USS Galileo :: Biography - Petra Varelli


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17 Jul 2022 @ 5:31pm

Petra Varelli

Name Petra Marie Varelli Ph.D.

Position Anthropologist

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 35
Date of Birth 1 May 2357
Place of Birth Florence, Idaho

Character Type

Starfleet ID

Security Clearance Level 2
Duty Watch Beta

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 2"
Weight 136
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Petra is more endowed than she would like and is more "pleasingly plump" than she is comfortable with. The problem is that she enjoys sweets and isn't quite willing to give them up, so she resigns herself to "plump."

She always wears a smock when she's working. Usually, that covers a pair of slacks, loose blouse, and lots of pockets. The pockets make it easier for her to have what she may need. She always has a belt knife on her because you never know when you'll need one to cut into something.
Body Art She has a tattoo of a dagger on her right ankle that she got after surviving Kranus.


Father Tony Varelli
Mother Maria Batista
Brother(s) Tony, Jr.
Sister(s) Anna Marie

Personality & Traits

General Overview Petra is cheerful and peppy. She is a tactile person and loves to hug people.

She is passionate about her work and finds skeletons and long-dead people fascinating.
Strengths Generall cheerful and happy. She smiles a lot.
She is compassionate and genuinely cares about others.
She is a hard worker and loves her job.
Intelligent and enjoys a good conversation.

Weaknesses She can be a little too peppy and become irritating.
She can be a little pushy with her friends
She gets too focused on her work and can talk about it more than some are comfortable with.
She doesn't always know when to give people space and will sometimes violate a person's personal space.
She has a terrible sweet tooth.
For a year after Kreanus, she was afraid to be alone, but she's slowly getting over that.
Ambitions Petra wants it all. She wants to get married to someone who won't mind if she spends long hours in the lab, but she also doesn't want to put forth the time to nurture a relationship. Not yet, anyway. For now, she wants to be respected for her work and to be happy with her co-workers.
Hobbies & Interests Modeling with clay and facial reconstruction.
Reading and holonovels.
Cooking (and eating).
Men, but she's trying to be more particular in her tastes.
Card games -- but just for sport.
Orientation Heterosexual
Language(s) Spoken Standard, Latin, and ancient Greek. Reads and understands Italian. Reads a number of old languages.

Personal History Petra was born in a small town in Idaho to Italian imigrants. She learned at an early age to love food and to cook. She is part of a large family who would gather for holidays, special events, or just because too much time had passed. While she loves her family, she quickly learned to value her privacy and would occasionally escape into her room to read.

In school she was fascinated with death rituals and body preservation. She read about various culture's death rituals and how they preserved their dead. She was fascinated with the mummification process and the peat bogs of Northern Scotland. That lead to an interest in how people died and in the anthropology of death.

She graduated High School and decided to go into Pre-Med. She chose forensics and anthropology for her under graduate degree because she could continue learning about how people died. After four years of med school she decided she much preferred studying dead people, so she went on to get a PhD in Forensic Anthropology and Xeno Anthropology.

For two years she worked in a lab where she used her knowledge of medicine, anthropology and forensics to help solve crimes, but it wasn't enough for her. So, after two years, she decided she wanted to join Starfleet. There wasn't much call for Forensic Anthropologists, but she talked one Admiral into giving it a go and she was assigned to the USS Cartagena. If she could prove useful, he promised to sponser her into the Academy as a specialist.

Everything went well, until the ship was lured into the Poulson Nebula and destroyed. She and her friend, Marisa, were the only two survivors.

On Kreanus she and Marisa met the crew of the USS Galileo and joined with them. To keep from being alone and having nightmares, she spent most nights in the company of others. Usually men.

After a year of trying to get another position. she joined the crew of the Galileo-A. She's settling down again and is learning to be alone.
Starfleet History One year on the USS Cartagena as a civilian forensic anthropologist.
Medical History She's relatively healthy for one who loves to cut open dead people and find out why they died.
Service Record One year aboard the USS Cartagena.
Now serves as Archaeologist/Anthropologist/Forensic Anthropologist aboard the Galileo-A.

Character Progression System

Skills and Perks

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