USS Galileo :: Episode 11 - Divinum Mundi - Let the Only Sound Be the Overflow
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Let the Only Sound Be the Overflow

Posted on 28 Jul 2016 @ 5:11pm by Lieutenant JG Rael Psy.D. & Ensign Lia Circe

444 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Episode 11 - Divinum Mundi
Location: USS Galileo - Main Lounge
Timeline: MD03 1200


Rael was in the lounge!

He nursed a drink in his hand--but it was just synthehol. He watched the comings and goings of various crewmembers and stared out the window, content in his little bubble.

Lia had just dropped off her bag to her quarters and then decided to give herself a tour of the ship. She made her way the ship's lounge and walked in. She made her way to one of the chairs by the window and sat down.

"Good afternoon," Rael greeted the newcomer with a light smile.

Lia looked over to the gentleman nearby. "Hello."

"How are you doing today?"

Lia grinned, "I'm doing well. And yourself?'

"Quite well, thank you." It was a Vulcan who was at least passable at small talk--but then he smiled back at her, so. That. "I do not believe we have met. Are you new aboard?"

"Yes, I'm Lia Circe, the new Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer."

"I am Rael," he said, offering her his hand.

Lia reached out and took his hand, shaking it. "Nice to meet you, Rael."

"Have you been aboard long?"

"No I'm a new arrival." Lia replied, "What about you?"

"Two and a half months," he smiled.

Lia nodded as she studied him. "Are you sure you're a Vulcan?" she asks.

"Quite sure," he murmured, eyes crinkling. "Where is it you are from?"

"I was born on Quazulu VII." She answered.

"I have never heard of this planet. Where is that located?"

"It's about seven light-years from Pacifica."

"Indeed. Do you call Quazulu home?"

Lia shook her head, "No I was merely born there. As far as home goes...this ship is now my home."

He took a sip of his drink, watching as the stars whizzed on past. "Ah. You are a bit of a wanderer, I gather?"

Lia paused and didn't quickly respond to the question. A moment has passed before she finally answered, "It depends on one's definition of home."

"How would you define it?"

"Some claim home to be a physical structure, others say it's where your family is located. I however, have no physical structure to call home, nor a family." She explained with a shrug, "So...wherever I have a bed assigned to me...that's my home."

"Of course," he inclined his head. "Then, allow me to welcome you home." His eyes crinkled.

Lia looked at him, ''This isn't my home, my quarters are."

"Of course. Merely a small joke." He held his index finger and thumb an inch apart.

Lia nodded, "Of course."



ENS Lia Circe
Intelligence Officer
USS Galileo
[PNPC Coleman]

USS Galileo


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