Do you have any specialty in the sciences?"

"Anthropology. I enjoy learning about people and the paths that can take me down." Tora said with a bright smile. "I'm actually hoping that one day I might just get to do a first contact with an entirely new species! I know it's not likely for now, but hopefully, with some more experience!"

"Careers can have some weird and wonderful twists and turns," Blake agreed, and indeed, her own had been something of a magical mystery tour. "It's good to have ambition, and I can help explore some training options that might be useful to pursue. But we'll also need you focussed on your current role on the ship. We're a smaller crew, so every person counts."

"Training options?" Tora's amber eyes widened with joy. "Oh, I would very much appreciate that, Commander. Don't worry, I'll be sure to keep my eyes on my duties - you'll see!"

Blake gave a firm nod to her, hoping she meant it. She clearly had a lot of energy, which was an asset in any officer, but it sometimes meant that focus could be harder. "Do you have any questions?"

"Not at the moment, Commander. I'm just glad to finally be aboard." Tora said with a bright smile.

Blake nodded, straightening slightly as she let out a soft breath. It hadn't been as difficult as she had first thought - speaking to a cardassian crew member. Maybe that meant something. "Then you're free to go," she said quietly, watching her for a long moment. "May...I give you some advice before you leave though?"

Tora had begun to stand to leave when Blake added that last thing; she sat back down with a warm smile. "Of course. What is it?"

"Never add the word 'girl' to one of your job titles," Blake advised softly but seriously, shaking her head gently. "We don't need gender divisions in a professional setting. And you're not a girl, you're a fully grown woman. Using the diminutive is unintentionally belittling to yourself."

"I don't know why I'd do that, Commander, not since I decided to enter Starfleet Academy, anyway." Tora replied with a smile. "But you have my assurance that I won't. Don't worry!"

"You referred to yourself earlier as a 'dabo girl'," Blake explained quietly, to clear up any confusion. "Same applies there; just because other people use a phrase, it doesn't mean it's okay. That's my advice anyway, it's up to you whether you use it," Blake gave her a small smile, so she understood it wasn't a rebuke.

"I did do that for a while, Commander. But I promise, no more belittling myself." Tora smiled as she stood and prepared to leave the office.

Blake nodded firmly, to confirm her moves to leave were fine, reaching to open her files again. "We'll speak again soon, Ensign, I'm sure."

Tora nodded and walked through the door, excited to begin her duties on board.


Commander Scarlet Blake
First Officer
USS Galileo-A

Ensign Tora Zalos
Science Officer
USS Galileo-A


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