USS Galileo :: Episode 18 - Cold Station 31 - Sightseeing and a swim
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Sightseeing and a swim

Posted on 14 Sep 2023 @ 1:38am by Ensign Tora Zalos & Petty Officer 3rd Class Jeysa Zeror
Edited on on 15 Sep 2023 @ 1:13pm

3,132 words; about a 16 minute read

Mission: Episode 18 - Cold Station 31
Location: Regula I - Various
Timeline: MD 16, 1705 hrs


During her walks throughout the station over the past few days Tora had begun to familiarize herself with the amenities of Regula I, from the shops offered by the promenade to the small gardens one could visit if they wanted to relax and unwind in after a long day to the contents of the small library offered by the station on deck seven. That she would be patronising as often as possible - reading was her first love, after all, and she wouldn't be a scientist if she didn't keep herself curious about the universe around her.

Even despite that locating this wide lounge with windows so long and high that the view of the stars they offered was so beautiful it made her chest hurt was a great surprise to her. The Cardassian was only too happy to plop herself down on a comfy chair and stargaze, basking in the serenity of space and the twinkling diamonds that filled it, amber eyes wide. So engrossed was she that she barely heard the lounge doors hiss open to admit another.

Having gotten virtually no chance to even take a walk on the station during their first abortive visit to Regula I, Jeysa was making the most of this chance. She'd already visited a couple of the bars and had heard that the place with the best view of the nebula was the lounge on level 11. So she headed that way.

Passing through the door she immediately saw the reason why, the view out of the large window was incredible, she moved to stand as close to the window as she could.

Only when the other was a few feet away did Tora notice her presence, and wow, was she amazed. The Trill was beautiful, really - hell, if she hadn't seen her like this she would've mistaken her for an actress freshly come off the set of some movie production taking place somewhere on station. But of course, she wore a uniform, rendering that idea somewhat moot. "The view is lovely, isn't it?" Tora ventured, turning her eyes back to the infinite sea of black and twinkling white points in front of them. "I've only just discovered this room today, will you believe it. What a shame."

"Some of my crew had told me about the view but this is the first chance I've had to see it for myself.. and not through a monitor." Jeysa replied not surprised that a stranger was talking to her about the view.

"Seeing something on a computer screen and seeing it for yourself in person really are quite different, aren't they?" The Cardassian murmured before finally turning to look at her new companion. "My name is Tora. I'm somewhat new on board. I presume you've been here somewhat longer than I?"

"New to which ship?" Jeysa asked, she couldn't recall seeing a Cardassian on the Galileo's manifest.

"The Galileo. Or, if you really want to take it in a broader sense, new as a Starfleet officer, period. Just graduated the Academy six months ago before being brought here. Something about the Galileo needing repairs. The crew's kept me waiting." Tora giggled. "I can't wait to get started. I'm a little impatient, actually, to get my feet on board and see what my quarters look like. Hopefully not too trashed."

"Oh I must have missed your name on the transfer paperwork." Jeysa remarked. "I'm Jeysa, I'm the Captains yeoman."

Hearing that Tora's amber eyes twinkled with excitement. "The captain's yeoman. Now why didn't you say so earlier! Oh, I have so many questions to ask, and no one to ask them to. I hope you don't mind. I'll try not to talk too much or make your ears fall off." Tora said as she sat back down on the lounge chair. Her eyes seemed to glow in the dim overhead lighting, somehow. "So. Where's the Galileo been, such that I've to wait days before you lot came back here? I'm actually dying to know."

"We got here at the same time as the other ships, all looking for some shoreleave after the long trip. That lasted long..." She said that last with a sarcastic tone. "My Captain got sent off on some classified mission practically by herself and we got an emergency recall with a hard ass from the station taking over the ship. Pretty much everything else I can't tell you."

"It doesn't sound like fun on board. From the station, you say? So far the people I've met here are quite nice - though I suppose there's bound to be at least one hardass aboard somewhere." Tora let out a nervous chuckle. She was used to dealing with hardasses, which hardly meant that she had to like doing so. Some could be downright assholes and she hoped whomever had taken over wasn't like that.

"Do you know when she'll be back? Or is it one of those things you can't tell me or you'll need to kill me for hearing?"

Jeysa laughed and shook her head. "Even I don't know where she's gone or what she's doing, all I do know is she told me she'd be back in a couple of weeks. She still has a couple of days left on that."

"Shame. I hope she's alright. I'd hate to join the ship without first having met her actual captain." Tora hummed. "I've heard things about her from one or two cadets. They say she's fun to be around. And really, really pretty." She glanced sideways at her Trill companion. "I don't know how true those rumors are, of course. But I would definitely love to meet her in person, even if it's just once."

"She's soft hearted when she needs to but equally stern when she has to be. Being a yeoman you sometimes get to see what your Captain doesn't show to the rest of her crew. I'll be glad to see her back." Jeysa let out a mild sigh, she did miss her. "As for being pretty.... she's a still youngish Orion woman, of course she's really pretty."

