USS Galileo :: Biography - Aradia Dorr

Aradia Dorr

Name Aradia Dorr

Position Master Chef

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Bolian
Age 57

Character Type

Starfleet ID

Serial Number CV-827-1537
Security Clearance Level 1
Duty Watch Alpha

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 4"
Weight 122 lbs.
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Aradia's skin is primarily powder blue, with hints of lavinder on occasion depending on the light. Like other Bolians, she has a single bifurcated ridge running along the center of her body, and like other Bolians, she is usually wearing a bright smile.
Body Art =^= PNPC Owned by Jonas Flynn =^=


Personality & Traits

Orientation Heterosexual

Character Progression System


Skills and Perks

Skill Training