USS Galileo :: Biography - Scribonia Vipsania


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06 Mar 2015 @ 6:14pm

Scribonia Vipsania

Name Scribonia 'Nia' Vipsania

Position Crew Family

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human/Cardassian
Age 10
Date of Birth 2381
Place of Birth Unknown

Character Type

Starfleet ID

Serial Number CV-900-3251
Security Clearance Level 1
Duty Watch N/A

Physical Appearance

Height 4'5"
Weight 75lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description As a Cardassian/Human hybrid, Nia has defined ridges, including the tear drop on her forehead. However, her neck ridges are far less defined and her skin colour is more human pink. She is quick to smile and wears her hair long, usually braided in some way.
Body Art =^= PNPC Owned by Aria Rice =^=


Father Ranour (deceased)
Mother Biological unknown, adoptive mother Nurse Corealina 'Lina' Vipsania

Personality & Traits

General Overview Nia's a somewhat serious child, having no issue with staring back at people who stares at her. She's very dependant on her mother, emotionally, as she knows that Cardassians aren't very well liked and takes reassurance from her mother that she is loved and beautiful. Once you get to know Nia, she is a gigglebox who is more than eager to have fun, to learn and to play. She is a smart child though who knows she has a lot of growing up to do; but has little want in rushing it.

She feels disconnected from her father's people and has no memory of her life with him or where she originally came from.
Strengths Nia is self-sufficient and independent, as well as smart. She's not easily scared by people either.
Weaknesses Nia's a young girl who doesn't feel like she belongs and often feels sad because she is half Cardassian.
Ambitions Nia wants to finish The Lord of the Rings (without her mother interrupting).
Hobbies & Interests Reading books, pretending to be a pilot, running around having fun, long baths in soapy water, unicorns and Elves (recent obsession). She also loves hide and seek.
Vernacular Nia speaks in a slightly sing-song manner, like her mother. She often talks fast too.
Orientation Heterosexual
Language(s) Spoken Radvani, Standard and some Cardassian

Personal History Nothing is known about Nia's past before 2387. Her mother was human and her father Cardassian, although their circumstances for meeting are unknown. She was involved in a crash on Radva and was injured. She was brought to the temple with her father and wasn't sure what was going on. Her father was mostly silent with her...but the pale lady, she was nice to her and gave her hugs and soft words she understood.

She wasn't upset when she was taken away, leaving her father behind. He told her he loved her and she needed to be free. So his new mother would make it so. So Nia, whose real full name was forgotten a few months later, was taken off the planet. Her new mother joined Starfleet and Nia went to school, making some friends. She found out about how Cardassians weren't liked because of a war that happened ages ago. When asking her mother, she was told that it was because people were stupid...and she was perfect the way she was.

Nia got a love for reading, especially books about Elves and other creatures that were different from humans. She dreamt about unicorns and endless skies...and freedom. Even when she woke up after a nightmare crying out for her father, she would still feel safe once her mother kissed her hair and held her close.
Starfleet History In 2391, her mother was graduated and went to a science ship to be a nurse. Nia, of course, went with her.
Medical History Nia's half Cardassian and half human, elevating her endurance and tolerance to pain. She has had many broken bones in the past, from the shuttle crash, but they have all been healed.
Service Record N/A

Character Progression System


Skills and Perks

Skill Training