USS Galileo :: Biography - Selon Illialhlae


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04 Nov 2024 @ 6:15pm

Lieutenant JG Selon Illialhlae

Name Selon Illialhlae

Position Anthropologist

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Romulan/Vulcan
Age 31
Date of Birth June 6th, 2161
Place of Birth Ta Vistar, Nimbus III

Character Type

Category Primary Character (PC)

Starfleet ID

Serial Number XU-918-2301
Rank Class Junior Officer
Security Clearance Level 5
Duty Watch Team 3

Physical Appearance

Height 6'0''
Weight 185 LBS
Hair Color Deep Blond
Eye Color Sea Green
Physical Description Possessing high cheekbones and an angular jaw it is Selon's eyes that are his most stunning and famous feature. They are a piercing green, the color of the sea, having a roiling quality about them that belies both a passionate intelligence and a serene empathy. While naturally cowlicky, a keen observer will notice that Selon's hair, which defies or bows to gravity's tide based on its own whims, is coiffed in a not entirely natural way. An avid lifter of heavy weights, Selon's physique is well muscled, toned and slimmed by his equally fanatic love of swimming and cardio. While pale for someone of his ancestry it is the slight green cast to his skin tone (muted for a Romulan) that makes Selon look simultaneously obviously Romulan and not Romulan enough.


Spouse Single
Father Turak: An agronomist who initially abandoned his studies at the Vulcan Science Academy to join the V'tosh ka'tur movement, Selon's father is a spirited and avuncular man, still young by Vulcan standards.
Mother Ael t'Illialhlae: It was her brief contact with Reunificationists during her university studies that led to Selon's mother's voluntary flight and exile from Romulus, ending up on Nimbus III to live among her Vulcan 'brothers', not realizing these Vulcans were atypical in their rejection of Logic. Ael's fiery passion and romantic personality is what drew Turak to her and they thought through their union they might achieve a sort of Reunification.
Brother(s) Rekan: Rekan is perhaps the most like the trio's parents and if there was anything he resented about their nomadic childhood it's that he wasn't nearly itinerant enough. In this Rekan somewhat resents Selon's attitude towards space exploration and experiences that have allowed him to travel so widely. His wanderlust is also reflected in his professional background, having attended five different universities before earning a degree. He currently serves as a starship design engineer for a civilian company, traveling between shipbreaking yards and draft-rooms across the Federation.
Sister(s) T'Zora: The only things Selon and T'Zora share is a longing for community and a deep interest in other people. For other siblings this might be enough but for them it is not for they are otherwise very different people. She is not an intellectual and does not have her brother's sense of humor and prefers more 'mainstream' Vulcan philosophy though she is not a full throated devotee of Logic. She is currently studying to be a nurse practitioner.

Personality & Traits

General Overview A creature of intelligence, compassion and humor (in no particular order...) Selon is quite different than one might expect of an exemplar of either side of his heritage. Within him is both a vast ocean of knowledge that is always on display but also a deep sensitivity (some might say neurosis) for those around him and how they might be feeling. Some of this could perhaps be the projections of an overly sensitive mind and Selon has spent years trying to strike a healthy balance between thinking about others and thinking about himself. Often accused of being haughty and conceited in his youth because of his intelligence and manner of speaking it is sometimes slanderously claimed that Selon enjoys hearing himself talk but this is merely his enthusiasm. Anyone who spends time with him will learn this is born of a desire to explain and is matched only in his desire to understand. He enjoys talking of his passions and equally enjoys finding out what others are passionate about.
Strengths Selon is at heart an intellectual, a man of strong sentiments and opinions who actualized his convictions. He utterly despises hypocrisy in any form, having been the victim of it, and holds others and himself to very high standards. He is also a deeply sensitive (some might say overly neurotic) man who cares deeply about others. It is finding the balance between caring for others (and what they think) and looking after his own wellbeing that Selon is perhaps most proud of in his life.

