USS Galileo :: Episode 17 - Crystal of Life - Emergency Protocol Simulation Alpha [Part 1]
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Emergency Protocol Simulation Alpha [Part 1]

Posted on 16 Oct 2018 @ 5:44pm by Commander Luke Wyatt & Lieutenant JG Sofie Ullswater & Chief Warrant Officer 3 Azra Ghoc & Petty Officer 3rd Class Constantin Vansen & Petty Officer 1st Class Gabriel Stark & Petty Officer 1st Class Heinu Reteif & Petty Officer 1st Class T'Lin & Petty Officer 3rd Class John Hollenday & Petty Officer 3rd Class Raine Ni-ya & Verity Thorne

5,590 words; about a 28 minute read

Mission: Episode 17 - Crystal of Life
Location: USS Galileo-A, Deck 5, Holodeck 1
Timeline: MD -150, 1200hrs


Luke stood in the centre of the room with Chief Warrant Officer Azra Ghoc holding eight PaDDs each containing the simulation brief. Luke and Azra had organised and arranged three emergency protocol simulations which would be run over the course of three days and all touching on a different situation to put the crew under the spotlight of a potentially hostile environment. Standing Luke grew anxious to get underway, he was about to ask the computer for the time when the first members arrived.

Vansen walked in with a small frown, a bit baffled as well as why he was there. But even so, he had been told to report here and so he did. He looked around, seeing the two before he swallowed and stood at what looked to as close to attention as the crewman could muster. "Sirs," he said, because it was safest.

Azra smiled. "Thanks for coming, Vansen." She had focused specifically on the names and information on the people attending these sessions. She thought she had memorized them all. "Please find a place. The briefing will bein as soon as the remainder of the training cohort arrives."

Constantin nodded, smiling weakly before he took a place, looking around with curiosity. He bit his bottom lip for a moment, teeth worrying it before he realised what he was doing and made a conscious decision to press his lips together.

As the doors opened again, both Verity Thorne and Gabriel Stark entered together, deep in conversation as they strolled through, arm in arm.

"I'm still not sure why I've been called here," Verity said softly to Gabriel, shaking his head with a soft chuckle, watching the young man fondly.

"We'll have you running around the ship before you know it, shooting off your rifles, one in each hand," Gabriel grinned at the chaplain, his eyes shining with humour from the mental image it conjured.

Azra noted the warm glances between the two crew. It was only natural for people to make connections. And as long as they weren't within the Chain of Command, that was generally permitted. She'd keep an eye out to see if it impacted performance, but she wasn't worried.

Crewman Raine Ni-ya wasn't dragging her feet but she was cautious. It seemed that everyone wanted to get her signed up for things, for training. And all she wanted to do was With what she knew, with the safe things. She saw Azra as she entered and let out a breath before nodding, her eyes not narrowing, but somehow becoming smaller. She moved to the side without a word, her fingers busy with adjusting the thin gloves she wore.

Heinu entered the holodeck. He popped the last bit of pastry into his mouth and chewed as he took his place in the small group. He had arrived barely on time, with only seconds to spare. It wasn't so much that he didn't try to arrive early, he just never seemed to manage it.

"Thank you all for coming." Luke started his eyes looking at the assembled group in front of them. "Your names have been forwarded to us by your department heads to enhance your skills and experience dealing in a high-stress situation and in a hostile situation. Our aim is that putting you through these situations you as an individual and working as a team can overcome unexpected emergency and step-up to command roles when a mass casualty situation arises, meaning a break down of the standard chain-of-command."

Luke began to hand out the PaDDs to each individual, as he did so looking at each crew member in the eyes to gauge their current state of mind. "All the information you need is on the PaDD, however, to put it short here is the training brief.

"The Galileo has come into contact with an unknown alien vessel and all attempts to begin communications have been ignored. Shortly into the most recent attempt, the alien vessel begins to scan the ship. As its scans penetrate the ship's hull and travel across the members of the crew they fall unconscious. You and several other crewmen have somehow been unaffected by the beam. You are located on your normal daily duty roster position, thus if you're usually sleeping you'll be in your quarters, if you are on duty you are at your post."

"You do not know what has happened unless you were on the bridge at the time and all you know is that the someone has initiated the red alert and that most of the crew is unconscious."

"The simulation will begin shortly, if you see to your PaDDs it will inform you of your start location. The situation will be dynamic and will adjust accordingly to your actions, I and Chief Ghoc will be watching but will not be seen unless we want to be seen."

