USS Galileo :: Biography - Clarence Pearl


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09 Apr 2015 @ 2:15am

Clarence Pearl

Name Clarence Pearl

Position Mixologist

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 26
Date of Birth 3rd May, 2365
Place of Birth Mars

Character Type

Starfleet ID

Serial Number CV-090-5270
Security Clearance Level 1
Duty Watch Beta

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10
Weight 160lbs
Hair Color Dark blond with a hint of auburn
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Clarence is of average height with dark blond hair and green eyes. He takes relative good care of himself, with no tattoos or any real blemishes and works out when he has to as encouraged by previous doctors and counsellors. He tends to wear jeans and a shirt with a tee shirt under when working, whilst in his spare time he prefers zipper hoodies and tee shirts with some jeans. He is never going to describe himself as handsome, but he is quick to smile and able to charm. When he gets excited he can start talking a bit too fast and gesturing; although it is very rare that it crosses over into what is perceived as strange.
Body Art PNPC Owned by Amynta Markos
Portrait photo tumblr_mlj3o49Kyy1qb3dq0o4_250_zpsjt3graoo.gif photo tumblr_mr1t8kkOuG1rsy904o5_250_zps0hpovrhu.gif photo tumblr_n563c8KJQh1tzp7cio7_r1_250_zpswise8myj.gif photo tumblr_n563c8KJQh1tzp7cio8_r1_250_zpshgc5zy3j.gif photo tumblr_mlj3o49Kyy1qb3dq0o1_250_zpsoztfucfb.gif photo tumblr_mlj3o49Kyy1qb3dq0o6_250_zpssw9zv2q0.gif


Father Commander Francis Pearl, Engineer
Mother Commander Olivia Pearl, Computer programmer

Personality & Traits

General Overview Clarence, despite his past, is oddly balanced where he is now. He doesn't allow himself to stress too much and will purposefully avoid situations that can cause it. He is warm, funny and compassionate; eager to listen to other people's problems and offer mild advice, but tends to express that half of it is how you thing and sometimes you need to sit back and let a professional take over. He is quite clever but avoids things that make him obsessive, such as mechanical engineering, anything to do with the brain and the works of it and nanoengineering. Instead he has directed his passions towards mixing cocktails and creating other drinks based on his knowledge of science and just 'what goes together in my mind'. He considers himself 'somewhat of a geek', with interests that some would call far-fetched. He is a man who is happy in his own company when he needs to be and yet social and eager to spend time with others, who withholds judgement on a person character until he has seen a pattern form in their behavior.
Strengths Clarence is highly intelligent and easy to talk to.
Weaknesses Clarence can't quite deal with the structures and pressures of Starfleet and would never be able to be an enlisted or officer.
Ambitions None, except living a good life.
Hobbies & Interests Holonovels, science, engineering, making new cocktails, mixology in general, hologames, fantasy and ancient science fiction books.
Vernacular With a neutral Mars accent, Clarence tends to speak quickly, often gesturing when he talks.
Orientation Bisexual
Language(s) Spoken Standard

Personal History Clarence Pearl, son of Francis and Olivia Pearl, was born on Mars. His parents both worked for Starfleet, attached to the Daystrom institute, and having a child had been a natural but distracting thing. Clarence was loved though, as the offspring, the promise of immortality through breeding. Clarence was encouraged from he was tiny to engage in things. He had educational toys, he was in good childcare and he was an inquisitive child. It often led to bruises and falling down, but he was always wanted to try new things. As he got older his IQ was tested and he was found to have an IQ of 139, which was higher than his parents scored. If this had somehow affected Clarence, the effects wouldn't show for years to come. He was a cheeky child, despite his parents' attempt at discipline he was easily distracted or too engrossed in things.

At school, he became the joker. Despite scoring well and doing his homework on time, he preferred to play and joke with the others. He had quick replies and jokes for all situations and it didn't matter if he got things wrong. In fact, it fascinated him when he did and he would research that subject as much as he could. He was a natural in the sciences, had a talent for engineering and a passion for the stars. It seemed natural he would eventually enter Starfleet, like his career-orientated parents. So his free time was focused on things that would make him more appealing for Starfleet.

As a teenager, Clarence started showing signs of not coping with the added pressure of his studies. He became more withdrawn and would spend hours in his bedroom, studying or tinkering with projects and theories. His parents, believing this was normal, did not see it as a negative thing and allowed it to continue. His salvation ended up being in a friendship that deepened. His friend, Astra, worried about him and made a point of coming in and disturbing him. Every day she would force him to face the world and eventually, she would be his first lover. This lasted until he was 18 and took the exams to enter Starfleet...and was offered a place.
Starfleet History Away from home and Astra, both their lives changed. Astra would eventually end up in prison after murdering a man and Clarence tried to deal with the pressures of his double major in science and engineering. His tutors started worrying about him in his third year, when his rather reclusive behaviour changed to him wandering around, writing on anything he could find. Formulas, designs, anything that entered his head would be recorded. In a counselling session he broke down; the pressure had been too much and he had not been able to handle it. He was obsessive compulsive, imagined voices talking to him and would obsess if he did not think of an idea. It was made clear he needed professional care and he was sent to a medical facility.

It took two years before Clarence had control again. He had been accused of having no morals; truth was he had morals, they were just different. He had no real drive for the career path he had been put upon; instead loved knowledge and discovery. With the note stamped on his file, Clarence couldn't re-enter the Academy even if he wished to. So at the age of 24 he decided he needed to find his own place in life. He was already on Earth and went to the one place where no one really asked for files, IQ tests or school records: he went to a bar. Slowly, he built himself up, going from a humble table clearer to bartender. His natural talent with chemistry made him understand mixes well, so it was natural he would start doing cocktails.

So it was how Clarence became a mixologist, working on starbases and planets. He even competed in the Federation Mixologist competition. The first year he entered in 2389, he misjudged his creation and gave the judges diarrhea. The next year, he ended up winning it, although he bribed a doctor to change his appearance so he looked like a Vulcan 'in case the judges recognised me!' When the USS Galileo needed a new mixologist, he applied and was accepted. Seeing as he had his psychological issues, whilst cleared from them, his stay on the USS Galileo was on the condition he would see a counsellor on a regular basis to monitor whether or not he was able to continue being on the ship.
Medical History Clarence suffered a psychotic break and for a period of time was on anti-psychotic medication. He currently takes nothing and seems to have made a full recovery. Regardless, he still sees a counsellor.

He has no illnesses and has not suffered any major physical trauma.
Service Record 2384-2387 Starfleet Academy, Joint Major Science and Engineering
2387 Medical Discharge.
2391-PRES USS Galileo, Civilian

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