USS Galileo :: Biography - Lucas Robinson


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15 Dec 2013 @ 1:29pm

Lucas Robinson

Name Lucas Edwin Robinson Ph.D.

Position Nanoengineer

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 26
Date of Birth November 3, 2363
Place of Birth Newy York City, Earth

Character Type

Starfleet ID

Serial Number CV-922-2283
Security Clearance Level 1
Duty Watch Beta

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 165
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Short and wiry, with tousled black hair and large, bright blue eyes. Lucas could easily be mistaken for someone barely out of his teens. He seems to be constantly in motion, figdeting, gesturing or bouncing to whatever music he is listening to. Far from imposing, he looks like an exuberant teenager in a uniform.
Body Art =^= PNPC Owned by Tykhin Vess =^=


Spouse None
Children None
Father Gregory Robinson
Mother Melanie Robinson
Sister(s) Julie Robinson

Personality & Traits

General Overview Lucas is full of energy that seems to want to fly out of him at every angle. Cheerful, enthusiastic and creative, he talks a mile a minute and seems to move just as fast. He has an irrepressibly positive, even naive, opinion of people around him and an unabashedly idealistic technologist's outlook.
Strengths Lucas is positve, creative, fiercely intelligent and knowledgeable in his field. He is always willing to try, always excited about new challenges and capable of extreme focus when working on his craft.
Weaknesses Wired for sound, Lucas has a hard time sitting still or paying attention to 'boring' things... Like meetings. He is prone to talking incessantly, especially when nervous, and his positive outlook frequently crosses over into naive idealism. Sometimes he also has problems conveying what he can see so clearly in his head to others. He can also be easily distracted and sometimes seems a bit spacey.
Ambitions Right now, Lucas does not have any ambitions beyond the next paper and finishing his post-doctoral fellowship while onboard the Galileo. Being so recently graduated from doctoral studies, he has not really turned his mind to life in the broader sense yet.
Hobbies & Interests Lucas genuinely loves his field finds it absorbing. He also loves building models and macro-robotics projects. He is an avid-video game player and hoverboarder.
Orientation Heterosexual
Language(s) Spoken Standard

Personal History Lucas was born in 2363 to Gregory and Melanie Robinson in New York City, Earth. He had an active childhood, living in a decent neighbourhood with lots of other families. His intelligence shone through at an early age. He devoured books and watched recorded lectures and built home science projects while other kids might have been watching childrens' programming. Still, his parents tempered this with a lot of sports and group activities which helped socialize him and manage his frenzied energy. He has on sibling, Julia, who he got along with reasonably well.

There was really no doubt from fairly early on that Lucas would go into the sciences. In his undergraduate studies at New York University, he took to general sciences like a fish to water, but especially fell in love with intricate engineering problems in nanoscience. He graduated with a degree in nanoengineering and went on to a PhD program at the Institute of Nanoscience and Engineernig at the University of Arkansas.

After finishing his PhD, Lucas applied to a post-doctoral fellowship program being offered by Starfleet Academy and took a position as a civilian scientist.
Starfleet History 2389 - Assigned to the USS Galileo as a post-doctoral research fellow and nanoengineer.
Medical History No significant medical events.
Service Record February, 2389 - Accepted into the Starfleet Academy Post-Doctoral Research Fellow program in nanoengineering. Assigned to the USS Galileo as a civilian scientist.

Character Progression System

Skills and Perks

Skill Training