"Finally, the training will end once we believe all training objectives have been met or the ship is destroyed, I highly recommend you don't allow it to be the later. Chief Ghoc Do you have anything to add, now will be a good time to explain the scoring, merit and award system."

Azra moved forward a half-step. "Thank you for the exhaustive briefing, Commander. You will be scored using a system identical to that used during Starfleet Academy and AIT training. Our reward system is going to be more personalized. Upon successful completion of the simulation, the Callisto Bar and Lounge will have a special meal prepared for you using the freshest, non-replicated ingredients. From what I've heard, it is something special that you won't want to miss."

She smiled, looking over the small group, "Additionally, for each of you who achieves an overall score of 'Normal Achievement' or above will have the opportunity to request a specially prepared dessert of your choice."

"Thank you Chief, now are there any questions before we start?" He asked looking at the individual.

Sofie had arrived quite early and as she listened to the briefing it began to dawn on her that none of the people she'd seen filling into the room held commissions. It was slowly becoming obvious that despite the fact she was by far the youngest, least experienced and - of course - shortest person in the room, she also happened to be in some sense in charge. A little bit of panic welled up in her and she quickly stuck her hand up at the call for questions and called out "Is there anyone else going to be joining us, or is this it?"

"Not Ensign, and I've noticed you've been looking around." He grinned mischevious "You are the most senior rank in this simulation therefor you may potentially be in command at some time or another. Don't let this frighten you, this isn't a test. It's training, so learn from your mistakes."

Heinu hand't been enthused with the briefing until he heard about a "special meal". He loved food, and it wasn't usually the reward for something like this. Normally rewards for simulations like this resulted in only a pat on the back or a back-handed compliment. Food was a definite improvement.

Raine had rolled her eyes at the special meal comment. Or more, special dessert. Because naturally, that was what people wanted as a reward here. Not that she could eat it. Full stop. She looked at her PADD and noted the location. "Sir, what is the difference between On Coming and Off Coming? Coming on what? Or off what?"

Constantin bit his lip hard at the question, so tempted to come in with a comment that would be considered lewd, but kept back. He looked around at the others, seeing if anyone else had sunk to his own level, which he was convinced the very alien looking and stern Crewman hadn't meant.

Gabriel Stark had to swallow back a laugh, covering his mouth and changing the sound to a cough to cover it. It wasn't helped by the slight elbow in his side from the chaplain who rolled his eyes at him. He glanced around the room as he tried to straighten his face and briefly caught Constantin's gaze. It brought the smile back when he saw the humour sparkling in the other man's eyes and realised it hadn't been just him.

"That is simple Crewman, On coming is when in your 24-hour cycle of the duty shift you are coming on duty, so full-filling breakfast, morning routine. Off coming is when you have completed your shift in the 24-hour cycle and therefore winding down and doing things such as sleeping and dinner and other recreational activities you desire." Luke replied as a matter of fact. "Now, anything else before we start?"

Raine remained still, watching Wyatt calmly, no expression on her face as she waited. Simple it might sound, but context was everything. And she liked context. It was what mattered.


TRAINING START - USS Galileo-A, Emergency Simulation Wyatt-Alpha-One

"Red Alert!" Luke said as the alien vessels ships scan penetrated their hull, the green beam swept across the bridge slowly and as it came in contact with each bridge duty officer they fell to the floor or asleep at their console. Luke attempted to make a break for the turbolift but the beam hit him and soon there was nothing but the noise of the red alert warning sound.

John was in his bunk. He was having the most pleasant dream of Miss Mimi and she opened her mouth but instead of saying anything all that came out was WHOOP WHOOP. He stared for a second in his dream before his brain engaged and he woke up with her disappearing in a *pop*.

"What the tarnation!" A red alert was echoing down the hallways. He swung his legs over and pulled on some clothing to head for engineering. That was what he was supposed to do. As he left the bunk area he almost tripped over someone lying in the hallway. Stooping down he touched them. They were alive but as he shook and called no response.

=^=Ummm........Hollenday to sickbay got a person down. Deck (I will have to look this up), can't seem to raise them.=^= There was no response and he tried again. Nothing. "Well don't that beat all," he muttered and looked down the hall for help only to see another figure sprawled out on the floor. He got up and went down there and same thing. Alive, not a single sign of why they collapsed and not in distress that he could ascertain.