"Well, that'll explain it. Orions are really, really attractive across the board in my experience - did you know that there's an entire part of Risa's main city populated mostly by Orions? I lived there for a long time; I'd know. Dated a few myself." Tora smiled. The second she said that she'd grown up on Risa people's jaws tended to slacken quite a lot as everything they might've assumed about her as a Cardassian went up in smoke. Part of her wondered how exactly Jeysa might respond; hopefully nothing too extreme.

"I didn't but it doesn't surprise me." Jeysa replied, she didn't fail to notice and have a mental double take about a Cardassian living on Risa but didn't let it show on her face. "You've got a planet that's a perfect vacation spot; hot, sunny, full of sandy beaches. I'd pack it full of Orion women too."

"Oh? To attract the men who've come to soak up the sun?" Tora's lips parted in a wide smile. "I'd go there far more often myself if that were the case. I don't think I'd be able to resist the promise of a planet of beautiful green women either."

"But of course, Risa has more than that. Did you know that there's an entire city not too far from the main resort in Suraya Bay? It's an hour away by shuttle and it has the most amazing- amenities - public replicators, would you believe it? Placed in strategic spots for tourists and locals alike to use! The lines in front of them are always long..."

"I'd imagine they are. Bars, restaurants and replicators would be all over every tourist spot going. Haven't had the chance to go to Risa myself yet. it's definitely on the list."

"I'll take you one day - assuming, of course, we get to leave Regula I or this region of space to do it." Tora assured her with a laugh. "If not, I suppose the holodecks will suffice. Bring a good swimsuit - the water's awesome and it's a crime not to swim. Not actually, but if you went to Risa on holiday and didn't at least go for a dip you're missing out!" She laughed.

Jeysa smiled "The Galileo's holodeck has a few good Risian programs but going to the actual planet would be nice one day, we're a long way from there though, won't be any time soon."

"I'm sure it does." Tora smiled at her. "I'll take you tomorrow if you like! Or whenever the captain isn't giving you work to do. Bring a swimsuit, snacks and sunscreen. We'll have an awesome time." The Cardassian promised.

"If I know Commander Tarin as much as i think I do, I bet this is the only day of leave I'll get." Jeysa remarked. "Then it'll be back to meetings and lists and lists and meetings."

"Then let's not waste it." Tora pushed away from the window and began to walk towards the exit. "Come on, then! Let's use tonight the best we can. I'm sure the holodeck can replicate everything you're going to need, hmm?"

'Here I go again, accepting dates from people I've only just met.' Jeysa thought. "Why not." She said somewhat excitedly.

Now that she was somewhat more familiar with the layout of the station navigating it was easy. Tora led the blonde through the hallways easily, chatting amicably all the while, till they reached the holosuites. They didn't seem to be occupied this time of evening, which was good. Stepping up to the control panel she began programming in their destination, specifically the pristine white beaches of Suraya Bay and the adjacent resort. "You'll love it. Trust me..." She said as she led her companion through the holodeck doors and into a pristine white beach with sand so fine it was almost dust beneath their shoes, a sea so clear it was almost like ripping glass and best of all? It wasn't too hot or too cold, regulated by the holodeck's environmental controls.

"There." She pointed to a small white cabana about fifteen feet away. "Let's settle down there, shall we?"

"Suraya bay if I'm not mistaken." Jeysa remarked as she took in the view of the Risian beach. She'd visited the holo version of the location in the Galileo's databank several times before.

"Exactly." Tora smiled and began walking towards the cabana with a spring in her step. "Would you believe that I grew up just a ten-minute walk away? Somewhere southeast of here." She hummed, pointing roughly towards that direction. "Hmm. Guess the program didn't include it. You can see the residential areas some nights when it's really clear."

Upon reaching the cabana Tora nodded towards the changing rooms situated just behind. "See you in a few?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Sure." Jeysa headed for one of the changing rooms herself, stripping out of her civvies she had the computer replicate her a white bikini some sandals and a towel. A quick change and a few moments to coil her ponytail up closer to her head and she headed back out onto the smooth sand.

Tora emerged from the changing rooms shortly afterwards in a similar white bikini that hugged her curves tantalizingly, a stark contrast against the gray of her skin and scales. She couldn't help but admire the Trill as she approached her while folding her uniform into a neat pile. Once again she found herself marveling at just how beautiful she really was - like a movie star who'd just come off set. "You look good!" She said as she set her uniform down and did some preliminary stretches. "The water's perfect, I made sure of it." She smirked back at her as she began walking down into the shallows. "Coming, lovely?"

Having never seen a Cardassian in as little clothing as Tora wore now Jeysa wasn't certain how to react, the woman definitely took care of her body and was certainly attractive but the amount of scales and ridges were a little off putting. She watched the woman for a few moments before following her towards the water kicking off her sandals at the waters edge. "has been a while since I've been swimming in the sea." She said as she waded into the water up to her waist, her skin goosebumping as the cool but not cold water hit her.

