USS Galileo :: Episode 17 - Crystal of Life - Emergency Protocol Simulation Alpha [Part 2]
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Emergency Protocol Simulation Alpha [Part 2]

Posted on 16 Oct 2018 @ 5:45pm by Commander Luke Wyatt & Lieutenant JG Sofie Ullswater & Chief Warrant Officer 3 Azra Ghoc & Petty Officer 3rd Class Constantin Vansen & Petty Officer 1st Class Gabriel Stark & Petty Officer 1st Class Heinu Reteif & Petty Officer 1st Class T'Lin & Petty Officer 3rd Class John Hollenday & Petty Officer 3rd Class Raine Ni-ya & Verity Thorne

2,735 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Episode 17 - Crystal of Life
Location: USS Galileo-A, Deck 5, Holodeck 1
Timeline: MD -150, 1200hrs


Previsouly on Star Trek Galileo....

"Aye Captain," T'Lin replied and got to work. She had to be subtle but if the Emsign could keep the Ferengi busy they would not notice the subtle electronic transmission that was being carried back on the comm link.

Sofie turned again to the viewscreen and its bickering Ferengi and signalled for transmission to resume, now it was just a test of keeping them busy "Gentlemen, if you could take a minute to pause your debate I really do think we should talk about..."

And now the continuation...

Lower Decks

Heinu Retief groaned. Ferengi were annoying, greedy, and dangerous. Sure, he'd guessed that there'd be danger in the simulation, but he was hoping for something more straightforward. Like a plague, or the Borg, or something. Not the Ferengi.

"Acknowledged," he said, and turned toward the nearest weapons locker. As soon as internal sensors indicated that intruders were aboard, crew were able to retrieve type I phasers. He picked one of the awkward little things up. It was small in almost everyone's hands, but in his hands it looked even smaller.

=^=Retief to bridge, I'll sweep deck 4 and move upward.=^=

=^=Ullswater here, from last we've seen there may be a Ferengi presence on the ship, we've caught at least two on our scans on deck 3. Stay safe.=^=

He wasn't a trained security officer, and he wasn't really interested in this simulation. Of course ,the reward was intriguing, and he had an obligation to everyone else here to help out. He tried to remember the security training he'd been forced to renew every five years. He checked his corners and moved through the corridors in a pattern. Behind him force-fields rose in accordance with security sweep protocols. That way nobody could loop around behind him.

The fourth deck was clear, so Retief moved to the turbolift and moved to deck three to begin his sweep.

The turbolift doors opened on an almost empty stretch of corridor. The only sign of life was an unconscious crewman splayed on the floor. Heinu peeked around the corner, first left, then right. Nothing. He decided to sweep to the left, since he was right handed and it offered the least exposure. He wasn't a crack shot with a phaser, but he did remember that he didn't like getting stunned. Oh, and he really would prefer to avoid being vaporized--even in simulation.

He opened doors, one by one, checking inside then sealing them. The only doors he couldn't open were pass-code locked or clearance locked. There wasn't anything he could do about that, so he left them.

Deck 2, Mess Hall

=^=Bridge, this is Crewman Ni-ya. I am on deck two, hiding in the mess hall=^= Raine had found a little space to curl up, putting the panel in place behind her. Because she was a crewman, a scientist's mate, and really...hiding was a better alternative than being held hostage.

Bruta and Nilis stalked down the corridor towards the Hewmans dining facility. After they had seized their cargo the federations chief medical officer, they decided they were hungry. After all making profit was a lot of work and a lot of work meant for hungry belly's. The doors to the mess hall opened and Bruta bent down examining one of the female officer laying unconscious at the entrance. "Ewww! They're so... disgusting! They have nothing on Ferengi woman." Bruta said prying free the officers Communicator and stuffing it in his pocket before walking further into the mess hall. "Show me the Tube grubs!"

Raine rolled her eyes from where she was hidden behind the wall panel. She was unarmed because she was science and for some strange reason they just didn't carry weapons. So. What did it leave her? Nothing. Fair enough. So in a real life situation, she would be dead if she was discovered. As this was a training situation, she resigned herself to not impressing anyone and kept silent where she was curled up, not even bothering to watch the panel in case someone went to pull it from the wall.

"Where are the Tube grubs!" Bruta demanded, throwing pots and pans around creating a culinary mess and a whole lot of noise. Nilis meanwhile was examining all the unconscious Starfleet crew taking off them anything worth of any value. "Forget it, these hewmans don't eat grubs, they eat... I don't even want to think about it. Help me with these hewmans, there is still latinum to be made!"