=^=Hey, anyone? Anyone that can respond do so=^=

=^=This is Petty Officer T'Lin,=^= came a cool feminine reply. =^=As you might have noticed there appears to be something that has happened to some of the crew. I have attempted to raise the bridge to no avail. I suggest we meet there. Then we can ascertain the bridge status and crew and if need be use the internal sensors.=*=

=^=Sounds like a plan, on my way.=^= John got up again and headed for the nearest turbolift. At least someone was still functioning on this ship.

Sofie was kneeling on the ground next to an unconscious crewman outside her quarters, she'd heard the exchange on the general channel and thought it'd be best to at least make it known she was here =^=This is Ensign Ullswater, I've got some others unconscious here on deck 3.=^= She checked for a pule and for breathing, both seemed normal. She couldn't see any indication of restricted breathing or exterior damage. =^=Is there anyone active in Sickbay? Who has the bridge?=^=

=^=Petty Officer John Hollenday ma'am. I tried raising sickbay and got no response. T'Lin and myself are headed to the bridge to find out what the status is there as she cannot raise anyone on the bridge currently.=^=

=^=I'll meet you up there then.=^= Sofie responded while trying to manoeuvre the unconscious bodies into a safe position. =^=I'll try to keep you informed if I notice anything=^=

Heinu was in the Botany lab. He had leaned back on a counter, waiting for the announcement to come over the communication system. "Well, better get to the bridge, then." He exited the lab, entering the drab corridors. They could really use a bit more green. Even after more than a decade he still thought they needed plantlife in Starfleet corridors.

As the lanky Botanist moved down the hallway he checked the basic vital signs of everyone he passed. He wasn't a medic, but he could check a pulse as well as anyone. It was part of the procedure. He reached the turbolift and commanded it, "Bridge."

"Authorization denied, bridge access restricted to authorized personnel only," the voice of the computer blurted out after a short, obnoxious series of buzzing sounds.

=^= Heinu to Bridge. Can you please clear me to come up there? The computer isn't allowing me entrance. =^=

T'Lin heard the comms and realized that some people would not be able to get to the bridge. As a science officer she had access. She was pretty sure John might as well be an Engineer but was not sure.

=^=This is T'Lin, science officer, I have authorization as soon as I get and ascertain I might be able to get over ride. Perhaps someone would like to check sickbay in the meantime.=^=

The lift finally arrived at the bridge and she stepped out. The scene was a bit surreal. The bridge crew all were in their positions but slumped in their chairs. It was the oddest thing she had seen. She went from one to the next and they were like the others. As though in a terrible deep dream sleep. She was tempted to try a meld on the captain but decided against it for fear that she might be pulled into whatever state they were in.

=^=T'Lin again. I am on the bridge. The crew is the same as the others. Alive but in some sort of trance or dream state and unresponsive. =^=

Sofie had been making slow progress along the corridor trying to ensure that all the unconscious crew members she came across were relatively safe. =^= From what I've seen they don't seem to be having any trouble breathing, heart rate seems normal. I've been unable to wake anybody though. I'll meet you up on the bridge. Are there currently any medical staff responding?=^=

"Thorne to Bridge," the chaplain's voice came over the open comm, and there was a touch of breathlessness to it. He'd started the simulation in his quarters and had made his way to Sickbay as swiftfully as he'd been able to manage considering his recent condition. "I'm in Sickbay. Everyone's down here, both the patients and the staff. I've looked over the patients, they....seem stable for now."

=^=Understood,=^= T'Lin responded. She moved toward the science console and began an internal scan of the ship to ascertain who was where and how many they had.

A few moments later, Gabriel Stark came out of the lift, striding down onto the bridge. He had a rifle in his hands and had been delayed a little longer than the others having been started in the Mess. A trip to pick the rifle up was worth it though. This could be the prelude to a takeover bid after all. "Everyone at the Security office has gone Sleeping Beauty too."

John arrived shortly afterward and came skidding to a stop. Stark had some major firepower in his hands and he put his up. "Whoa there! Friendly believe it or not."

"Well you're awake too, so that's a start," Gabriel tilted his head as he shouldered his rifle, satisfied that the bridge was firmly under their control.

T'Lin finished the scan and said, "All personnel accounted for but as for awake and functioning I have only us three, Verity Thorne, Raine Ni-Ya ,
Conanstin Vansen, Heinu Reteif and Sofie Ullswater."

John checked the Engineering console and shook his head. "All the systems, energy flow, engines, even weapons if need be seem to be operational at least from here. If alright with you two, best I scuttle on down to main engineering just in case."

T'Lin nodded but looked to Stark as well. As security man she thought it best to get his input.