An archaeologist with a specialization in advanced civilizations, Selon has a robust engineering and technology skill base though one weighted towards analysis. In addition to his own physical fitness, Selon is an excellent shot, aided by a visual acuity that is greater than 20/20. While he is deeply attuned to the emotional needs of his peers, he knows quite a bit about their material ones as well and knows how to manage supply chains and how to procure various items thanks to his time as a reserve officer for Starfleet Operations on Earth. When combined with his love of ritual, Selon makes an excellent functionary and is swift and thorough with his paperwork.
Weaknesses For all his kindness towards others, Selon is not one to let a problem go either intellectually or interpersonally and while it may take time to develop, he holds a serious grudge and forms strong opinions about those he has seen wrong him or wrong others. In a similar way, he is not one to let go of a problem until he completely understands it, waylaying anyone involved for hours long and intellectually exhausting conversations in an attempt to comprehend where exactly something has gone wrong. While it is well concealed behind decades of therapy and medication, Selon struggles daily with a form of ADHD that seriously impairs his executive functioning and task completion.

While an academic and a Starfleet Officer with a broad skillset and many diverse interests, Selon is hardly a jack of all trades. His LCARS proficiency is not what it should be, he knows next to nothing about the medical sciences other than anatomy and physiology (a holdover from his Zoology major) and finds mathematics... tedious. He also has no talent for subspace field dynamics or anything to do with warp cores, impulse drives or any of the "minutia" of starship engines and propulsion. He also has "metaphysical" problems with transporters, preferring shuttles whenever possible.
Ambitions It takes a certain amount of ambition to pursue academia and exploration the way Selon has, beyond mere intellectual fascination. Where exactly Starfleet is leading him: the next big find? A significant first contact? Accolades from his peers? If the destination is even important, is unknown. 
Hobbies & Interests Selon has a great many interests including but not limited to: Terran Opera (he loves Donizetti), Andorian fine art, Cardassian literature, classical languages, and is absolutely passionate about history. Books on all of those subjects litter his quarters but so do various Vulcan spiritual manuals. While it might not seem that Selon is highly attuned or even enamored with, his Vulcan heritage, he is a keen student of Vulcan mysticism and spirituality. Perhaps it is his search for meaning and community, giving his life significance, but he finds great comfort and succor in the teachings of his ancient forebearers.
Vernacular Having grown up largely in the Home Counties, Selon speaks with a flawless southern English accent. A master of using fifty words when he could've used five, Selon is verbose in his diction but despite this many find his cadence animated and kind.
Orientation Homosexual
Language(s) Spoken Goilic Vulcan, Romulan, Federation Standard, Progenitor, Ancient Vulcan, Cardassian, Klingon

Personal History Selon was born on Nimbus III, erstwhile "Planet of Galactic Peace", in a V'tosh ka'tur commune to a Vulcan father and a Romulan mother. Both mavericks and exiles from their respective worlds who sympathized with the commune's goals of Reunification but had no strong ideological ties to the movement other than youthful rebellion, the birth of their son was a wakeup call to the would-be idealists. Six months after Selon was born the family moved to Shi’Kahr on Vulcan so that his father could finish his studies at the Vulcan Science Academy, splitting their time between another V'tosh ka'tur commune in T'Paal and the home of his paternal grandparents who, while displaying nothing but placidity at their son's transgressive ways and a modicum of affection for their grandson, did not shield the family from external criticism and disdain. After another three years the family would move again, barely a week after Turak's graduation.

In 2364 the family moved to Earth with both of his parents consulting on the New Atlantis Project. With the reopening of the Romulan Star Empire's borders in the same year, Ael found herself courted by Starfleet Intelligence to provide an update on the Empire's political situation but she remained equivocal at the time. Growing up in vibrant and cosmopolitan Greater London was a far cry from the stunted society of Shi'Kahr or the anarchic frontier of Nimbus III and it was during this time that Selon first truly began to flourish as a child, taking a vested interest in the fine arts and ancient history as they captured his imagination, spending many day trips with his parents at museums, galleries and most especially the monoliths at Stonehenge.This youthful fascination with the study of the past and the achievements of civilization would never leave him and set him down a long career path.

During this time Selon would also be joined by the birth of his younger sister and brother, expanding the blended family of exiles.

While stable at this point, the family never truly put down roots on Earth and in 2371, with the New Atlantis project going nowhere, Ael and Turak took up a string of assignments as agronomists on various Federation outposts and startup colonies, bringing their young family along for the ride. For two years they floated like this and each of the siblings grew to relish and resent this lifestyle for entirely different reasons, beginning a divide between the siblings that would grow with time. It was only the advent of the Dominion War that forced the family's return to Earth and the United Kingdom, this time to Chatteris in Cambridgeshire where the children would have a more "normal" upbringing.