"This is Stark," the security officer's voice rang over the comm link to all those awake and off the bridge. There was an edge to his hushed tone; frustration at being on the bridge instead of sprinting with a rifle in his hands to get to their intruders. "The Ferengi have moved to the mess hall. Those armed and able should move to intercept them, asap." He sent another text message with the same information to the Captain's screen for good measure.

"Got it," Heinu said. He moved toward the mess hall. He wasn't looking forward to this at all. He was an okay shot with a phaser, but no more than okay. As he moved through the corridors he still spend more time than he probably should have checking corners. If this was a training simulation, he'd follow procedure. That's probably what he was being evaluated on, anyway.

The lanky botanist finally arrived at the mess hall, and peeked in through the lightly frosted windows. He couldn't see terribly clearly, but it looked like two Ferengi were standing in front of the replicator panels. He couldn't see any others.

"Okay, I've got this," Heinu said to himself, not quite sure how to convince himself. He pressed the control to manually open the door and have it remain open. The hiss of the door's hydraulics opening seemed far louder than it would have normally. He peeked through the open doorway.

Bruta stopped moving when he heard the mess hall doors open, "Nilis where are you going?" He called out to his brother as he emerged from behind the counter to come face to face with Raine. "HEWMANS!" He shouted before throwing the plate of food he had in his hand at the intruder and ducking back into the kitchen.

Nilis had already seen the Starfleet crewman enter and had found himself a hiding spot in the corner of the room his phaser pointed towards the door, he had no idea how to use the damned thing but he wasn't going to become federation chow.

Raine let out a breath as she heard the commotion. It is just a stupid holodeck programme, she thought before she moved to touch the panel. She slid it to the side and moved on her hands and knees, carefully, reaching for a cup. She judged the distance and threw it far to the right, to create a distraction as well as alerting whoever had opened the mess door that someone was in here. She looked around for a moment, her eyes going to Nilis. She suddenly smirked, a dangerous look, reaching for the blunt knife. "Come here, little Ferengi...I'm going to skin you and take your organs and sell them on the meat market..." she said aloud, knowing she was in decent cover for a phaser. Not that I would be this stupid if it was real. But my back is starting to cramp up from being hidden.

Nilis did not like the sound of that "Nooooo I Surrender hewmans! Please I'm not worth my weight in latinum take Bruta instead, I'm to young to die!!!" The Ferengi fell to his knees sobbing as he repeated how young he was to die. Meanwhile Bruta could be heard cursing him and the Starfleet officer trying to capture him.

Heinu heard the clatter of the cup against a wall panel. He rounded the corner briefly, firing his phaser at the first Ferengi he saw, not even registering the words he was shouting.

He missed.

The Botanist's lack of martial training actually came to his aid when he continued depressing the trigger of the phaser as he ducked back into cover. The beam left a steeply angled line across the wall and across the Nilis' face. The panicked Ferengi dropped to the deck, senseless.

Raine looked at Heinu before she gave a weak shrug. "Well, I think that is an A+ for you..." she said lightly, but it was impossible to see if she was being sarcastic or not.

Heinu placed another shot, somewhat more accurate this time, and Bruta dropped to the deck. "Somehow I doubt it," he said, taking the chance that she was joking, "something tells me that they subtract marks for defacing Starfleet property." He shrugged. "Oh well."

"I doubt it. At least you didn't blow up the ship," Raine commented before she stood, brushing her clothes off with a shake of her head.


T'Lin used the comm link that was open while the Ferengi argued and Sophie kept them talking. She lifted one had to the back of her neck and held four fingers open trying to indicate the amount of time she needed to go yet in minutes. Any interruption would put paid to the code worming its way into the Feregni ship.

The two Ferengi had reached a fever pitch in their argument over whether Trellium insulation would be a good cost saving measure, all carefully orchestrated of course by Sofie, who on glancing over at T'Lin stared blankly at her in confusion for a moment. It took her a moment to realise the Vulcan was not performing some bizarre stretching ritual but was rather transferring crucial information. A look of realisation sweeping over he face she gave T'Lin a nod and turned back to the Ferengi and their bickering, just a little bit longer and this would all be over - at least if T'Lin's plan worked...

The minutes seemed to drag by but finally T'Lin nodded and swiveled in her chair. "Captain, I believe we can bring these negotiations to and end." She swiveled back and ran a hand over the panel. The main power on the Ferengi ship suddenly died leaving only emergency lighting. "Captain I have taken main power off line and terminated life support. Weapon systems are frozen."