Gabriel frowned slightly as he thought it over, looking between them. "I don't know, there's so few of us I'm not sure it's a great idea to all split up and have people be alone."

While the crewman talked little did they know of an unknown force at play. The ships operations console began to chirp as from somewhere beyond the ship's bulkheads and corridors someone or something was trying to hail them. The console beeped again.

Vansen stumbled onto the bridge before he looked at the others, blinking. "Glad to see someone awake. What the hell was that?" he said before he looked over at the beeping console. He walked over with determination. Operations was his area after all, even if he was the lowest of the low...ish. He looked at the signature. "We are being hailed," he announced, looking at the others. "Can't get a read on who is calling."

T'Lin swiveled around and looked again to Gabriel and raised an eyebrow. "So who is in charge? I believe out of the scan Ensgin Ullswater is senior most functioning officer."

Stark nodded, moving to the security console to try and get a better idea of the circumstances at hand. "Can't argue with that..."

=^=Ensign Ullswater, please report immediately to the bridge=^=

The Ensign, already in the turbolift on her way up to the bridge responded =^=I'm on my way.=^= Just as she finished saying it the turbolift whirred to a halt and she confidently ejected herself onto the bridge. Members of the senior staff were littered across the room unconscious.

"I'm here," she said looking round to check who else was on the bridge and conscious. "What is the current situation?"

"Yes ma'am, all personnel accounted for but only eight of us functioning. You are most senior," She nodded her chin toward John. "Engineering is indicating all system functioning properly. Right now though..." Again that chin nod. "We are being hailed by an alien ship. Sensors indicate unknown configuration and our sensors have not been able to get an internal scan."

Alright, eight people and just as Sofie had feared she was somehow in charge. She glanced over to Hollenday and the console he was working at "Have we answered the hail yet? Who's still conscious and where are they?" If she was going to take command it would be nice if she knew who she could delegate to before she made any decisions.

"So there's us up here," Gabriel motioned around the bridge with one hand, pointing at T'Lin, Hollenday, Vansen and then himself...all the while his other hand tapped the security screen, quickly scrolling through the movement of those awake. "Reteif..." he motioned to the lift to indicate he was on his way. "The chaplain's in Sickbay, and Ni-ya is....just arriving at the science labs by the looks of it. Hollenday wants to go down to Engineering though, and I think Vansen's waiting on the order to answer that hail," he tilted his head with narrowed eyes as he considered whether he'd missed anything.

"Excellent." Sofie put on her best display of officerly confidence despite the fact things look anything but excellent. She nodded to Hollenday "I think you've probably got the right idea. I wouldn't want to see the ship blowing up if you can keep things safe down in engineering then that would be appreciated."

"Very good ma'am," John got up. "I will report once there so you know that something has not happened." He left the bridge to head down to engineering.

"Right now lets try to quickly think of some sort of plan before we answer the hail." The ensign motioned for the others to listen in. "They've disabled most of our crew - that's got to be a weapon right? So we can probably assume they are in some way hostile. Perhaps they are hailing us to negotiate a surrender." She took a long look at the rifle on Stake's shoulder "We should prepare for boarding parties too."

"I would say not necessarily so," T'Lin replied. "The sensors indicate that the ship did a scan of this vessel. It maybe as simple as they are unaware or where not aware of the effect it might have. Consider that all are wepaons are still active. However I agree we should proceed with caution. Ma'am," T'Lin said to Ensign Ullswater, "while shields and systems are working, suddenly raising them might indicate hostile response on our part."

Heinu waited at the lift and tried again. "Bridge," he ordered.

"Authorization denied, bridge access restricted to authorized personnel only," the voice of the computer repeated.

=^=Reteif to bridge,=^= he said feeling a bit annoyed, =^=I'm still not cleared to come to the bridge. What needs doing?=^=

=^= Mr Reteif, stand by and we'll get right on to that.=^= Sofie glanced to the others on the bridge "Any idea how we grant new bridge clearances? I suppose alternatively one of you could go down and get him."

chirp, chirp, chrip Whatever or however was trying to hail the Galileo was not relenting, the hails becoming more frequent until they soon fell silent altogether. The chirping was silent for a few minutes before something else happened. The ship jolted as if something grabbed it and started pulling away from where they had encountered the unknown alien vessel.

Mission of gathering the crew aside the chirping was starting to draw the ensign's attention. "On second thought, answering that is probably the priority right now. As soon as we know what's going on here we can start helping the others but right now I think I'd really appreciate all our attention on us not getting blown up." She paused to consider "Well, potentially blow up." and again "In a simulation."

