USS Galileo :: Biography - Eva Coleman

Eva Coleman

Name Eva Coleman

Position Sociologist

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human/El-Aurian
Age 26
Date of Birth September 23
Place of Birth Starbase 92

Character Type

Starfleet ID

Serial Number CV-271-5237
Security Clearance Level 2
Duty Watch Pending

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 10"
Weight 120 lbs
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Yellow/Gold
Physical Description Eva is attractive, but not overtly "sexy." Her figure may be slender, but she is much stronger than she looks, especially mentally. She keeps her cut short, just past her ears.
Body Art =^= PNPC owned by S'anara Valdran


Father Nicolas Christopher
Mother Evelyn Coleman

Personality & Traits

General Overview Eva heeds little caution with her words and has no problem making her opinion known. She is very self-aware and assertive, eager mainly to do her job to the best of her ability. Her patience is far beyond most of those she knows, mainly from having to put up with trying individuals for most of her career. She'll fight for anyone who deserves a chance.
Strengths Strengths: Very focused and intelligent, also very physically fit.
Weaknesses Weaknesses: Eva is a bit of a loner. She is prone to losing her temper, tends to be aggressive in most interactions. Resents being treated “like a girl.”
Hobbies & Interests Tennis; all kinds of music, especially old Earth music; old Earth movies; cooking
Orientation Bisexual

Character Progression System


Skills and Perks

Skill Training