USS Galileo :: I'm sure this place will kill me one day
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I'm sure this place will kill me one day

Posted on 28 Feb 2019 @ 3:21pm by Petty Officer 2nd Class Donald Andrews

145 words; about a 1 minute read

Computer begin personal log.

Boy we've put some miles on the warp engines these past few months, never done so much maintenence in one shift as I have recently and that's just on the engines never mind the rest of the ship.

Hope the Captain appreciates the work we've put in, even brand new engines have a hard time being run as hard as they have but we've kept them running, not bad for only a team of six, though it will be five at the rate i'm going. Burnt myself on a damaged relay, got a six inch cut down my arm when my hyperspanner slipped and nearly knocked myself out when I stopped paying attention for a moment thanks to John.

Looks like we've just had a new repair request come through, someone can't fix their own toilet for a change

End log.


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