Sofie gathered up her thoughts, she had three members of the crew with her on the bridge, if they were in danger of being attacked then she'd need a person on the Conn, a person on Ops and a person on tactical at the least. "Right, we need to be ready since we don't know what their intentions are. Stark, take the tactical station. Vansen, get ready to answer the hail on my signal. T'Lin you take the Conn." Then something dawned on her she closed her eyes for a moment - gathering herself - and opening them again she asked in a slow and calm voice "Do you know how to drive the ship?" If she didn't hopefully the computer would...

"If you ask for special maneuvers no. For basic I have sufficient knowledge to guide the ship." T'Lin got up and moved over. She stumbled as the ship lurched.

"That feels like a tractor beam," she said finally getting to the seat.

Gabriel grimaced as he took hold of the side of his panel to steady himself, shaking his head. " might be a good time to answer that hail and tell them to get their hands off our ship...?" he said with an upward inflection towards the end of the sentence that suggested this probably wasn't a good thing.

"That's probably a decent idea Mister Stark." Sofie began to sound a bit nervous. She kept remind herself that this was just a simulation, but even then she couldn't help but imagine that Wyatt was sitting somewhere watching and laughing at the whole thing. "Vansen, answer the hail - let see what they have to say." She turned to the view-screen with a practised smile.

Vansen reached out and pressed the controls, to bring the hail up. He hoped whoever was on the other side wasn't too angry for all the time they had taken in answering it.

At first, static filled the air and the view screen but as time passed for the crew it began to clear. "What?! Who... Who's there?!" Said the voice, "You.. You should all be sleeeeping" Said another as two large lobed Ferengi appeared on the viewscreen. "HOW DID YOU OVERCOME OUT SLEEPING RAY, you Hew-Mans always messing up our plans!"

Upon hearing the Ferengi message Ensign Ullswater gestured immediately for Vansen to cut the audio and then turned to Stark with a quick and calm manner. "If they were hailing the ship but assumed that we would be asleep that means they must already have transported someone aboard already." She gestured to the rifle at his side "They're probably making their way to the bridge right now, we need to be ready."

Securing the bridge was the obvious priority but that still left the others: Reteif stuck by the turbolifts and Hollenday making his way to engineering. "Vansen," Sofie said still being as quick as possible, "try to get in contact with the others that are still awake, warn them of the threat - I'll try to..." She paused grimacing at the thought of talking to the Ferengi "Negotiate."

"Good luck," Vansen said aloud, being very familiar with the Ferengi from growing up with his parents ferrying all sorts through space. He got the signals of those that were awake and pressed through the message. "This is the bridge, we have been contacted by the Ferengi. They are responsible for this and may have boarded. Stay safe." He looked up before he took a deeper breath. "Follow your training." The last was added because 'let's get armed up and take them down if we must' wasn't something he wanted to encourage. Although some Ferengi would get annoyed when things got complicated and back off.

=^=This is Hollenday. I am in main Engineering. So far nothing here but going to seal the place.=^=

Gabriel tilted his head slightly as he took the orders in. It was, of course, very possible that there was a boarding party onboard, and he took that threat seriously, but he didn't necessarily think that the message meant that there *must* be. Either way, if there were intruders, he'd need to know where. He moved his fingers quickly across his screen to run a thorough scan for intruders.

The computer set about scanning the entirety of the ship, stem to stern and room by room. The federation internal scanning system was invisible and far less invasive than the one used by Ferengi but still did its job. As the results come back it registered that one crewman was missing Alyndra Warriquim and two Ferengi life signs were in the chief medic's quarters.

T'Lin had not bucked the tractor beam but she did get a bit of information from the console. "D'Kora class vessel captain. We are a bit out classed weapons wise. Ferengi do not negotiate but they are merchant orientated there must be some sort of gain that they think they can get. If we can offer an alternative that looks more....lucrative. We may have something."

"Alright," Ullswater nodded, remembering back to times her family had dealt with the Ferengi when she was young. "I'll try to keep them talking, if anything occurs to you that might benefit us please feel free to butt in."

Sofie gestured again to Vansen to resume the audio transmission and turned to the viewscreen with a warm smile and a posture that might she thought might best convey the message of I am ready to offer you an amazing opportunity. "Greetings Ferengi vessel! This is the federation star ship Galileo. I'd kindly ask you to stop trying to make me fall asleep and instead state what business you might have with me." She was careful to keep it personal and singular with me rather than us. Old business tricks she learned from her mother.