The Ferengi in the view screen began to panic as one by one their systems were shut down. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" He demanded before adding "FIRE! FIRE EVERYTHING!" But ofcourse the federation crew had done their job and nothing happened infact the harder they tried to activate their systems the quicker thier ship stopped working. "WE SURRENDER WE SURRENDER! I CANT DIE NOT NOW!!!!!" Whined the Da'mon.

Sofie raised an eyebrow in slight disbelief of the Ferengi's reaction. "I accept you're surrender." She said, with little confidence suspecting a trap or other such unsimple complications.

The simulation faded away, leaving everyone only a few feet apart from one another. Azra stood to one side. "Well done," she said, "you resolved the situation with only a few issues." The computer would crunch the numbers, but she had a sense that they'd completed the scenario with better than fair marks. Though there were definite points that could use improvement.

Verity let out a soft sigh, clasping his hands loosely behind his back as he frowned at himself. If she meant what she said, then it was no thanks to him. He'd spent the entire exercise sat alone in Sickbay, watching a computer screen and humming through Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D minor in order to fill the silence.

As the simulation ended Sofie chose to wonder how they had managed that. She glanced over to T'Lin. It seemed that the whole victory had been on her shoulders. After they'd been dismissed she'd have to congratulate the Vulcan.

"It would seem that we did not extract either the CMO or get the Ferengi to reverse their effect upon the rest of the crew. I could not consider the exercise to be entirely successful." T'Lin gave her view.

Gabriel had to nod in agreement to T'Lin's statement, frowning slightly with frustration as he set his hands on his hips. A lost shipmate was a lost battle in his eyes. He also wasn't convinced that in real life they'd be lucky enough to come across an aggressive ship with systems so weak and vulnerable that it would succumb to a virus through a commlink. Still, holodecks were a good place to play with such theories.

Vansen looked over at Gabriel and T'Lin before he gave a small smile. "But the ship is intact," he said after a moment, considering it. "But it was always going to be against Ferengi. How often have you heard of them blowing up a vessel? Not that much platinum in scavenging."

Sofie considered for a moment the limitations T'Lin had mentioned "I'd love to know what they thought they'd achieve in the first place attacking a Federation vessel. And in the end they'd surrendered so I'm sure they'd have handed over their hostage, eventually. After some haggling of course."

Azra nodded and interjected. "You're absolutely right about the areas that needed improvement. Although this exact series of events was generated by the computer, similar situations have been recorded. You met the success conditions, and for today, that is enough." She looked at each of the participants.

"We'll continue training and developing the skills you need to handle situations like these with even better results. Thank you. Commander Wyatt, do you have anything to add?"

"Other than the original parameters which we programmed into the simulation we allowed the computer to design and path the events that unfolded. I was pleased at the way things were dealt with, Ensign Ullswater you took command of the situation and though you seemed hesitant at first once things began to play out you hit the ground running and showed all the beginnings of a good officer. As a team, your performances only excelled your results." The chief security officer paused smiling.

"Everyone will receive a singular report, these are confidential however if you wish to feel free to discuss them amongst yourself and I hope to see you participate in other simulations over the course of the next few months. If you also wish to have any one to one sessions with myself or the other department heads let me or them know. Thank you and well done. Dismissed."

Verity sighed as he moved to Gabriel, falling into step next to him as they left the holodeck. "Was I meant to have done something in the exercise?" he asked in a hush voice.

Gabriel laughed softly, shaking his head as he draped his arm around his shoulders, leading him away with a squeeze of his arm. "You didn't get dead. That's enough, Chaplain."

Heinu left the holodeck. He knew he'd be getting negative marks for his poor aim, but ultimately, he didn't care so much. It was a training session, and they'd succeeded. If he had to hold a phaser there were far deeper problems than his aim.

T'Lin waited and then thanked the Commander and made her way back to her posting.

Raine watched the people go before she frowned and walked out, taking a deeper breath. She was sure whoever had put her up for this had a dislike of her. But even so. She was a Scientist's Mate, not a fighter.

"Well, that'll be the closest to a bridge I will get in a long time," Vansen said before he grinned and walked out of the holodeck, a spring in his step.


Lieutenant Commander Luke Wyatt
Chief of Security
USS Galileo-A

PO1 Gabriel Stark
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Blake]

CH Verity Thorne
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Blake]

CWO3 Azra Ghoc
USS Galileo-A

PO1 Heinu Reteif
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Ghoc]

PO2 T'Lin
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Allyndra]

Crewman Raine Ni-ya
Scientist's Mate
USS Galileo-A
[PNPC Vansen]

PO3 Constantin Vansen
USS Galileo-A

Ensign Sofie Ullswater
Science Officer
USS Galileo-A

PO3 John Hollenday
Engineering Officer
USS Galileo-A


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