USS Galileo :: Biography - Kalliste Bacri


  • 6 Mission Posts

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09 Oct 2024 @ 11:02pm

Chief Warrant Officer 2 Kalliste Bacri

Name Kalliste Bacri

Position Conn Officer

Rank Chief Warrant Officer 2

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Centauran
Age 32
Date of Birth 2360
Place of Birth Caladia, Shaliven Continent, Velestus (Alpha Centauri IV)

Character Type

Category Secondary Character (PNPC)
PNPC Owner S'Ers-a M'Lyr'Zor

Starfleet ID

Serial Number GN-294-7241
Rank Class Chief Warrant Officer
Security Clearance Level 4
Duty Watch Team 2

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5"
Weight 125 lbs
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Average height, with a small, lean frame. A ‘swimmer’s’ body. Light red hair, cut in a short pixie. Her eyes are light green, full of life, and she has an easy smile. Often mistaken for a human at first.
Body Art None...yet


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Aias Bacris
Mother Helle Moldukoa-Bacris
Brother(s) Bardas, Cineaus, Damon, Gallus
Sister(s) Amara, Aeida, Canace, Damia, Eris
Other Family Scores of Aunts and Uncles, nieces and nephews, cousins on cousins

Personality & Traits

Orientation Heterosexual

Personal History An autumn child and the youngest of eight children of hotel owners Helle and Aias Bacris, Kalliste grew up at the family’s small resort. She grew up surrounded by lush tropical vegetation, beautiful tanzanite waters, and the silvery sand beaches that made the region famous for travelers. Having such a big family, it became clear to Kalliste that she would most likely have to leave the ‘cove’ as it were and strike out on her own in order to find her way in the world. However, until that day came to pass she spent her time doing what any young adult that had no responsibilities would do…she slacked off.

Then one day she spotted a shuttle craft descending from overhead, and she calculated that within 15 seconds it would be directly in front of her, where the approximately 30 meter cliff met the sea and Kalliste got a wild hair-brained idea. Without thinking anymore of it, She bolted from the ground and sprinted the distance and dove off the edge and performed a perfect 3 ½ forward somersault in a piked position and winked to the occupants in the interior all while missing hitting the side of the shuttle craft by mere feet and dove head first into the water below.

By the time Kalliste swam back to the hotel, the shuttle’s occupants had exited and were making their way to the reception area on the kokori wood walkways that connected the resort together. She quickly went to duck by them, her still dripping form leaving dark spots on the wood, when one of the occupants, wearing a Starfleet officer’s uniform reached out an arm to stop her forward progress. He told her that she had pulled a helluva stunt. She had prepared for a lecture–adults seemed fond of that action–but he didn’t do that. Instead he told her that he wanted to speak with her again.

Curiosity got the best of her, and Kalliste agreed, finding the older man lounging underneath a flowering palm the next day. It wasn’t before long that Kalliste told her family as they gathered around for the evening meal that she was going to enter Starfleet. Oh, there was a bit of an uproar, but in the end she could feel the satisfaction in her parents eyes. Although unorthodox, their youngest daughter had finally struck out on her own path.

Character Progression System


Skills and Perks

Skill Training