USS Galileo :: Biography - Donald Andrews


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05 Feb 2025 @ 1:26am

Petty Officer 2nd Class Donald Andrews

Name Donald Andrews

Position Engineering Officer

Rank Petty Officer 2nd Class

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 35
Date of Birth 20th January 2359
Place of Birth England, Earth

Character Type

Category Secondary Character (PNPC)
PNPC Owner Mimi

Starfleet ID

Serial Number DA-997-0459
Rank Class Noncommissioned Officer
Security Clearance Level 3
Duty Watch Team 3

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 6"
Weight 160lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Taller than the rest of his family Donald has an average build but his body is showing the signs of years of physical work. his hands are rough and he has the odd ache and pain he can't explain.

He keeps his brown hair fairly thick and most of the time it looks scruffy but his uniform is always neat and tidy.


Father Bernard Andrews
Mother Dorothy Andrews
Brother(s) Matthew Andrews - Lieutenant Jg onboard USS Makalu

Personality & Traits

General Overview Because he has a strong British accent Donald may sound posh but he is anything but. He can shout and swear and fight just as dirty as a nausicaan and so far hasn't met anyone he can't drink under the table.

Strengths Very good with his hands after spending years building model kits and eventually starships
Doesn't get flustered and angry easily
Weaknesses Perfectionist
Has extremely bad luck when it comes to getting minor injuries
Ambitions To finally serve on one of the ships he has helped build over the years
Hobbies & Interests Drinking
Donald has been working on sculpting objects from clay over the last few years, his perfectionism is making it hard for him to ever decide that one of them is finished enough for his liking. The sole exception is one pot he made while absolutely off his face, to everyone else it looks like a disaster but to Donald it looks perfect.

slowly trying his hand at rock climbing
Vernacular Speaks with a strong british almost posh accent
Orientation Heterosexual
Language(s) Spoken Fed standard, technical snippets of Romuland and Klingon

Medical History Numerous cuts, bruises, fractures and burns over the years
Has a seemingly above average injury chance

Fell from the upper level of engineering and fractured his skull, suffered significant cranial trauma and some brain damage but recovered successfully.
Service Record 2377- Started at enlisted camp
2377- Graduated enlisted camp
2377- Attended starfleet technical services academy
2386- Gradutes technical academy courses in ship construction, warp and impulse propulsion and life support systems
2386- Assigned to Avondale production facility in ship construction position

2393- Temporary assignment USS Schofield
2393- Assigned to USS Galileo-A as Engineering Officer

Character Progression System


Skills and Perks

Skill Training