USS Galileo :: ENS Tora Zalos' Personal Log
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ENS Tora Zalos' Personal Log

Posted on 01 Nov 2024 @ 11:48am by Ensign Tora Zalos

250 words; about a 1 minute read

"I'm not very good at these, but I'm gonna try anyway. It feels amazing to be back on the Galileo with everyone. There are so many new faces! I mean, that's to be expected, considering how long I've been away, but now I've got so many new people to meet! And you know what, I think that's the awesome part about my being away this time. I think I'll go talk to the chaplain sometime. Hovar, I think his name was? He seems nice enough."

"Oh, oh, and Sofie's got her new post! I still gotta congratulate her one on one. Take her to dinner, chat and all - but I just can't help but wonder if that's right. You know, now that she's my boss and then some? Got a lot of thinking to do, I guess. But then again I suppose it doesn't matter. A friend's a friend no matter who they are, right?"

"But talking about Sofie. Sounds to me like there's been something big while I was gone. A big change. And that worries me. Something about temporal stuff? People aren't really saying much and that's kind of worrying me. And what's this about altering the timeline? I- oh, god. What's happened to my uncle and aunt? Our home on Risa? God, I almost don't wanna think about it. It's just- I think I need a moment to breathe." [soft sobbing is now heard for a few seconds before the ship's computer decides to cut out.]


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