Now a teenager, Selon would whittle away the years of the Dominion War and his wider adolescence in a suburban idyll that he (at the time) did not appreciate, finding neither sufficient excitement nor culture in the bedroom community. He would find even less acceptance in his peers who found his intellectualism and worldliness off-putting. He would have few friends and even fewer lasting connections.
Starfleet History For a young man who sought acceptance, intellectual rigor and adventure, having already seen much of the galaxy in his formative years, Starfleet was an obvious choice. Selon passed the entrance exam with a good enough score (weighted highly towards the more intellectual tests, especially knowledge of the humanities) and entered the Academy as a member of the Class of 2382. 

A double-major in Zoology and Archaeology, Selon's time at the Academy was a surprisingly eventful one for an up to this point somewhat pensive young man. Attaching himself to a group of Cadets that initially met as a board game night, Selon soon found himself galavanting up and down the California coastline every weekend, and drinking deep of San Francisco's nightlife. While his adventures never led to any demerits on his service record, the group did become famous for their contrast of hard partying and more sedate pursuits like gaming, and years later Selon still finds himself recalling those days with pride and embarrassment in equal measure. The Academy was the first time he had ever experienced community in such an enveloping and long lasting way, a feeling further cemented by his bonding with his fellow Vulcan Cadets who he found, to his surprise, were more open minded than the Vulcans he had met earlier in life outside the communes. When added to his friendships formed on archaeological digs with his academic cohort, Selon finally had a rich social life to match his inner one. 

After his graduation from the Academy Selon would defer deep space assignment to pursue a doctorate in anthropology at St. John's College at Cambridge, acting as a reserve officer on weekends managing logistics for Starfleet Operations. With his doctorate in hand Selon was assigned to the Progenitor digsite on Vilmor II where he spent the next two years unearthing the first humanoid civilization as part of a joint venture with other powers from the quadrant. He also acted as a supply officer and quartermaster by default, having experience with logistics and being more attuned to the needs of the archeologists. 

After making several important finds and publishing several papers on the Progenitors, Selon was assigned to the (Nebula/Intrepid) Class USS Oakland to participate to assist in the anthropological division of the Second Contact team where he served with distinction for four years. His research on Recently Contacted Civilizations earned him the attention of Starfleet Science and when there was an opportunity for a posting on the Galileo, at the very forefront of planetary exploration, he came highly recommended. 
Medical History -Tympanostomy tubes inserted to treat chronic ear infections at 13 Months, fell out a year later.

-Adenoidectomy to treat recurring ear infections at 11 years old.

-Diagnosed with ADHD (Primarily Inattentive) at 15 Years Old.

-Treated for elevated liver enzymes and inflammation at 18, 24 and 26 years of age, cause unknown.

-Treated for novel virus acquired during time on Vilmor II at 25 years of age.

-Treated for fractured radius during an away mission at 29 years of age.

Other than several pediatric and idiopathic episodes, along with hypermobility in several joints, patient is in peak physical condition. Chronic psychiatric illness is well medicated and under control.
Service Record 2378-2382: Starfleet Academy:
-Double Major in Archaeology and Zoology, Minor in Linguistics.
-Member of the Starfleet Academy Debate Team.
-Vice-President of the History Club.
-Twice published in undergraduate journals.
-Commendations for "Original Thinking" and "Commitment to the Wellbeing of Fellow Cadets".
-Cadet Cruise on the Galaxy Class USS Venture, mentioned in dispatches by Captain Williams.
2382-2385: St. John's College, Cambridge/Starfleet Operations
-Doctoral Student in Cultural Anthropology
-Reserve logistics officer for Starfleet Operations in Lisbon.
2385-2387: Vilmor II Expedition
-Junior Archaeologist and dig team member.
-Commended for assuming the duties of surrogate supply officer and quartermaster.
-Responsible for the discovery of a Progenitor burial ground.
-Notable Journal Articles and Books Co/Authored:
A New Protocol for the Dating of Artifacts Billions of Years Old
Translations of Progenitor records I-XII
Commentaries on Progenitor Marginalia
Last Eons of Olympus: A History of the Late Period Progenitors
2387-2392: USS Oakland
-Lead Anthropologist and Second Contact Team member.
-Second Contact with thirteen species.
-Commendations for "Commitment to Galactic Cultural Exchange" and "Fostering Goodwill Amongst the Recently Contacted".
-Taken hostage three times, cited for valor.
-Notable Publications:
A Walk with Love and War: Tales from Planetary Unifications
Burying the Lead: First Contacts Gone Wrong and What We Can Learn From Them

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