USS Galileo :: Biography - Taurus


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04 Oct 2014 @ 4:37pm


Name Taurus

Position Colonist

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Cardassian
Age 30
Date of Birth 12/04/2360
Place of Birth Cardassia Prime

Character Type

Starfleet ID

Serial Number N/A
Security Clearance Level 1
Duty Watch N/A

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2''
Weight 190 Ibs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Tall and athletic, Taurus has an aura of self-possession and confidence when he walks into a room. His blue eyes can often appear intense, making him seem older than his years at time, at least in spirit.
Body Art None

=^= PNPC Owned by Scarlet Blake =^=


Spouse None
Children None
Father Drak Taurus
Mother Jilon Taurus
Brother(s) Unknown
Sister(s) Unknown
Other Family Unknown

Personality & Traits

General Overview Taurus can be something of an enigma. He reveals little of himself and is highly skilled in the art of talking, controlling a conversation, gaining information and manipulation through the art of speech, even by Cardassian standards. Because of this, it can be difficult to get a feel for who he is and what he is about. However, he can also be abrasive and cold when he feels defensive or irritated. He is intelligent and thoughtful, and tends to go silent when lost in thought. Emotions, especially negative ones, are something he likes to keep on the inside.
Strengths Has a silver tongue, can find out what he wants or needs with it. Intelligent, skilled in tactics and combat. Like any well educated Cardassian, he had mental training from a young age to resist telepathy and has a photographic memory.
Weaknesses Can be a deep thinker. Can struggle internally even if it doesn't show.
Ambitions To contribute to the rebuilding of Cardassian strength.
Hobbies & Interests Art, well aged alcohol from all races, physical training, history, tactics, reading.
Vernacular Speaks with a calm, considered voice, with clear, crisp pronunciation.
Orientation Bisexual
Language(s) Spoken Cardassian, Federation Standard, Bajoran

Personal History Little is known of Taurus' background.

He was born to a military couple, both loyal Cardassians who served with pride. They were both behind Cardassian efforts to strengthen the Cardassian state through the conflicts and alliances built during the Klingon-Cardassian war and then the Dominion war.

They both served well, earning themselves military honours and promotions into high ranks. However, as time went on and the Dominion use of the Cardassians and their resources seemed to outweigh what they were gaining in returning, the couple's views started to differ.

While Taurus' mother thought that continued service with the Dominion was the only path to regaining Cardassian glory, and that while the Dominion were taking many liberties, they would ensure they were repaid for them once they'd won the war, even by force if needs be....his father grew angry at how they were being treated by the Dominion. He saw it as a betrayal, after all they had given them and allowed them to achieve. As things progressed and they sought to give Cardassian territory away to win the Breen over, he had had enough. He saw it as nothing less than occupation of Cardassia and a stealthy form of enslavement.

By the time that Damar became the leader of the Cardassian Liberation Front, Taurus' father was ready to go too and fought for Damar in the rebellion. His mother remained in the main Cardassian forces working with the Dominion.

Both were killed in the war efforts on either side, and Taurus was left without parents at the age of 15.

Not much is known about his life after the war. As with many Cardassians, the following years were a confusing chaos of trying to recover, and records for many orphans were sketchy. All that is known is that with two military parents of high rank, he was kept close by military personnel...what was left of them.

Now, at the age of 30, he is on Lyshan III in a managerial position.
Starfleet History N/A
Medical History Unknown
Service Record Unknown

Character Progression System


Skills and Perks

Skill Training