An Officer and a Stranger
Posted on 31 Oct 2024 @ 11:37pm by Lieutenant JG Hovar Kov
488 words; about a 2 minute read
Computer: Begin Personal Log
I sit here in my quarters, on the same deck as the First Officer and the Captain. It is a nice room to be honest. I have a room for my bed, a nice living room, and a bathroom. There is a replicator for me to eat anything I can think of and a sonic shower to keep me clean. This is my home during the day as I have my Counselor's office that I share with my boss, Lieutenant Carlisle, during the night. I go through the ship during my rounds to check in with members of the crew, trying to establish a ministry of presence.
Yet, within these bulkheads, my own personal rectory in this parish that I call the USS Galileo, I find myself more of a stranger than a member of the crew. During Chaplain School I was told that the quickest way to make friends was to be one; to pray as hard as I work, and to be everywhere at once. Yet, I find myself doing my best to minister to people who have served together for a long time. I suppose it is only natural, I am a new officer after all. I am also an officer with a very unique vocation.
I have a feeling I am only seen by the Captain, the First Officer, and for the most part the entire crew as filling four essential roles: a counselor, if they need a mental health professional; a trained killer, if they need a fighter; a medic, in case someone is wounded; and a priest, presumably, in case they need someone to comfort a dying shipmate. Being reduced to those four roles is what I am meant to do, but I realize that there is one essential role that I have been denied.
A friend.
I find myself having only a few friends on board. I like to think that the Chief Engineer, Ensign...I cannot pronounce her last name at all, is a possible friend. There is also Lieutenant Ullswater, who I could view as a friend. I met her and she was on friendly terms with me. I also like to think that my boss, Lieutenant Carlisle is a friend. There is also a Lieutenant Illalhlae who I traveled with to come here. However, there is an Ensign who has a major dislike of me by the accident of my birth. That is fine, and considering what happened I would not blame her. However, I would be a liar if I declare it does not hurt. That is her choice, I cannot for anyone to be my friend if they are adamant to the otherwise.
It is my hope that my current feelings do not last long. I want to demonstrate that I am dependable and I am not viewed as a stranger. Only time will tell.
Computer. End log.