Fresh faces
Posted on 09 Oct 2023 @ 10:48pm by Ensign Tora Zalos & Cadet Senior Grade Octavia Raain
Edited on on 10 Oct 2023 @ 11:53am
1,062 words; about a 5 minute read
Episode 18 - Cold Station 31
Location: Regula I
Timeline: MD 14, 1414 hrs
Excitement coursed through Octavia as she stood on Regula station, eagerly awaiting the moment she would step foot onto her first starship, the USS Galileo. Her heart raced with anticipation as she explored the various shops and amenities the station had to offer. Every sight and sound seemed to amplify her thrill, knowing that soon she would be embarking on a new chapter in her career as a medical officer in the field of virology and immunology.
With her uniform neatly pressed and her Starfleet insignia gleaming proudly, Octavia's enthusiasm was infectious. The bustling activity around her faded into the background as she envisioned the adventures that lay ahead on the Galileo. The thought of being part of a team, charting new courses, and encountering the mysteries of space ignited a sense of purpose within her.
As she admired the starships docked at the station, she couldn't help but imagine the countless opportunities that awaited her on her very own vessel. The anticipation of exploring new frontiers, making groundbreaking discoveries, and contributing her medical expertise filled her with a sense of pride and determination. She almost didn't notice the person she was stood next to.
"Nice, aren't they?" The Cardassian woman standing next to her said, likely surprising the poor cadet. She turned to look at the girl with bright amber eyes, studying the spots that ran down her sides. Tora had always wondered why Trill had them in the first place - some speculated that they were for show in the same way some animals in nature had markings to attract a mate. She'd never found any sources to validate it, though.
"I'm guessing you're about to get on a ship for the first time. One of those docked." She said, noting the cadet's rank insignia on her collar. Just a year ago she'd been in her shoes, gazing out at the docked USS Freeway at Starbase 45. "Am I right."
Octavia was jolted out of her inward thinking, she turned her head away from the port hole and the view of the ships to see who had joined her. She was Cardassian which was clear to see, with brown hair and amber eyes which oddly reflected her own jubilant and playful manner. "Almost" She smiled, "Its not here yet but it will be." She explained, "Are you from one of the ships?" She asked wondering curiously.
"Yes! I'm from the Galileo - well, I will be! How about you, where are you assigned, Cadet?" The young Trill reminded of her when she was a cadet - enthusiastic, energetic, joyful. Part of her hoped that this young woman would never change. "Oh, and what'll you be doing on board?"
"Medical though Virology and Immunology can sometimes fall under science so I guess a bit of both, either way, I'll be looking good in teal!" She joked. "I guess as a Cadet Senior until I'm told otherwise, its all a bit odd really a lot of cadets in our year were shipped off before graduation, a big buzz around the academy about the Klingons and Romulans or something, hell last week it was the Borg, most of these rumours start in bars, so who knows right?" She was thrilled to have met... come to think about it she didn't actually know the woman's name. "Sorry, I'm Octavia," she said reaching out her hand.
The hand was shaken firmly and with a warm smile. "Tora. Octavia, hm? Are you part human? I've never met any Trill with such human-sounding names before - no judgment, of course, sweetie." After a brief pause she added, "Well, if you happen to land on the Galileo know you've got a friend on board! I don't mind you bothering me with questions and such if you need them! So! Why medicine?"
She shook her head after her hand fell back by her side, "I spent a lot of time on Earth, I guess my mother was influenced by Human culture and decided to call me that. I don't think it has any special meaning, though Trill names hold different meanings especially if I was to become joined." She smiled, "Thank you, its always good to know someone when you join a ship." Octavia paused and thought, "I see it as an art form, medicine is as beautiful art as a painting, the way the anatomy works, how different things can change with the smallest of medical interventions or in some cases lack of, Medicine to me is beautiful and the most beautiful form of medicine is Virology and Immunology. The micro science of medicine." She smiled almost looking dreamy.
Once again Tora was reminded of herself as she'd been once, all hopeful and optimistic for her future duties. She still was, really, but there was something about seeing it in Octavia that made her heart warm so. "You keep thar attitude about you, cadet. You'll go far that way." She smiled and patted the gitl on the shoulder before glancing at the lounge entrance. "Well. Shall we get out of here and explore a little more? If you'd like to continue watching the ships I don't mind either."
With a smile, Octavia took another glance at the starships docked nearby, wondering what awaited her. Her excitement was equally directed towards the chance to connect with her fellow crew members, "I think I'll have plenty of opportunity to take in the views," she said cheerfully, "but getting to know you for the first time is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity." As she looked up and down the busy promenade strip of Regulus 1 station, her eagerness was to explore and bond with her new shipmate. "Anywhere, in particular, you had in mind?" she asked, eager to embark on this journey of discovery together.
"Let's start with somewhere easy. There's a lounge a few decks down." The Cardassian responded with a kind smile. "You don't have to drink if you don't want to. It can just be a get to know you session, you and me. I'd rather we not do or say something we'll regret first meeting."
"Sounds good to me!" Octavia said with a gleeful smile as she set off with her knew acquaintance and maybe one day friend.
Cadet Senior Grade Octavia Raain
Medical Officer
Regula I
ENS Tora Zalos
Science Officer
USS Galileo-A