"Business with a Feeemale!" One ferengi with Latinum pierced lobes said to the other who equally looked as disgusted. The turned from the screen whisper to one another before turning back, "We don't do Business with feeemales, especially hew-man feeemales" Said the Ferengi who was clearly in charge.

T'Lin just piqued an eyebrow. The flight console had not the full workings of her science section. She wished she could do further scans. A couple of things went through her mind but she would wait until prying large lobe ears were not listening.

With Stark's scan complete, the young security officer kept a hand on his console, his fingers quickly tapping a message. The text message appeared on the Captain's screen on the arm of the command chair, informing Ullswater of the fact that the Chief Medical Officer was no longer on board, and that two Ferrengi were in her quarters instead. His instinct was telling him to pull the rifle off his shoulder and sprint over there to start shooting....but it was Sofie's call whether she wanted to send her only security officer off the bridge.

Sofie did her best to smile in the face of the blatant Ferengi sexism, but perhaps it was starting to come across as a bit of a grimace and taking a cue from her security officer she continued "Well it seems you might have already entered negotiations with one of my officers, Commander Warraquim. Do you think I could speak with her?"

"Who? What?" Said the Ferengi in a clearly deceptive tone, almost mocking the Starfleet personnel. "I can assure you Feeeeemale we have no one aboard our vessel other than its crew and its cargo."

"Besides even if we did there would be nothing you could do about it!" Said the smaller more annoying one before the DaiMon cut him off with a slap around the lobes and a sneer.

"We do not think these negotiations are worth our time, and just like the 171st rule of acquisition. Time, like latinum, is a highly limited commodity. So unless you have anything else to negotiate we will be off."

Sofie cleared her throat and wondered if they had been programmed to be stupid or if it was the program that was stupid. "It was you that hailed me, I might remind you, now clearly you wanted to enter into some sort of business negotiation with me else why would you have hailed us? If you hadn't intended to talk to us then I would have to assume..." she paused and put her finger to her chin in mock deep thought "Oh I'd have to assume that the two delegate you have sent on board our ship were actually here to take over it and it was them that you expected to answer the hail. If that were found to be true that would be very... Unfortunate. Especially given," she patted the railing next to her with some glee "I'm the one in command of a Federation warship."

The two Ferengi looked horrified that this woman was unraveling their plan, a human woman of all beings! "Lies! We... We don't know anything and even if we did we wouldn't tell you a thing!" Bellowed the DaiMon before his companion added. "Except for maybe the right price." And once again the two Ferengi began to bicker.

T'Lin kept her face neutral. While this ship had its teeth she was not so sure about going toe to toe with a D'Kora class ship especially with most of their compliment asleep. However the one thing this class ship had was a lot of electronic ability. It was a mobile sensor platform and the Ferengi did not have their shields up. "Captain a moment please," she said.

Sofie taking a reprieve as the Ferengi bickered gestured to cut the audio again and raised an eyebrow to T'Lin. "Have you have a plan? If you need time to enact it I can try to keep stalling them."

"As stated their shields are down, they seem over confident in their position. I think I can get a computer virus into the comm link and if we can stall long enough take over their systems." T'Lin replied with that cool even voice.

Nodding Sofie considered the idea, "Great! Start work on getting up that virus. I'll keep them talking. If there are any developments then let me know."

"Aye Captain," T'Lin replied and got to work. She had to be subtle but if the Emsign could keep the Ferengi busy they would not notice the subtle electronic transmission that was being carried back on the comm link.

Sofie turned again to the viewscreen and its bickering Ferengi and signalled for transmission to resume, now it was just a test of keeping them busy "Gentlemen, if you could take a minute to pause your debate I really do think we should talk about..."

To be continued


Lieutenant Commander Luke Wyatt
Chief of Security
USS Galileo-A

CWO3 Azra Ghoc
USS Galileo-A

PO1 Heinu Reteif (PNPC - Ghoc)
USS Galileo-A

PO2 T'Lin
USS Galileo-A
[NPC - Allyndra illm Warraquim]

Crewman Raine Ni-ya
Scientist's Mate
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Vansen]

PO3 Constantin Vansen
USS Galileo-A

PO1 Gabriel Stark
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Blake]

PO1 Verity Thorne
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Blake]

Ensign Sofie Ullswater
Science Officer
USS Galileo-A

PO3 John Hollenday
Engineering Officer
USS Galileo-A


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