"Same goes for me! I think we'll get our sea legs back before long." Tora quipped as she dove into the cool, clear waters and began to swim with strong, graceful strokes. She certainly didn't seem out of practice when it came to swimming. A couple of powerful kicks later she emerged from the water about fifteen feet away. Water clung to her curves, presumably attached to the ridges that ringed them, and dripped from her loose chestnut brown hair. "Come on! It's perfect!" She called out with a grin, waving enthusiastically to her companion. "Swimming is just like riding a bike! You never really forget!"

"I'm more used to swimming in a pool." Jeysa said before disappearing under the water emerging several seconds later a few feet away from Tora. "Could have gone professional if I wanted to, thought it'd help me get accepted for a symbiont."

"Isn't there more to being accepted for a joining than just professional qualifications? Things like biological compatibility?" That was what she'd heard about the Trill, anyway, from her anthropology classes. That and how much being joined was a great honor - that fact just about anyone knew about, of course.

A quick glance around later Tora spotted an overhanging palm tree fifty feet away, just enough so that its shadow hung over the water - very much like a finish line. "Say... have a look at that." The Cardassian pointed at the tree with a grin. "First one to get there gets something from the loser? A favor, food, whatever. It can even be fashion tips if you like." She suggested mischievously. "How about it? You don't need to accept if you don't feel like it; I just thought it'd be fun."

Jeysa looked where Tora was pointing, "A race?" She looked back to her. She had almost half a foot height advantage over her, they looked about the same in muscle mass. If she accepted it'd be an close one. "Don't know about fashion tips but a favor I can call in wouldn't hurt."

"We'll see about that! A favor I can most definitely do!" Tora grinned as she did her stretches, spinning her arms in a full circle to make sure they were loose and ready. "But hey, we'll leave the prize to the one who wins this race! Ready? Three, two, one, go!" With that the Cardassian took a deep breath and plunged below the cool waters of the ocean.

Doing several quick stretches of her own Jeysa waited for the countdown and quickly set off in pursuit with a powerful front crawl stroke, Tora was a fast swimming for sure.

The swim was over in a surprisingly short amount of time. Tora was surprised to find Jeysa keeping pace with her with strokes to match her own in power and vigor; for someone who claimed to not have swum in the sea for a long while. The two women swam neck and neck, both equally determined to claim that prize, until Tora put the last burst of energy she had into the last few metres of the distance, passing through the overhanging tree's shadow a single half second before Jeysa.

The Cardassian was panting as she waded to the shallows. Water cascaded off her body with every step. She finally settled down in the sand grinning at her competitor, both with jubilation and admiration. "I won! I actually won!" She giggled. "Gosh, Jeysa, you swim like damn shark! I swear, that was the closest win I've ever had." She took a moment to catch her breath, chest heaving as she waited for the other to emerge from the sea.

"Damm." Jeysa said as she slowly walked out of the water. "Thought I had you there, don't know where you got that last burst of speed from." She found her towel and walked over to where Tora had sat, laying the towel down she sat down too. "What would you like for your prize?"

Tora eyed the beautiful blonde Trill. She looked so good, really, like a goddess that's just emerged from the sea and sat down besides her. Something about her sopping wet hair lent to that image. In that same line of thought the idea of her prize came to her. "A kiss." She decided with a giggle. "A good one. Doesn't have to be that long. Just a kiss. Whatever else you feel like doing in the process, I'm fine with." Her amber eyes seemed to gleam with mischief at that suggestion.

"A kiss?" Jeysa said visibly surprised by the request. "That was.... not what I was expecting." And the suggestion of 'whatever else you feel like doing in the process' was equally stunning.

"Or a date. Whatever you'd like to do." Tora offered. Not everyone was as comfortable with affection as she was (she'd grown up on Risa, for crying out loud!) after all. Besides, she didn't really want to scare Jeysa off - not this meeting, at least, and hopefully not ever. "Just the two of us." She leaned closer to her, amber eyes gleaming. "Dates aren't always romantic, y'know."

"I don't usually kiss people I've just met," Jeysa eventually said, Tora was attractive.... for a Cardassian. "Maybe after another date." She quickly added not wanting to shut the woman down entirely.

Tora didn't seem bothered at all; she merely smiled kindly. "That's fine by me! I assume the prize I get is another outing, then?" She teased, folding her arms under her chest. "Or do you have something else in mind?"

"We can arrange another little something for another day." Jeysa replied, she lay back on her towel looking up at the sky.

"That I can definitely accept!" Tora beamed at her and lay back as well, sighing happily as warmth soaked into her body. Being reptilian she needed warmth and this was just about perfect for her. "Just let me know when you want to do that, mmkay? Whenever you get time, of course. I'm sure you have lots to do..."



PO3 Jeysa Zeror
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Mimi]

Ensign Tora Zalos
Science Officer
USS Galileo-A


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